Wow female protagonist looks good in a Vault suit. I may just keep her in it.
Looks like the Institute needs to go down. Can't have those abominations run loose on humanity.
Wow female protagonist looks good in a Vault suit. I may just keep her in it.
Looks like the Institute needs to go down. Can't have those abominations run loose on humanity.
If I where you I would strongly avoid to be confronted with such a bad writing.
What a wonderfully ironic typo
But yes I meant to write sentiment, and not sentient (damn you Freudian slip).
Wow, you are just a very pessimistic person. But your opinion is your opinion. Don't you want to play the game before judging its story?
I honestly believe I could, but alas I'm not furnished with unlimited funds and 100+ developers to aid my efforts.
And anyone with a pencil could write lines about
Which is what NV was wholly based around, yet you seem to think something everyone who finished high school knows is top tier writing.
Or is it because Obsidian wrote it rather then the actual quality of the writing?
Judging from the trailer the writing seems better than past BGS games, or at least it makes it seem like they're trying.
Not great, but, definitely an improvement, especially if they take ques from NV and have actual factions.
Though, it's not exactly like I play these games for their stellar main quest, I enjoyed FO3 and Oblivions a lot and their main stories were rubbish.
Not needed it's a Bethesda game. He already knows. (At least he thinks that he knows, it's called preconception.)
they didn't actually use those quotes in the game though...
That's true (on both accounts) and I intend to play it before ultimately condemning or condoning it.
But it's not irrational to be disconcerted with the writing in the trailer, though I can't expect much lucidity in a storm of hype.
I understand that and there is nothing about any of those lines in the Fallout 4 trailer that is specifically evoking them. If you like the lines that is great but there is no attempt there to call back some sort of 50s mentality as you were asserting.
And? War never changes, the writing of it might.
Who said anything about Obsidian?
Comments about New Vegas go here:
You don't need to thank me
They kind of did though, many NPC lines in NV were almost directly copied from the books about various forms of government I had to read in high school.
Yep. We predicted this a long time ago, Blade Runner FO. My only hope is that it is the MWBoS come to deliver righteous justice to these "robots".
Its not, and i get that not everyone is hyped or might appreciate the writing, voice acting and so forth. Like i said your opinion. I respect you for it. I just like beeing happy, and the trailer made me happy!
Can't be because it's a Bethesda game. John Henry Eden explained it already .
I'm not sure why people hate those two quotes i mean they are a bit cliche but they suit the fallout universe really well. They both recognize that people and war seem to be inseparable in the fallout universe i mean humanity almost destroyed the planet they called home pretty much proving the enemy line, also the protagonist being a veteran before the bombs fell gives them a unique perspective on how war exists alongside people no matter what catastrophic events are caused by humanities obvious penchant for conflict.
please be the gauss rifle thats the one gun i wanted in this game