» Sat May 26, 2012 2:59 am
A lot of my work in Elemental Magicka is indeed inspired by Avatar the Last Airbender, as I've mentioned in a few past threads. These were linked earlier in the conversation but I wanted to separate with a little bit of explanation.
Elemental Magicka:
v1.0 contained a diverse set of spells (around forty if I recall correctly) spread across earth, fire, frost, and air/storm. There were some interesting effects but the flavor of it probably did not fit so well with lore, and the scripting techniques were weaker and inconsistent as I was learning throughout the work. Personally, I found it difficult to play with due to actual gameplay integration into Morrowind -- for instance, the Circle of Fire spell was a barrier that many NPCs would end up committing suicide on. I can't recall if Scripted Spells had that problem with the Wall of Fire spell, I never looked at the scripts. Furthermore, the spells did not scale as the player improved -- the boulder always knocked an opponent down for the same amount of time, and a Hailstorm always dealt the same damage per hit.
Elemental Magicka II (so far):
For EM II I started over with a new blank ESP, and based upon what I knew from v1.0, sat down to write some scalable/universal scripts that could power 90%+ of the effects (I hoped) before I ever created a single spell. The intent with EM II was to create higher quality gameplay mechanics with my new spells, and not have the same problems that were in v1.0. I also built the scripts in such a way that they could easily be applied to an NPC casting addon at some point (that's still on my list!), and all spells scale with the player's attributes for a total of four spell levels each. No spells were directly copied from v1.0 but some -- like Circle of Fire -- were reincarnated with their issues fixed (in that case, Circle of Fire is no longer a physical barrier, but they will take damage walking through it). On the whole I feel like my framework in EM II has accomplished exactly what I wanted it to, and as I get time, I intend to work on more modules.
Now, all of that said, scripting this kind of stuff has a lot of limitations in Morrowind. There are very few math functions, and so calculating projectile paths are relatively slow using Taylor series expansions for sine and cosine. Instinctively, I don't think any calculus would work very well due to this, either. Secondly, it is entirely feasible as I've done to have discrete objects moving about to form an effect, but fluids (sand, magma, water, and air) would be REALLY difficult to do with scripting alone, depending upon the spell. If you had an artist and an animator, multiple techniques could be tied together to accomplish it. For this very reason I find that in EM/EMII my limiting factor is usually the available art resources.