So I had a very lucky run on a half full server:
I called in my Maximum Nanosuit after I died, and quickly got 3 kills (with Retriever), so I called in my Radar.
The whole team (4 people) came rushing to the Crash Site, so I got my other 4 kills.
Now the kill streak display to the left still showed Orbital Strike to call, although I should have had another Maximum Suit.
Now it MIGHT be that I was only on a 6 kill streak, and I just lost track, but the BUG is, that I couldn't call in the Orbital Strike no matter what! It was displayed there for the rest of the round, but I couldn't use it. The server was NOT frozen, the game continued perfectly fine, except I couldn't call in my reward.
I'll try to reproduce it, to figure out if it's related to Orbital Strike or Maximum Suit, but I doubt I'll ever be this lucky again... Maybe somebody with a hack could finally do something good here and test it XD (no, that was a joke, don't hack please!)