OOC: Called Evander not Evandir, and I have school and extracarricular activities which is why I post so rarely. I guess you guys are homeschooled. Just give me about 10 minutes to get situated at my house.
Not all of us live in the same region of Earth. Just because you're in school, doesn't mean everyone else in the world is too. Open you're mind up kid, this is international grounds here.

OOC: You got it good. Lucky you. Guys, work on character development too. I saw your characters switching emotions too quickly. Especially you, Holy Assassin. A mafia member for as long as your character wouldn't get angry with refusal that easily (only one minute real time). But great job guys so far.
It was more like half an hour, he sat through an entire cigarette. Plus, his character is the kind who doesn't take refusal well, and gets pretty cranky. Also, he hasn't been in the Mafia that long. As I said multiple times even to your character, he isn't a made man yet. I guess I could work on transitions more, but his emotions were exactly how I want them to be.
Frank continued walking along the road in Evergreen.
I better get myself together before I go to ice that broad. Frank thought to himself, taking a look at the picture of the woman once more.
She's pretty, that poor bastard back there is gonna miss her he thought, grinning, and continued walking for Rabithead.
OOC: I don't know how long this is going to take, and wether or not Im going to be intercepted along the way. Should I get intercepted, or just get to the house before that?