saying that Fallout is Skyrim with guns i just dont know how to express how wrong u are.
saying that Fallout is Skyrim with guns i just dont know how to express how wrong u are.
I want that (I'm assuming) cryolater at 2:05!
I like what I'm seeing.
And this is why Valve isn't doing HL3. The expectations, constant need to be one-upped is unreal.
It's a wonder AAA studios don't just stop doing bid-budget games and just farm microtransactions in mobile CoC clones or pump out 8-bit stuff that doesn't cost anything to make and still get 94 on Metacritic.
Besides the trailer looking good and finally some female protagonist footage in-game and tallking, we got some plot info in the trailer so we have a somewhat better idea about the games overall drive.
Is the synth(?) with the line "You don't find the Institute, the Institute finds you", Thane from Mass Effect??
I dunno. I thought it looked more like some sort of Gauss Rifle. It's hard to tell because the clip was so brief, but it looked like the blue burst came on impact, instead of as a coherent beam like we saw one of the androids firing in the teaser trailer. It looked like that counter on the back was filling up, and then the weapon discharged at 90 and went back down to 00.
dude every post u keep saying the same over and over.
What was the shot with tanks on his back? SCUBA gear? Space suit? Flame thrower?
The speeches in the trailer? From the different factions and companions, etc.
No I meant the speeches from the 40s/50s that the Fallout 4 ones are supposedly evoking.
I forgot about that beam in the E3 trailer. Perhaps this could be a modded cryo weapon. I just went back and watched it again and noticed the counter adding up to 100 before the energy burst. Pretty cool! It does look like a unique weapon though.
Speaking of Gauss, I'm hoping for some form of Gauss pistol/rifle in this game more than any other weapon so I would be very pleased if this is one.
It's not just a trailer; it's also rampant across the entirety of BGS' work (or most of it).
The trailer is just another indictment of bad writing to add to the list.
I don't what specifically the first one is (unless you just mean his speeches in general in which case I'm also not seeing it) but the second has nothing to do with any line I heard in that trailer.