Nice to see shots of the female protagonist. Her voice is very well done. My wife will be pleased.
Nice to see shots of the female protagonist. Her voice is very well done. My wife will be pleased.
This is what I've been waiting for: the real players of the wasteland.
I feel like I've just gotten a shot of hype in the jugular.
Oh man. Goosebumps...This weekend is going to be brutal. I have work during the week to keep my mind occupied but the weekend is just going to feel like a drug addict waiting to get his next fix.
The "Even if that man is a synth?" woman sounds like Claudia Christian, AKA Legate Rikke/Aela the Huntress. Looks like she joined the BGS production posse.
It's ok awesomepossum says 'there's literally no chance we're an android'
The graphics look wonderful at points, I'll recant my previous statements that it looks average.But the plot looks to be the same one fans have been predicting for years, and the writing is worse than we feared 'this campaign will be costly, but in the end we'll be saving humankind from it's own worst enemy, itself' or the zinger 'you don't find the institute, it finds you'.
Thad would mean you would be a prototype of some sort... because... you know... stimpacks
That New engergy weapons looks awesome with the tube with numbers and shoots out some kind blue stream like alien blaster.
You're surprised by this? You must be new to Bethesda's games. We always have to "fight against evil" in their main quests (even before Todd took over). We've never yet had the choice to side with "the bad guy" in any Bethesda game.
I will have to say however that Piper's little clip has some terrible voice/facial animation. Just something really weird going on with her lips/cheeks. The dialog with the old lady looked pretty bad also.
But, overall I liked what I saw. Granted the 'Pretty Piper' mod will be one of the first I get anyway.
"We will be saving human kind from it's worst enemy, itself" got me hyped
Most of the Mojave was against the Legion and you could support them. The whole game they're portrayed as evil and there's no issues carrying out Caesar's commands I wouldn't worry about choice. I'm sure we can back the institute, but like the legion, that may cut you out of a lot of other factions.
Like that dude in Terminator Salvation"Marcus",bio synth.
I would be surprised if there wasn't a chance to join the Institute faction.
It's a complete platitude that anyone with a pencil could write...
I'm trying not to be vitriolic towards Fallout 4, but there's two or three awful lines of dialogue in the launch trailer (along with the conformation that the story is completely centered on androids as predicted).
I don't think Bethesda truly understands the sentient behind 'war,war never changes'.They throw that phrase around like confetti in a Hindu wedding, regardless of context.
Ok, I'm sold. I need to order a new computer. I need to order the game. I'm going to go mad by the time I can play this game. How do I break it to my Grandkids that they won't have Christmas presents because I need a new PC and a game.
This trailer even got me hyped and I don't hype easily.
...that was written by Obsidian. Just sayin'.
I like that a ghoul is running the Minutemen, the pro-human faction.
Those synths are pretty chilling.
I like the way that vault suit fits on the lady. (When he was little, my nephew was always puzzled by my female characters. Now he's twelve, and understands. The little prevert.)
Corny lines are Beth's bread and butter tho.
It's a platitude, but it resonates because it's true even IRL.
Does anybody else get the urge to play as a female for first playthrough... for how... third person... view... looks. If you know what i mean
I downloaded the video so that I can rewind it without butchering my monthly bandwidth quota, will need it for those 30 gigs!
I can easily say that the main topic of the game is the most interesting in the whole series and I mean literally every game. Even though some of them began simple and became complicated, this is the most that got me excited since I'm a cyberpunk fan.
Maybe for some, but it's a sentiment that lost any meaning a long time ago for me.I could pardon it, but it's the same generic slant of androids being the bad guys while some people argue the inverse.At least games such as Detroit offer the perspectives of androids in this dichotomy; unless we're secretly an android in Fallout 4 (I wouldn't bet against it).