Interesting topic, although I wouldn't say we've had to 'put up' with your theories. I've enjoyed reading your ideas and if nothing else, they've given me great fuel for my imagination and some new knowledge from reading your links. 
I've never been to Boston in real life, so I will enjoy just being able to explore and see what the area is like. Probably one of the first areas I want to go to is The Institute. Ever since they teased us in Fallout 3, I have been very curious about that place ever since I did the quest, The Replicated Man.
I am also looking forward to building a settlement. I like the idea and am glad that they included it in Fallout 4. I've really enjoyed the Hearthfire dlc from Skyrim. In fact, I started a new character just so I could build Lakeview Manor again. So if the settlement building will be big on my list. I am hoping they have included a way to keep our decorating in tact ... a new use for duct tape perhaps? 
Another thing that I am looking forward to is adventuring with the new dog. I can't wait to see how s/he is going to work out as a companion, and I can't wait to build her a little dog house in that new settlement.