All right, good stuff.
Adam, what's next? Sutler's off to bed, which suggests it's getting late. Of course, I can do what I like and go off on my own story, but I think the interaction between Sutler and Adams is the most interesting stuff.
Good to see my plan worked with my last post, though. I intended for Adams to piss Sutler off a little, but not enough to provoke a serious reaction, if any. Builds up the tension a little and points to the differences which lie ahead.
It was getting late and Sutler wanted to go home, he
loved loves his family, being with them represses his,
darker side; almost made him forget (but never let go) his burning passion for the destruction of his enemies. Yeah, Sutler was a little pissed, as I said before, Sutler's an odd dichotemy, he can't stop reliving the glory days (though to be honest this more true of the present) yet the glory days inevitably lead to him remembering all the pain and violence; he doesn't like talking about Navarro and the mention of Horrigan especially puts him off as you know.
As for what's next, I don't know whether threre was anything you wanted to do, if not then we can skip forward maybe a week or so to the actual deployment, this will be really [censored] busy, hectic, Vertibirds taking off and landing constantly, people running around with crates of portable bunker, generators, people suiting up, people saying goodbye. Etc. I'll be going to Adams Airforce Base and you'll be going to Virginia right?