Howard pretty much goes more in deph with the info we know all ready.
Howard pretty much goes more in deph with the info we know all ready.
Action FPS here we come.
I cringe every time they say decision making "matters" in Bethesda games.
not an fps if you play in 3rd
but, some would say FO3 and NV were just action fps with rpg elements as well.....just that the action fps aspect was poorly made (controls were pretty clunky IMO). All they are doing is making it so when you aim at a creatures head, you dont somehow shoot 4 feet above thier head. It actually is realistic. Shooting is not hard. The wild misses and bullets going on random trajectories is just plain stupid. Just because they are making it more realistic for shooting, doesn't mean they are turning it into Fallout: COD edition.
Nothing in the article really made me any less excited. Also didn't really say much new (or rather, anything I didn't already guess).
But at least the articles are slowly coming. I expect much juicier ones soon.
Yes! It's set mostly after Fallout 3!
That means it is likely (though may not be highly likely) that some characters will return...
I can't wait to kill Three Dog again. I have dreams about it.
'Set mostly after Fallout 3' is a bit vague isn't it, its not as you can realy tell how much time has passed in the CWBOS vs Enclave conflict happening at the same time, is it set after the purfier is activated.
Erik Todd Dellums, the guy who voices Three Dog, has already stated on twitter that he is not in Fallout 4.
Didn't the voice actor let slip that he was involved earlier.....I thought I read that on the forum a while ago, before Fallout 4 was confirmed.
I think it's a slip. After all, humans are humans because they do mistake, no? It would be ridiculous for Bethesda to change that. Fallout 3 used 2077. Why would they retcon it all of the sudden?
Anyway I think the 2075 thing is just a mistake on the website's part. Dunno though. Doesn't seem to be much point in retconning the date of the bombs dropping by two years...
Yeah, he said on twitter that Three Dog would be returning.
Dammit I had no idea. Someone better make a Three Dog mod so I can kill him.
He said that years ago, but confirmed last month that he would not be returning. Apparently at some point in the games development his character was removed.
Journalism = any military vehicle with tracks is a tank
I dont particularly hold journalism in high regard where facts are concerned, especially where game lore is concerned as most will neither know nor care.
Thought so, but really I found his stalkerish interest in my characters a little over the top in Fallout 3.
I don't know if I've done too much, but I propagated the interview link to another threads (and of course, crediting this thread and the OP for posting this useful info)
That's exactly my point. I always laughed when they do that when they're talking about tracked IFVs and APCs!
Dang, I must have missed that. It would've been interesting to at least hear from him at some point in the game!
Not surprising if the 'set mostly after Fallout 3' is confirmed since he would be in DC rather than Boston, or dead as the case may be.
No, he did not. He said:
Never trust the Torygraph.
However, FO3 prologue has you starting as a baby and jumps ahead a few years 2 or 3 times. So it's possible that it does start 2 years before the war. Maybe there's even stuff to do in the Prologue besides just run to the vault.