OOC: I didn't know there was a boat trip involved sorry. I guess I'll fit it into this next post. Also, automatic weaponry guys? Really? What is this, Vietnam? You're going after one mob goon, not an army.

Seriously though, a pistol would've sufficed. To deal with all the extra fire-power you guys brought along, I hope you don't mind me RP-ing that there were a few mobsters doing a job in Rabithead already and I asked them to help me out incase of complications. Another thing Ant1iv3, I don't know if you just staying in-character or not, but the word is "civility". I don't think "civilness" is even a word. If your character is a jar-head ex-soldier who wouldn't know better, I guess it makes sense though. Another thing, I noticed you write your characters name in green before posting, are we all supposed to do that? I'll do it, just in-case.
Frank VercelottiBIC:
Frank took a step off the boat from New Manhattan, and onto the docks of Jersey, leading to Rabithead.
Christ, this place smells like a [censored]-hole. he winced.
Better get moving though he thought, adjusting his suit, and continuing on the path to Rabithead.
Not more than fifteen minutes later had he arrived, standing right in the center of the town. It was a damp sort of place, each building was built like a cabin, entirely of wood. He started for one of the bigger buildings, lit by lanterns as night had fallen. Frank entered the building to discover it was the local bar, filled with people of various sorts, most looking like hunters back from a hard days work, some drinking, and some talking loudly with their friends.
Damn, Im overdressed. Frank grinned to himself, blushing slightly, he then noticed a young lady behind the counter, and immediately saw opportunity. He slicked his hair back, and brushed his suit down, approaching the woman with a confident smile.
"Hey there beautiful, what's a nice girl like you doing in a dump like this?" Frank asked, winking.
"Oh, well, I work here" she blushed, looking down and smiling.
"Boy, the Lord broke the mold when he made you, that's for sure" he flirted, employing his charm and wearing his trademark smile.
At this, she simply giggled, and continued blushing. She seemed like a simple country girl, who probably never received such attention from such a dashing man in a fine suit, from the city. Frank knew this, and took advantage of it, shamelessly.
"Say, I could use you're help, gorgeous" Frank said, pulling the picture of his target out of his pocket. "This broad here, she ain't nearly as pretty as you" he winked "But I need to know where she is" he completed.
"Why, I know her, she's the daughter of.. umm" she stuttered. "I forgot their name, but I know they live in the first house to the right of the road when you enter Rabithead" she said, twaddling her fingers, hoping to impress the sharp looking man with this information.
"Thanks a lot, babe" Frank smiled, throwing her a tip, and turning to leave the bar smoothly, the girl simply sighed, watching him stroll away like that. That's when Frank noticed something; there were two men is suits just like his sitting at one of the tables, chatting with each other.
"You boys New Manhattan Mafia?" he asked, approaching them.
"Who wants to know?" one of the men asked, staring Frank right in the eye.
"Relax, boss hired me to do a number on this broad" he replied, showing them the photo. "I might need back-up, in case of..complications" he concluded.
Both the men looked at each other momentarily, and nodded. "Sure, we'll back you up" they both agreed.
"Sweet" Frank smiled, and left the bar, with both men behind him, heading for the house with the target inside it. As they approached, Frank noticed it was made of wood, just like all the others. This gave him an idea.
Why not just torch the place? he thought, but immediately dismissed the idea.
It'll draw too much attention, the wood is damp, the target is the woman, not her parents he decided not to burn the house down.
"Alright, you two wait out here. Let no one in" Frank instructed the two men, heading directly for the porch.
OOC: Im sorry, I know this post is [censored] long, but my character has the most action in this scene, you guys know the place, so all you have to do is show up. Once again, sorry for the wall of text.