OOC: I dunno if I'm suppose to use my character sheet in my first post or something like that but here it is anyway:
Here's how my character looks like: http://img263.imageshack.us/img263/663/dsc02349do.jpg
Okay then, here's the character sheet.
Name: Artemis Hyperion
Age: 61
Race: Trog (Van Buren Trog)
Occupation: Mercenary
Appearance: Tall man, 6.2 feet long, Medium long golden blonde hair, extremely pale, brutish face, heavily muscular, tattoo of a bull on his right forearm, scar across nose, his fingers are very big due to him being a Trog and he can't use most firearms due to them being too small for him to handle, wears a dark blue leather jacket with both sleeves torn off to make it into a vest and a pair of brown trousers
Personality: Artemis is a calm man, strange at times, can seem to get fascinated by the slightest things but he is in no way dumb or slow in the head.
He respects great leaders and cares little for lesser people. Through his time in the Legion he has learned that small time squabbles between tribes will not solve anything, all must be conquered under one man, under one flag, under one nation.
He does not care for money or lust, he does not care for power or influence.
All Artemis cares about is finding himself, to repair his soul.
But even though his noble nature, even though he is a broken man, he wants his bloodlust to return, and when it does... The enemy will become a puddle of blood, literally.
Gear: Zippo lighter, rope, a machete broken in half and some irradiated water.
Weapon: A square streetsign (Turned 45 degrees) which has been sharpened along the sides to make it sharp like a blade on each of the four sides.
Faction: Former legionnaire in Caesars Legion.
Backstory: Artemis was once named Cares Heart, a leader of a Trog community called The Sky-Born living by a cave to the western most of Arizona
The community had minor squabbles with other tribes in the area but none would ever flatout attack them due to Trogs being blessed with such brutish strength.
But when Legion came, tribes around the area fell to their destructive power.
Soon enough, Graham himself was at The Sky-Born's town.
As Cares had heard of the other tribes falling to Legion he thought that Father Sun, a god, had arrived.
Cares convinced his people to peacefully give themselves over to Graham.
Due to The Sky-Borns religion (It might be explained later if I feel like it) they fully supported Grahams every move.
Every man woman and child that was slaughtered at their hands were justified by Father Sun, Graham.
After several conquests they finally stood against an enemy worth proving themselves to.
New California Republic.
Their attack was ruthless, Troopers falling at their hands, until... Until Boulder City happened.
All of Cares' family and friends were slaughtered and he, the rest of the survivors and Graham fell back to report to Caesar.
Due to Grahams failure, he was punished by being set aflame and thrown into The Divide.
Cares.... Cares had nothing left but the ideology of The Legion...
But his hands wouldn't fight, his legs wouldn't budge.
He was broken, a tool that could no longer be used.
He asked of Caesar to allow him to journey to the far east, in order to find himself again and hopefully repair his soul.
Caesar allowed him his wish, but on one condition, he would have to be branded by Legion's insignia, the bull, relieve his former name, and after he left Flagstaff, he would be branded an enemy of Legion, if he survived an escape out of Legion's lands and were able to return in a couple of years in front of Caesars throne, then he would be allowed to re-join the Legion.
He was named Artemis Hyperion and branded with the tattoo of a bull on his right shoulder and was sent off.
Due to his trauma not allowing him to fight escaping proved difficult but not impossible.
And after six years.. He could finally see the coastline of a bone-yard formerly known as New York..
Trog fact sheet: (Or well, since they aren't fully canon (Van Buren Trogs) I guess I can tweak their race a bit)
Heavily muscular.
Greater radiation resistance compared to humans but not fully immune.
Extremely pale.
Blond hair.
Very brutish faces. (A female Trog wouldn't exactly be a Miss Arizona.
Slightly thicker skins compared to humans. But bullets are still bullets and knifes are still knifes. Still, their skin serves "some" protection, especially from blunt attacks. (Punching a Trog is a bad idea.)
Trogs age a bit slower than humans, so while he is 61 he looks like he's around 35.BIC:Artemis Hyperion and
Elaine De'Chant"[censored] where the hell has those damn pigrats run off to?" blurted Elaine as she exhausted sat down on the hood of an old rusted car to wipe the sweat from her brow.
Morning in the valley is always peaceful, with only birds chippering away and the wind blowing through the rusted skeletons of cars lined up after each other on what used to be a road. She opened her bad and fumbled around the various crap of what she called
you never know items for the water bottle. Unscrewing the cap she heftily clunked down the water and giving out a big satisfied "Aah.." as her thirst was relieved. Elaine was in her 50's, a rare trait for a hunter, especially for a female hunter, always thinking she would settle down and do something less straining not to mention less dangerous only to still wake up to the birds each day and go out to hunt for more food. It was in her blood, and the new camp sure needed it since those federation guys took over Rabithead. As she was trying to control her breathing a rustling noise came from the bushes. Elaine was frozen in fear,
why would I be so stupid as to put my rifle in my backpack and not have it ready in my hands?!? But there is no use in hindsight. She quickly threw her body forward and started running while simultaneously trying to open the lock to her backpack.
From behind her she could her a molerat, no.. Several molerats, if they got her held down she wouldn't have a chance to survive.
As her mind wandered she forgot to focus on the grassy hill she was running downwards. The left foot entangled itself on an old root and her entire body was thrust forward, rolling down the hill in a fast pace. Once she neared the bottom her whole body was hurting from the roots and rocks she had rolled down on. Disoriented, she tried to regain focus to run away, but the brain being spun so many times dazed her completely...
It's over.....
Seconds pass with no sound of molerats squeaking or multiple footsteps rushing at a fast pace.
As she looks up a towering man is standing right by the side of the sun, making silhouette the only thing visible.
Elaine has never seen a man so tall not to mention bursting with muscles, her petrification had returned and her heart was racing as she stared in terror at this monster of a man and wondered if this isn't worse than the molerats. And then the silhouette moved, blocking the sun and displaying an eerie white face with sky-blue pupils and a voice called out to her. In an uncertain but deep tone "I'm.... I'm new-" and cut off his own sentence like he was at a loss for words himself. "I'm... Artemis, are you hurt?"
OOC: Man I really failed at English and Swedish class at school... Hopefully my writing is at least bearable.

I just wanted to do the introduction for him right now, have to go to sleep soon and will expand on his story tomorrow.
I tried to do a quick search but I couldn't find out what happened to Rabithead except that some federation had taken it over.
So if the former Rabithead citizens part contradicts history please let me know and I'll tweak it.