OOC: Sorry about making moves without you Ant1iv3.

Anyway, Alex, the interrogation won't be too long, but it shouldn't be rushed either, expect a couple posts on it. RP-wise, the interrogation shouldn't take more than half an hour, so unless your wife is on an express train into NY, I don't think she'll find you missing, but maybe you can work her into it, somehow.
Frank was growing impatient, and let out a strained smile.
This guys gonna need some extra encouragement. he thought to himself.
"Tough guy, huh?" Frank asked, sarcastically, pulling out his silenced pistol. "This thing here, it's beautiful" he said, examining his gun. "I can shoot someone in one room, and the sound of him falling over, is actually louder than the sound of the gun shot itself" he remarked to the man, still examining it.
"If I were to kill you right now, no one would find out. Ever" Frank threatened, menacingly. He then held the gun by its butt and pistol whipped the man on the face until he drew blood. Once the man was back in his senses, he pressed the gun to the mans knee, very hard.
"Now, Im gonna ask one more time. Just once, before the bullet leaves this gun, and enters your body." Frank said, with mock politeness. "That polite enough for you, you son of a [censored]? Tell me *everything* you know about this woman. Now." Frank demanded, adjusting his grip on the gun.