New install, need activation help. (no key)

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:08 am

Hi Y’all,

I am a newer player here, but had been in gaming and computers for a long time. I recently bought Crysis 2 and installed it. I asked another question a few days ago and found a nice friendly response.

I can’t believe what happened. I went to bed last night getting stoked up to try this game in the morning. My Wife goes to work early in the mornings, so she was gone for about 7 hours. I booted up to the game and I had not got to the activation input screen. I about had a hissy fit. I didn’t see it anywhere in my room. I panicked and called my “aloof” spouse (she sometimes acts if she has a demon in her). Only to find out, she threw out the box and the jewel case was in the box. She knows NOT to do this as she did it one other time. I am just seaving with anger, and just want to know is there anything I can do to get just an activation key?

If I have to make her go and buy another game, I am going to feel the whole thing is not worth it. I wonder, do I have to un-install this one 1st and install the new one? I would like to just buy one activation key and use the one I have installed. She did keep the receipt though, so that might help.

Any answers or help would be much appreciated. I am using this game not just for entertainment. I bought it to facilitate my healing do some things that happened during a surgery. It has to do with memory, and response of the brain. I don’t say this to goner any pity. I just want to recuperate from this and get back to my normal sharpness.

[Side Note: I wish they print the activation code on the DVD itself. They might be able to curb prirated software too.]
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:53 am

Sorry dude You lose your key you have to buy another one. Not saying your hacking and looking for another way to get back on without paying. But they have just slammed a bunch of hackers over the last few days. They will not pass out keys or anything of the sort. They can not distinguish who is legitly looking to get a key and who just got banned and is trying to get over on them one more time. I believe ea will be throwing a sale this weekend .
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jason worrell
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:47 am

You can use another key with your current install since you haven't activated it, yes. But as said by Skinny, you have to buy another one at the store. Sorry, mate. :/
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Laura-Lee Gerwing
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:59 am

oh man after reading she threw out the box and the jewel case gotta say ur pretty much **** :/... if u want to play this game u gotta buy it at the store again and no receipt wont help
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Kara Payne
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:58 am

download crack :D
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:33 am

UPDATE from BarJabba:

Okay guy/gals...I have an apology to render to you. I did finally find my plastic Crysis 2 DVD (plastic) box with my supposed key number in it. The only thing that has the usual key number in the "Limited Bonus Content" insert paper. There are no other numbers anywhere. I think I messed it up some how, because it reject the key.

I did put the numbers in correctly. I did it with and without the dashes. both are regeted.

I installed the game 1st; I then used the key to get content ?whatever? (nothing happend); then I got online here at this and a few other Crysis 2 sites; Then I downloaded Patch 1.4 and installed it. Which as sucessful.

I think I must have went out of the intended process. I am thinking that Crysis Activation Wizard is rejecting because I went and did the free content thing before putting it in the activation wizard. If one does not activate the game 1st and then uses the patch, would that do this rejection thing? I am thinking like a progammer, and a patch is a fix and activation sould not be affected.

What should I do now? Uninstall everything and start all over...ARGH! I am such a shlub I guess. (<
Oh and thanks, for not laughing too hard at this old geezer.

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James Baldwin
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:12 am

UPDATE from BarJabba:

Okay guy/gals...I have an apology to render to you. I did finally find my plastic Crysis 2 DVD (plastic) box with my supposed key number in it. The only thing that has the usual key number in the "Limited Bonus Content" insert paper. There are no other numbers anywhere. I think I messed it up some how, because it reject the key.

I did put the numbers in correctly. I did it with and without the dashes. both are regeted.

I installed the game 1st; I then used the key to get content ?whatever? (nothing happend); then I got online here at this and a few other Crysis 2 sites; Then I downloaded Patch 1.4 and installed it. Which as sucessful.

I think I must have went out of the intended process. I am thinking that Crysis Activation Wizard is rejecting because I went and did the free content thing before putting it in the activation wizard. If one does not activate the game 1st and then uses the patch, would that do this rejection thing? I am thinking like a progammer, and a patch is a fix and activation sould not be affected.

What should I do now? Uninstall everything and start all over...ARGH! I am such a shlub I guess. (<
Oh and thanks, for not laughing too hard at this old geezer.


I suggest a trip to Home Depot, buy a shovel, and dig yourself out of this **** story
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Josephine Gowing
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:44 pm

Proper serial code is printed on back of game instruction, it was possible earlier to activate game with Limited Edition code (this one on single paper card) but you still would need to put that proper game serial to use multiplayer.
Well one way or another you can contact EA or Crytek support and tell them that you have only Limited Edition code, because your wife is ridiculous in her actions and act like 10 years old child (no offence but thats just plain fact), and maybe they will help you. IF not then search for cheap game on eBay or just buy game at any gaming store.
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GabiiE Liiziiouz
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:17 am

the key is on the Manual not the box, CD or Limited edition slip.
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Claire Lynham
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:02 am

Okay, what a dumb azz place to put the key code!!! After ready many a post on all the sort spots that Crysis 2 is having with the PC version, this is a FINE place to put it.

I had this booklet in my scanner toscan a page I was having a hard time reading. I had no idea it would every be in the very BACK of it much lest anywhere on it. When I saw the only keycode was the bonerus content; I thought I was getting snookered. I found this just before reading all the posts.

Also, what did that post mean by "**** story?" Seemed kind of harsh.

I am so sorry for all the troubles. I amseeming ok now.
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Eileen Collinson
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:05 am

You could try buying your games on steam next time though.

They will always remember all the games you bought and you could use them without discs. You would need a decent internet though.
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Leticia Hernandez
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:37 pm

Okay, what a dumb azz place to put the key code!!! After ready many a post on all the sort spots that Crysis 2 is having with the PC version, this is a FINE place to put it.

I had this booklet in my scanner toscan a page I was having a hard time reading. I had no idea it would every be in the very BACK of it much lest anywhere on it. When I saw the only keycode was the bonerus content; I thought I was getting snookered. I found this just before reading all the posts.

Also, what did that post mean by "**** story?" Seemed kind of harsh.

I am so sorry for all the troubles. I amseeming ok now.

your unlucky i think

you can try call customer service and explain

but i bet you have to buy a new game

and explain your girl friend next time that she NEVER trow away game manuals and cases:P

gl m8 hope it gets fixed
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jess hughes
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:05 am

Just wanted to thank you properly...I failed to do that.

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