To get the time in your local time look here:
The following spoiler is a rant about how outdated AM and PM are... feel free to skip the rant.
Spoiler PM , AM D: what kind of country still uses that outdated way of looking at time... there are 24 hours in the day, no need to split them into two times 12, I can never remember what is what, is 3PM = 03:00 or 15:00 ? Really PM and AM should just be abolished.
A bit of research gave me a way to find out what is what... but really this is outdated, gonna post how I found it anyway.
If time > 12:00
Then time = (time - 12)+PM
else if time < 12:00
then time = time+AM
Much easier to just say "The clock is 15:00" you don′t even have to think about it to know that it′s 3 hours after noon...
May just be how you are brought up to remember time but really, with a 24 hour format you don′t even have to learn the difference between AM and PM, so I still think it′s a superior system. Not to mention with AM being ante meridiem, and PM being post meridiem you are forced to remember if meridiem means midnight or noon also you are forced to know if the latin words post and ante are before and after or after and before, why not have "BN" and "AN" Before Noon and After Noon, it becomes a whole lot easier to remember already... mixing latin into English is just silly. Or just simply use a 24 hour format everywhere.
Ok enough ranting, I can′t wait for the trailer/new site

I will be in school when it launches but I will be in a IT class so I will be able to check it out on the internet