» Fri Jul 08, 2011 8:01 pm
He was just saying that CoD is popular even though it has a fair amount of RPG elements, and that this is a development he regards as beneficial for RPGs because even shooter players begin to enjoy the complexity of an RPG nowadays. I think that's a well-founded statement. His point was that they get to make the game they want without having to fear that nobody will buy it, and not that they will try to get closer to CoD.
However, I would think that Fallout 3 is an even better example for this. I mean, the game was a huge success, wasn't it? (I can never find numbers about things like this.) And many people who loved it came from the First Person Shooter crowd, yet the old-school RPG aspects everywhere didn't put them off, they liked them as well.
In any case, it's a nice little interview. Some answers were quite honest and direct, like when he said that the story can not be well-paced in a game like this, or that earlier games did certain things better than Skyrim will. It also got me excited about the Creation Kit once again, I'm looking forward to exploring the possibilities.