- http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1163948-why-no-spell-making-is-a-good-thing/
- http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1163969-bethesda-why-are-you-taking-the-tes-out-of-tes/ Note: Even though the OP in this topic has multiple game elements as the topic, if you read the thread most of it is about how people feel about the magic system. Not really much of a debate, but you may be interested.
Some of the original discussion about the spell making went into these threads: - http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1163190-no-spell-making/
- http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1163142-no-spell-customization/
And finally the thread that started much of the controversy is outlined in http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1163115-skyrim-italian-coverage/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giochi_per_il_mio_computer Here is a http://bethblog.com/index.php/2011/01/17/dragons-preparing-to-deliver-skyrim-details-worldwide/ planned to be released. Also the follow up thread for http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1163214-skyrim-italian-coverage-thread-2/ for reference.
To quote a few people from those threads who translated what was said:
-The article says that you will not be able to combine and create new spells. yeah, this really svcks, I hope it's some kind of mistake...
(oh, by translating it I saw that I forgot to include a new info on weapons...)
Q: What can you tell us about weapons, houses, factions and spells?
Todd Howard: There are factions, but we don't want to talk about them rigth[sic] now. There are many kind of weapons which have different effects on different enemies. You can't create nor combine spells but using the same spell on both the hands you can cast a powerful version of it. The duels will be very tactical as you can use magic or phisical[sic] shields. You will be able to purchase an house. More than one, as a matter of facts.
"You can't create nor combine spells" is pretty (sadly) clear to me =\
maybe this is more clear: "you are not permitted to create or combine spells"
An important quote from Twitter about what Pete Hines said while this magic hysteria was happening in the forums:
So maybe by "RIGHT NOW" in context to what he said previously, he means that the info may change later on spell making.
Then again, I could be interpreting and reading that wrong because of the fact I just woke up 5 minutes ago... :dead:
I'm glad with most of this information. But I would like everyone to keep in mind when asked about combining spells in the building better combat update Todd Howard said:*
*Italics denote a quoted post here. (I'm out of quotes)
And when asked about combining spells in the Dutch magazine he said:
Here is a reasonable post from someone who posted in an earlier thread about all of the information above this sentence:
This doesn't mean that "spell customization" is out. So there could still be the ability to customize a particular spell (like fireball with 100 area damage in 20 ft for 2 sec) but perhaps not the ability to combine effects to create an altogether new spell, if you follow. I believe that some spell customization will be included, but the degrees of freedom will be reduced in comparision[sic] to other games. This is likely due to them wanting to make each spell more awesome and balanced.
*EDIT* Here is some new information about spell customization from the GI podcast. http://www.gameinformer.com/b/podcasts/archive/2011/02/03/toddhowardse.aspx, I recommend you listen to the podcast itself as well as this transcription to remove possibility of error (in interpretation and perhaps my own). I have transcribed most of what was said about magic (he starts talking about crafting and magic at 12:50 into the interview), if you do see any discrepancies feel free to point them out.
Todd: We do have a lot of crafting. So we do have crafting within each discipline now. We do have smithing, enchanting is back as a skill. And alchemy we're sort of treating as a, it doesn't matter that much anymore but it is in our stealth category. Though we have sort of a blended skill list, so alchemy is like the most magical of the stealth skills. And then we have lots of other things which are not skill based that you can craft that we're messing with like cooking and things like that. That's something else that we are going to talk more about later. Its all in the game now and its going to go through a few changes. I don't want to get too specific but there is a lot of that and more emphasis on it this time around.
GI: You know I know one thing that when I was down to see you guys at the studio that you were still kind of exploring with stuff related to how spells would interact with each other and that kind of thing, and I would suspect that the results of your experimentation on that stuff would effect whether you would have anything that is like spell crafting right?
Todd: Yeah spell crafting is kind of a real wildcard. Something that we have done a lot, and there are pluses and minuses to it. We'd like to find, we have some ideas that we really like and how to solve that and I don't know where that's going to go. But the thing that we don't like about the previous systems that we've done is that it becomes very spread-sheety, where it takes the magic out of magic. You know what I mean? So I mean, you got to see the game, your listeners haven't but, there is a bigger emphasis on how the magic physically acts, ok. So just a spell like Fire, there are different spells for how the fire moves like putting it down like a rune that explodes when you walk over it or fire that you can spray that lingers on the ground like your spraying a wall, and you can spray the cielings if its there. And fire that travels like a flamethrower out of your hand or a fireball that you charge up and throw and explodes at a distance. So you know our main goal is to make magic feel like this arcane powerful thing and once it goes into a spreadsheet in the game where you can say, "I want something at this distance and this power" it removes the illusion of how this stuff actually works. We have some ideas of ways around that, but we don't know where those are going to go yet. We do have the benefit of [pause], we are really really happy with how the magic plays in the game, both visually and mechanically, and then being able to do it with both hands, but there are opportunities there for combination and things you can do without getting into the spreadsheet aspect of it. Which I do know some people like, but it does take away from the impact of the spells that you're finding and mechanically how they work, if that makes sense.
GI: Yeah it actually ties back to something you were talking about earlier, which was you know you've got the one handed skill tree you've got these different perks for maces and axes and swords and so on. Within the magic system is it kind of similar is it by school that you are perking up or is it individually like, "I've got fire spells and I'm going to perk the fire spells"?
Todd: Well there's the skill destruction so that covers a category of spells, and within destruction there are perks for fire based spells. So people see, 'ok well you've removed Mysticism' but that's just a label right? Those spells go into other skills and then it gets deeper within those skills. The easiest thing for us, going back to our previous conversation, is to just to add more skills that's actually a lot easier. Because in the old games it was just a skill and a number, there wasn't really, we didn't feel there was progression. What we really want is, you really feel you are getting better in this particular skill. And perks, perks are the main way we do that now. I think the game right now has like 280 perks if you include the ranks. So it's a lot.
GI: Yeah that's crazy.
Todd: Even a character that raises all their skills to 100 and they've played and are like level 50, they only get to pick 50 perks out of that 2[80], they are very different characters. There is a lot of power in the perks as opposed to the raw number of the skill, there is still some power in the raw number of the skill just not as much as there used to be, that stuff is moved into the perks.
With this new Podcast it sounds as though there is probably evidence that the magic creation system from older TES games will not be included in its entirety. The evidence from this new podcast shows that, to quote Todd, "spell crafting is kind of a real wildcard." He also says that, "we have some ideas that we really like and how to solve that and I don't know where that's going to go."
You should take note that the spell creation system itself has not been confirmed as removed in its entirety. In the GI article it sounds as though they are still working things out Please when you are posting about the possibility that the new spell system may or may not include the same spell customization as previous TES titles keep in mind that Todd says, to quote him again, "We'd like to find, we have some ideas that we really like and how to solve [spell crafting] and I don't know where that's going to go." (Brackets are mine for context). He also says, "We do have a lot of crafting. So we do have crafting within each discipline now." And, "[Crafting is] all in the game now and its going to go through a few changes. I don't want to get too specific but there is a lot of that and more emphasis on it this time around."
There could possibly be good fruitage as a result of this feature being postponed, replaced or removed. As many have said in those threads it could very well promote a much more fluid and creative magic system.
In order to have a constructive thread about the new magic system here is what we know so far:
It will include these skills as confirmed through http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1162905-skills-we-know-are-confirmed/.
- Enchanting
Here is a quote from somebody on another forum as to what Enchanting was in Morrowind:
It basically did two things. It let you make magic items yourself (so you didn't have to spend money, just a soul gem and the base item), and it determined how quickly your magic items recharged. - Alteration
- Restoration
- Destruction
- Conjuration
- Illusion
- Alchemy
This skill belongs to the stealth category now.
I would also like to point out specifically that Todd mentioned in the GI Podcast that there are currently about 280 perks, and they can be applied to specific categories of discipline like "fire spells", not just the entire school (destruction in this case). This is what they are focusing on instead of adding a "skill with a number".
Here is a link to the GI http://www.gameinformer.com/b/features/archive/2011/01/24/skyrim-building-better-combat.aspx?PostPageIndex=2 about the new spell system. I will also try to highlight some of the most interesting changes.
For those interested here is some game play from the Bioshock realm of spellcasting http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXbaPOQmTkU and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feWQTRij1k0&feature=fvst (the videos are a little graphic fyi).
It sounds like they are going to focus on giving those with magical powers more depth in that you will feel like you are actually performing magic, instead of just pressing a button.
This has been taken literally by some. It is far more likely that this is referring to 85 different spell effects. In fact I believe there was a twitter from somebody at Bethesda about this very thing, perhaps someone can help me out with this

It certainly sounds like they are making spells themselves more versatile to me. Instead of having several "Fireball" spells that were different only in their damage or with some variant like an AOE or even more dubious the "touch" or "target" system, usually causing you to have separate versions of the same spell in incremental steps, it sounds as though now you will be a mage who is 'versed in fire' so to speak. A bit similar sounding to the Diablo 2 skill tree, where your mage would choose frost, lighting or fire and then continue to upgrade that element with different perks. Yes, perks will effects spells too! According to the new GI podcast Todd says that you can pick perks within Destruction to enhance your fire abilities! (This information also eludes to the idea that you can pick perks for every element! How exciting!) Also, he mentioned there are already 280 perks in the game if you include ranks, and you only pick 1 perk per level. Exciting stuff! (The GI article about the User Interface also eluded to the fact each magic school had its own perks because of the constellation that shows the perk tree in the picture. Can view the UI article http://www.gameinformer.com/games/the_elder_scrolls_v_skyrim/b/xbox360/archive/2011/01/28/skyrim-menu-system-overhaul.aspx.)
This sounds like it will add to the immersion of playing a Mage. As far as how magic should be portrayed in different fictional works is very much an opinion, but what the word magic actually implies isn't open to debate. Since that is the case, it will be nice to see the graphics complement the idea of being a "magical" person making "magic".
With this new tactile approach to magic the difference between your elemental spells will be more than merely aesthetic. This is another step forward with the new magic system indeed.
This is an important quote because many feel that since the article has touched specifically on allowing two of the same type of spells in each hand to create a more powerful version, and also says you can't combine spells to create new ones that you can't have two different spells. This quote ends that debate as it clearly states you can have an attacking spell and a warding spell in each of your hands. If it is really that true the old spell creation system has been transfigured in any way than this would certainly cover many of your concerns about spell creation.
As to how the new spell system could possibly be used I would like to discuss the most (Feel free to discuss anything from the new podcast and what is important to you however regarding the new information. Cheers!).
Here are a few videos of games or mods that change how spells act and are just for inspiration:
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-Ght6YDytE A very interesting magic combination system that was a very interesting watch. Thanks to Chong Li for posting this.
- Early http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LL2sr7RXdEc. Some of his other ones: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2R4OoLmCTSA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yymBkioFY3A http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ee1l5nGN_e0&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_qBysDmhQ0
- These fanmade videos might be more to the point with a little less drama: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KiUt8NqY-Co&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCrh4wxK490&feature=related
There are other videos I'm sure perhaps someone else can post some for inspiration.
If for some reason Bethesda later confirms that magic creation is somehow removed please keep this point in mind that I posted in another thread:
"I would like to point out that it is short sighted to believe that Todd or any of the other team members at Bethesda are against the idea of spell making. I would reckon they want it in the game as much as any of the fans. But they have constraints put upon them as designers. They are limited by both time and money available. They even said they want to implement a spell combination system, but may not have enough time to do it before release, so it is still up in the air.
Balancing a huge project like this can be difficult. They not only need to balance their resources but any smart developer will set aside resources for correcting errors. Time is spent to find unpredictable errors and problems. Remember when they needed to remove the AI system from Oblivion? Do you think that was planned? Of course not! They had already devoted a large (and who knows really how large) amount of time and resources just developing the system! Only to see it be taken out later in the project. I am sure it was disheartening to them as it was to any fan.
The spell creation system may really be too much of a gamble development project if they are really implementing a much deeper and richer magic system. They want to put it in as much as anyone, but right now they can't say "its in" without a doubt I would imagine.
Just my thoughts on the matter."