Anyway, the story is: just after the Oblivion Crisis, the Cyrodiilic Empire has crumbled, with the Legions scattered and broken, the other provinces are all on the verge of collapse or rebellion. The Elder Council rules in the stead of the Emperor, as they will for hundreds of years more, the Imperial line never to be restored. The Empire is effectively changed to a democratic Republic, and a Senate is put in place. In the Legion's place, the ranks of the Mages Guild swells to an all-time high, the Champion of Cyrodiil at it's forefront as their Archmage. As the other provinces of Tamriel try to sieze power from the remains of the Cyrodiilic Empire, the Mages Guild are the ones at the frontlines, leading the troops. Necromancers are allowed to re-enter the Guild and it's ranks soon turn corrupt, seduced by the amount of power the Mages now wield within the Empire. The Champion leads the Mages Guild to crush resistance from not only the Nords to the North, but also the Orsimer, Khajiits and Argonians. Mysteriously, during the length campaign, the Champion never ages, some say she has gone mad with power, reluctant to let anyone to take her place and disperses the Legions, now only local militia remain.
(This is well into the 4th age by now) the Champion takes control of the courts through extortion, propaganda and fear, effectively killing off the voice of the people. As the Mages Guild has become more powerful than ever before, the Champion not only controls the Guild but after a vote passing that anyone practicing magicka outside harsh and brutal new laws put in place by the Champion, they are to be hunted down immediately. The Elder Council is helpless to do anything, with no standing armies, they rely too heavily on the Guild for protection, and it's the one thing they need to be rid of. The Champion is dominating Cyrodiil. Under new and harsh laws, the bridge between Mage and those untalented in the ways of Magicka grows ever wider, and small rebellion groups begin to form, desperately fighting to be free of the tyrannical rule of the Champion and her Mages Guild. Of the five bands that originally began, only one survived past one year, (I need to think of a relevant name that's not like the AMG's, Anti-Mages Guild or something

With help from renegades and exiles from the Mages Guild, the rebel group now has some of the greatest minds at work in order to defeat the Champion. In the dungeons, cellars and attics of Cyrodiil, technology to rival the power of the Mages is beginning. The news of the rebels begin to spread and their power grows as help from the other provinces arrives, all eager to put an end to the tyranny of the Mages Guild. It is still too early for open war between the rebels and the Guild (Technology vs. Magic) but that's not to say that bloodshed, intrigue and action arn't apart of this RP. It won't be like super advanced technology, but early 17 and 18th century muskets, cannons, pistols etc. will be developing, plus some help from exiled Mages, a small of army of Golems are being constructed, half technology and animated by magicka. But that's my idea so far, thoughts, opinions, critique? I want to iron this story out so it becomes an awesome RP for everyone involved. Thanks alot in advance :foodndrink: