I just achieved a new personal record in killstreaks, a whooping 59. It was achieved mostly with the 50.cal, aka, the Heavy Machinegun, about 30 or 40 of the kills.
Thanks to Seth, Jason and Sean for the backup. That will be Sa1R3d Wa1ka, PureEnimTalis and Synaptic Flare for those who only know them by Gamertag.
Special thanks to Seth and Jason that taught me to love the co... eeh, 50.cal.
Told you 50 cal is insane i already got 3 pysco's with just the 50 cal that last game was funny 'heavy heavy' lol i dont think i ever seen over 125 kills in 6 minites before lol, it WAS a turkey shoot.
Told you 50 cal is insane i already got 3 pysco's with just the 50 cal that last game was funny 'heavy heavy' lol i dont think i ever seen over 125 kills in 6 minites before lol, it WAS a turkey shoot. We had them spawn trapped on one side of the map about 80% of the match, you cannot help feeling sorry for the greens, but it was good fun.
lol yeah I remember witnessing this. Man you were on fire with that 50 cal. Loadout Pro III enables you to move about with it a lot faster, making you a walking powerhouse with an immense firepower.