» Thu Apr 07, 2011 11:55 pm
Please tell me if this conflicts with anything going on. I went over the history recap so I'm not exactly an expert.
Name: Borgia
Age: 39
Race: African-American
Occupation: Leader of the Salvation
Apperance: Around 6'2, Borgia is quite a muscular man. He had dark hair and wears a rough beard.
Personality: After learning of the existence of New Manhattan, Borgia made it his goal to take control of NM and make everybody a member of the Salvation. He is a harsh man, not believing that normal society can rebuild in the post-apocalyptic world, as soon food will run out. While Borgia's goals are to bring everybody under the control of the Salvation, he deals with any form of threat instantly and with extreme action.
Weapon: Chinese Assault Rifle, 9mm Pistol and a Machete
Other: (Optional) Human Remains
Backstory: (Can be explained during the RP.) The Salvation were a small organisation, formed shortly after the bombs dropped. They are a faction of cannibals who believed that with the Great War, cannibalism would become necessary. The Salvation, originally formed by Gerry Simpson, formed because they wanted to control cannibalism. They wanted to become the leaders of the post-war America, making cannibalism a way of life, but also remaining to keep order and a civilised society. People saw them as savages and never resorted to cannibalism. The Salvation argued that cannibalism would provide an infinite amount of food and if properly controlled could be integrated into modern society. The were seen as insane raiders, and soon abandoned their goal of domination. They retired to a small outpost and started a farm. The began breeding humans and living off them. The organisation fell to about fifty people. Borgia, wanting to spread their influence, saw New Manhattan as the perfect place to begin his control. He overthrew their leader and took control of the salvation. He gathered the whole Salvation, over eighty people including the live stock, and relocated within the Empire Wasteland in a small abandoned farm. They have yet to make their true motives known.
Gear: Each wear a green http://www.google.ie/imgres?imgurl=http://www.baddasschaps.com/custom-motorcycle-leather/product_image.php%3Fimageid%3D1831&imgrefurl=http://www.baddasschaps.com/custom-motorcycle-leather/product.php%3Fproductid%3D979%26cat%3D45%26page%3D1&usg=__YGVURmJbDjC5_SHaGjeLMns8Ack=&h=500&w=270&sz=17&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=O7xcV3sMtX2omM:&tbnh=152&tbnw=82&ei=TvFOTavwDoKwhAek2MC7Dg&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dduster%2Bjacket%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1366%26bih%3D643%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=579&vpy=66&dur=715&hovh=306&hovw=165&tx=103&ty=139&oei=TvFOTavwDoKwhAek2MC7Dg&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=25&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:0 with the word Salvation written on the back in red. The slaves wear rags.