Rico Traponi (Mafia Minion)Rico saw the woman bow after he had finished speaking and begin to introduce herself; "My name is Lyn Grave. Nice to meet you Rico. If you would be so kind as to introduce me to your Don, I would appreciate it." the woman said drawing closer.
Rico instinctively took a step back, and eyed the woman warily. "Lyn Grave" he repeated.
"I hope you don't mind, but the animals will be accompanying me. You don't need to worry, they are as good as tame. And good job in guessing I'm not from around here."
Before Rico could reply, he heard a gunshot, and ducked down, pulling out his pistol now. Luckily the shot hadn't hit anything. As Rico turned he noticed that the shot had come from an armored figure not too far away. He immediately aimed his gun at the figure, despite being fully aware that any thing he could possibly throw at him would bounce off like toothpick against glass.
"Miss, what the hell are you doing with that thing near you?" the armored man asked.
Lyn then fell to the ground, hysterical with fear.
What in the name of Jesus is wrong with this place? Can things never go according to plan? Rico mused, still aiming at the armored figure, gun trembling in his hands.
"Listen buddy, everything is u-under control. You mind your business, we mind ours." Rico managed.
Don Frank VercelottiBack in his suite, Frank was enjoying a nice warm bubble bath while his suit was being cleaned of blood stains. Three of the four men sent out to survey the city had reported no irregularities, while one was still out there. The Don kept his radio set at his side, in case of any sudden calls.
As he sunk deeper into his bathtub, he began rubbing his body with soap.
Ah, this is the life. he smiled to himself. As he bathed there in the early evening, he heard a knock on the door.
"Sir? Your suits ready!" the soft, gentle voice said from behind the bathroom door.
Oh, it's the hot maid. Frank realized, allowing a dirty thought enter his mind.
"Come on in, baby" Frank called.
"Don't be shy" Frank encouraged, letting a sly grin curl onto his lips as the maid entered nervously.
"Yes, sir?" she asked, standing petrified in the corner of the bathroom.
"We haven't gotten to know each other very well, have we?" Frank asked. "Since I've been so busy ever since I first became Don." Frank said, tilting his head to get a better view of the beautiful maid. Her light olive skin, and dark, thick hair. Not to mention her perfect slender figure. "Tell me, what's your name?" Frank asked.
"Amelia" she responded, relaxing slightly, and taking a step closer.
"Amelia. Lovely name" Frank responded. "Come on Amelia, how about we get to know each other better?" he asked, motioning her over to the bathtub.
Amelia simply lowered her head and blushed, taking another step forward and letting her maids outfit slip off her shoulders.
OOC: Sorry for long post, but I wanted to highlight Franks personality, while contrasting the events in his story with that of the others.
@Chriso. Actors playing each character here in my head? Okay!
Evander Jamison: http://www.superherotimes.com/news/images/punisher12.jpg
William Snowe: http://l.yimg.com/eb/ymv/us/img/hv/photo/movie_pix/columbia_pictures/memoirs_of_a_geisha/ken_watanabe/memoirs2.jpg
Frank Vercelotti: http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/Al-Pacino.jpg
Alex Scallati: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_s2BhR14qgt8/TKtL7zMN_-I/AAAAAAAAA1o/0t0KWok8AYc/s1600/tumblr_l227f1QMA51qbaigdo1_500.jpg (Because Alex Scallati is based on Vito Scaletta whose based on a young Marlon Brando.

Sonia Marx: http://www.best.celebity-foto.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/charlize-theron-3.jpg
Ann Scallati: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_KxFSCMu3eFE/TFokVsAXnpI/AAAAAAAAAkU/izhLDuqWd5A/s1600/taylor_swift4.jpg
Alan Sutler: http://goremaster.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/jeff-bridges.jpg
Jack Adams: http://www.musicrooms.net/files/celebs/jason_statham_891720983.jpg
Lyn Grave: http://lh4.ggpht.com/_5OGaZ-nNJz0/SX9kBLpMcMI/AAAAAAAAAl8/f1_drqP8Uao/ashley%20greene_thumb%5B1%5D.jpg
Justin Martyr: http://images.askmen.com/galleries/men/tom-hanks/pictures/tom-hanks-picture-1.jpg (He didn't have a last name in the character sheet so I just threw in the second part of the users name.

I know they might not seem very accurate, or go against the character sheets, but those are the actors I picture in my head.

Tell me if I missed anyone out, I don't remember all the characters at all times.