OOC: @Anti. I’m probably being overly touchy about this (and I may be wrong in my accusations), but I’d appreciate not being called a ‘noob’. I’ve been RPing on these forums for about two years now, so I do take offence when someone indirectly claims I’m doing it ‘wrong’. Again, I may have gotten the wrong end of the stick, but you can’t expect everyone to slow down just for you.
In any case, happy Rping!

Hope you find the time.
Darkness had engulfed the Empire Wasteland as the vertibird descended into the bunker below.
Home, sweet home.
The roaring engines ceased to hum, and, led by Adams, the squad climbed out of the bird in an orderly single-file line. They were greeted by a team of technicians.
“Great work out there, sir!” said one squeaky mechanic, clearly happy about the day’s events.
“Thank you, young man.” Adams looked over and addressed the two other technicians. “Now, get that bird fuelled up; I have the feeling it’ll be being used again soon. Very soon.” The team complied immediately, rushing around for their equipment.
The colonel turned to his squad assembled in the centre of the gigantic hanger. “All right, boys, y’all better get yourselves some sleep, and quickly. The Enclave never rests, and tomorrow… well, tomorrow might just be the most important day of your lives.” Adams watched as his soldiers looked at each other; he could sense their excitement, even through the helmets.
“You did a damn fine job today. Damn fine! But tomorrow is another day. Dismissed!” Adams barked, before marching out of the depot.
The corridors were lifeless, the only sound being the gentle humming emitted from the bunker’s generators. Adams’s face was droopy and his eyes struggled to stay open, but he was beaming with pride underneath; he finally had a true recent achievement under his belt.
My time to shine.
The doors to Adams’s office slid open. His quarters were still a mess, but he didn’t care; his place was now out on the field, where he could truly fight for America.
Adams slipped out of his uniform before falling on his bed, smiling as he fell into its warm embrace. Despite his excitement, he passed out instantly.
OOC: Meh, not the most interesting post ever, but I had to write something.