absolutely phenomenal
Hm.. sinths kidnapping man to make more/better sinths .. isnt that story plot from Wasteland?
I have an urge to play a female because Courtenay Taylor sounds amazing.
Well, that is given. She sounds amazing. I was just surprized how well the bodies are done for F4. A lot better than Skyrim.
You can't have a serious and emotional story predicated on corny writing... if Bethesda wants to deliver a story with some poignancy the writing has to be better.
Havent played it because i do not have hardware for it... but man. Witcher will be amazing too...
It's a trailer for a video game John. Calm down. This isn't an supposed to be an Oscar-bait drama. I get that you expect more from the medium, but you can't judge on the trailer alone.
Indeed. With that in mind, this could possibly be a typical Bethesda plot that we've all come to expect.
From what is made out to us at face value, it looks like all of the factions got their panties in a bunch over the Institute for their own personal reasons, save for the Minutemen who "make their own future". Still, I just hope the trailer was just edited to make it seem that way at least, like what that ghoul really says is "the BROTHERHOOD is the real enemy". That would something refreshing to hear.
We'll just have to see how it goes.
I would like a little more clarification on what Institute we are talking about.
The only Institute I know in Boston is my Alma Mater...
This may make picking a side - difficult - but it would sure add a lot of personal interest.
You're right. I wouldn't play such a corny game if I were you. I'll play it and tell you all about it.
My body isn't ready for the sheer awesomeness of this game.
The female voice actor sound so good, i think i'll even make a female character for the first time in a Bethesda game.
Daggerfall: there is no big bad, but Underking and Manimarco can be considered ones
Morrowind: no good or evil side
Oblivion: only good guys, but there is an evil guild
Fallout 3: can support the Enclave
Skyrim: no good in the game, only neutrals and evil dudes (you can't join Alduin because nobody sane, or even insane, would do that)
With that said, as far as the Institute goes...
Granted, I always found the saying annoying in all Fallout games. I'd prefer something on topic of survival myself.
LOVE IT!! Glad we get to see (and hear) the female SS, and despite what some say, I, personally, LOVE the the plot! And the graphics!
Has the plot been used before? Sure. I disagree that it is, "Can you save humanity from itself?", but rather, - What is the definition of humanity? What makes someone human, and, how far are you willing to go to defend the life/rights of someone, once you have decided they are human - even if they aren't biologically human? Are you willing to kill other biological humans to defend the rights of a synth, if you believe the synth is actually sentient, and thus "human?
These are questions that are very pertinent to today. AI is advancing fast and at some point we will have an AI that we can no longer distinguish from a human. What do we do at that point? What happens when it appears to have sentience? What if it starts making decisions we disagree with? I'm not talking Terminator decisions - but small ones. What do we do if it wants the right to vote? If it decides it wants to follow a religion? And so forth.
And "The Institute finds you" - maybe that's true, maybe it's not. Maybe it's just really hard to find.
That's just my take on it. If you disagree, that's okay. In the end, I'm gonna have fun just playing the crap out of this game for the next several years. The 10th can't come soon enough!
Well it certainly doesn't make me want to play female any less, but i have had it planned since Fallout 3 came out. I always play female characters when possible, even more so when they are voice acted. I just prefer it.
But at least every NPC have something diferent and isnt a clone of each other like Witcher 3.
You are wrong, from a subjective standpoint atleast. Both The Witcher 3 and Dragon Age Inquisition had its fair share of bad dialogue in its main story, but it was still pretty emotional games that made me feel. So why can't the same be said for Fallout 4? Also they had plenty of good writing along with some bad.
So stick with the Witcher 3 (which had more than its fair share of flaws).
I'll PM you in a few days and let you know how much you missed out
Usually, I dont give a [censored] about the BoS, but this guy seems to be more epic than life.
I wanna work for him.
Maybe it's like the DB in Skyrim. You kill a Synth, then take a nap and wake up in a small lab room with some female tech saying "There are three Synth's bound in front of you. One of them is working against it's protocols and needs to be shut down. Can you pick which one?"
GOOD [censored] LORD 4 more day to wait for this. I wish time move faster