And then i kill them all, mwhahahha! DB questline <3
Thank you Bethesda!
And the whole trailer is amazing, love it!
After Old World Blues, I for one have become weary of toasters... they are psychos!
Foreal. At first I thought it was Arthur Maxson grown up, but then I remembered the timeline.
Well from what I've seen the dog is outright awful. I've seen him 'not' die so many times it's pathetic. Doesn't even have to be in battle. Sometimes he just falls off a cliff...
Probably, it's not going to be though. Bethesda is just not the place to go for poignancy that doesn't also come with a lot of ham. And not John Hamm. Alas.
What I'm expecting from this game is for it to be big and fun and moddable, anything else would be an unexpected bonus.
I am so so so excited for this game. And this video had me checking to see what vacation days I have left so I can take a day off after release and disappear into the game for a day when the rest of my family is out. Squeeee. And yay, female wanderer and really liked her VO.
I think they understand the "sentiment" behind that phrase quite well. Them being sentient and all.
After watching that, I think I might have to swap my two characters around. My female character will now have to take Dogmeat as a companion and will use stealth and sniper rifles. She looks too good in that vault jumpsuit for me not to...
Damn! There go all my plans lol
... and if he (what a sixist game, no female dog, somebody already called Anita? ) would die while following, we would read here:
What a awful game they gave us only the dog to tease us and it dies so early. Remember FO3. There is no good way to handle this situation.
If we're hunting androids there had better be a .223!
Wow. Just wow. I couldn't disagree more. I don't think we have any basis on which to discuss this intelligently. So I'll let it drop here.
I'm not a get excited hype easily type either but when I saw the synth walking through that room I giggled out loud. Game now please.
so they using old footage and showing off the settlement building again. have we already seen everything fallout 4 has to offer? i was hoping to be impressed or surprised by SOMETHING by now. meh. I might be done with AAA games after this one folks.
A prediction: This guy with the mohawk in the is all grow'd up. Sounds like he's voiced by Jason Marsden.
They are showing the factions we can join and just using old footage in the background to carry the trailer. Its a smart move, why oh why do we want to see something new now a few days before launch?
well they've been awfully quiet this entire time ever since the first announcement, i was thinking they were saving the best for last or something. seems we've already seen everything fallout 4 offers.. skyrim with guns.
Makes sense. MIT was pretty apocalyptic when I was there.
Current students and faculty will probably go ape over this game.
I hope they get a discount...