I agree that it wasn't a stupid question... just that anyone who did 5 minutes of research into the ES franchise would have learned that there is no 1 viable way to play the game, hehe

edit: concerning interviews needing to blow kisses up Beth's butt, naw, without critics, they couldn't inprove or look into what the person was getting at.
1. The interviewer was probably chosen for looks, rather than for a latent interest in actually playing the game.
2. Irrespective of that, she probably has dozens of studios to interview about dozens of different games, and therefore wouldn't research every single one individually.
3. Bethesda have been emphasizing the magic system heavily.
4. It looks like the most unique feature of the game.
5. To people unaware of the franchise, the question confirmed the chief selling point of the franchise, without them having to do any research about it.