New Manhattan Thread 6

Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 12:23 pm

President Fairfield

"Sir! I see the CN tower!"
"Good, now get us there alive!"

The train was being attacked from the air by vertibirds. Several people were firing at the birds from the train.

Suddenly, a radio cackled with life. "President, we see your train, we have guns ready to fire."

In a split second, about three hundred machine guns and many more guns began to fire at the birds from the Detroit walls.

Alexander Scalatti

Vivere militare est!" They pulled pulled out the guns started shooting at the civilians.

"Bad [censored] idea..ATTACK!!!" The mob ran over to the thirty supporters and began to beat many of them up. Time to get revenge.

The entire square was now in a full riot. The mob was looting all GP supporter homes and shops. Alexander ran into a dark alley, and quietly spoke into his radio.

"Vlad, organize the squad."

Alex ran over into the carnage, shoved his way through, and ran over to the podium. As soon as he walked up, the crowd stopped, turned, and waited for Alex to speak.

Right as Alex began to speak, 8 men in combat armor ran into the square, walked up to the podium, and went around Alex.

"Thanks Vlad for the security." Alex adjusted his tie. "People of New Manhattan. They struck first." He pointed to the torn limbs and bloody corpses of the supporters. "The GP does not care for you, they only care for themselves. The mafia, well, they do care for you in a way. But the GP does not."

Alex turned a page on his speech transcript. "I do not condone violence, but these [censored]s have stepped WAY over the line. We however, cannot win against them without help, they are much too strong. People, aid the Lake Federation, aid any soldiers you find."
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Wanda Maximoff
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 6:54 am

Supreme Commander Byron

While William was off in his vendetta against the Federation, Byron was to man the home front in case of a riot or any sort of Federation counter attack. No such thing, but a coup d'état was imminent. From William's orders, for three months, New Manhattan would be run like an oligarchy or an autocracy. Phase one of Alpha Omega was complete, Director Snowe offers up a gambit and the the Lake Federation took it so easily and so did Manhattan.

The Gauss Project would take control of New Manhattan through means of autocracy, something William's brother never could've done. But the matter at hand was still present. Soon enough, all four hundred Securitrons surrounded New Manhattan. Byron issued out a single command. Kill all coup d'état supporters.

Yet another command was issued. Cut ALL communications from every city on civilian files, GP citizen or not, from anywhere except Arcadia and the GP broadcast station.

The Gauss Project has successfully taken control of the city communication, travel, and everything in between. New Manhattan was locked down and with Frank's incapacitation, William, Byron, Sonia, and the other commanders could do whatever they please so long as it benefited the city in the long run. New Manhattan was being tempered for a higher purpose and once the President is killed...there would BE no resistance when the army of New Manhattan marches to claim all of Manhattan island.

Vertibird Squadron 1 & 2

"We've got machine gun fire and SAM sites around the CM tower. Can you confirm?"
"Legate Actual here...the main goal is the President, fire the entire payload at the tower."
"Roger...breaking formation!"
The Vertibirds all unexpectedly broke formation and zoomed towards the train before releasing their last mini-nuke, bombs, and of course, the remaining missiles in their payload. A couple even crashed their own Vertibird into the train station, escaping using a parachute at the last minute. Eventually, the SAM sites either destroyed or heavily damaged the Vertibirds after the 20 second payload dump on the station and the train.

"Sonia's suffering from minor burns, major bone fracture and a spinal injury. The surgery was a success but she won't be ready to walk for two months...about the time when the war with the Federation will end."
Sonia laid in the sterile hospital bed, barely scarred at all but hooked up to a lot of different machines, even an auto-doc. She opened her eyes and spoke as a whisper. "Where's William?" She asked, looking around the room.
The doctor turned on the T.V, showing the GP News Broadcast, the only broadcast station now allowed.

"Director William Snowe, according to the sole survivor of the Vertibird Squadron 1, has successfully killed the President of the Lake Federation. No confirmation on that from the Director but the Squadron pilot seems certain that the bombardment of the train and the train station killed the President. More on that later but New Manhattan has ordered MARTIAL LAW after a message by Alexander Scalatti, an advocate of the New Manhattan coup d'état"
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 3:28 am

President Fairfield

Everything was burning. Everything. Where am I? Fairfield began to crawl through the rubble. As far as he could tell, the train had been hit.

"Sir?! Sir?!"
"I'm here!"

Two soldiers approached Fairfield and picked him up. "Detroit is safe. The entire congress has been moved their, well the ones that survived. "

"Good." The soldiers carried him through the gates of Detroit to a cheering crowd. Fairfield gave a thumbs up before entering a hospital.

Alexander Scalatti

Alex turned another page. "Now, I tell you, as a friend, resist, RESIST!!! Don't let the GP push you around! Just because they lived in a [censored] bunker does not make them superior to you! You are superior to them!" Alex pointed a pistol in the air. "Bring him."

Mark and Francis dragged out a GP supporter, who was cursing and kicking. Alex laughed. "This [censored] was foolish enough to attack you. He has been with the GP since birth." Alex pointed the gun at him. "Are you scared? Are you frightened? Does the little GP toddler need a diaper change?"

The crowd laughed.

"From where you're standing, it seems like a 15 carat stroke of bad luck, but the truth is, it was all rigged from the start." Alex shot the man's head clean off.

The crowd let out a loud cheer.
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Laura Simmonds
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:54 am

OOC: Benny quote!

Director William Snowe

"Phase One is complete sir," The commander said in a very nervous tone of voice. If the whole plan of Alpha Omega is complete, then William would reign as the most powerful entity in all of New Manhattan. Arcadia would be spared however, they're a valuable trading asset and a friend.

William nodded. "Start Phase Two, eliminate ALL resistance of an autocracy, I give your permission to kill any looters and rioters in New Manhattan. Use my 400 Securitrons...let's go. Pull out of here and start at home. The Federation war was merely a gambit and the idiot took it."

The armada of Vertibirds, tanks, and land army all moved back to New Manhattan, the mobile rocket artillery taking potshots at Detroit occasionally. William waited inside the comfortable Zodiac V-1 to go back to New Manhattan and quell the rebellion. It would be over before it started.


"Mistress, you're safe inside the bunker."
Sonia sobbed quietly before she issued the first order of her career. The full on attack on the rioters above, no survivors, no prisoners. Being so high up, the commander inside the hospital complied and issued all 400 Securitrons now arriving back at New Manhattan to eradicate the rioters. They did. The rockets attached to their shoulders did very well to wipe out the blunt of the rioters.

After that, the 9mm sub-machine guns fired directly into the crowd of rioters before they targeted Alex's small band of coup d'état leaders. 30 Securitrons broke off from the main group who was slowly wiping out the riot, surrounded Alex. "Alex Scalatti, please come quietly into a safe environment to contemplate what you have done."

After the small robotic speech was over, William's signature Gauss Project logo flickered on one of the Securitrons. "Alex, so you're the cause of this rebellion? Typical. In any case, any chance of a riot is over, we will have a military autocracy in 1 week. Liberty will be restored when the three month clock ticks down to 0. Phase three of the master plan will be taking place as soon as the three month clock turns to 0. Cheers."
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 8:59 am

Lyn Grave

What Lyn saw was chaos. What seemed to be a riot, with securitrons gunning down anyone involved. She dashed to the mafia headquarters. Before she could get in the front door, the mirelurks were filing out. She ducked into an alley, and the mirelurks set up a defense, and Lyn set up her rifle, looking through the scope to see the battle. Many nameless people, more securitrons, and Alex, seemingly at the head of it all. Hell, I already decided I was going to throw my lot in with Alex... Lyn's heart was pounding, and she let out a sigh. You owe me. Lyn unloaded her clip into the securitrons surrounding Alex. Five securitrons dropped neatly to the .50 cal rounds. Immediately after, mirelurks formed up in front of the alley, closing it off, and the two mirelurk kings stood behind them, firing sonic bolts into the securitrons. The rest stood ready to charge, once the securitrons took up her bait. She ejected the clip, and loaded it back up with 5 more rounds, and waited.
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 8:31 am

Director William Snowe

"Of course...Lyn wold be helping the fugitive...Securitrons, eliminate Lyn's precious mirelurks and seize control of the city," William said before using his Securitron body of the only MK 2 Securitron to survey the riot, or lack thereof. In thirty minutes of crowd control, the looters outside the Central plaza was quelled to the point where a coup d'état was barely present outside the main area where Alex was making his speech. That was a no go zone.

William, using the massive Securitron data bank, surveyed the Securitrons. They were starting to attack Alex's mercs and his group of people. For three months, all rioters and looters would be working as slaves, building military weapons to reignite the high technology development sectors. Then Phase Three will start.

William looked at the top of the Gauss Project Ivory Tower, a somewhat large abandoned building that was commandeered by the Gauss Project. On the top of the building was a large neon clock. 3 Months, 0 Days, 0 hours, 10 minute, 59 seconds and counting. Once that hits 3 months, the military autocracy would start.

OOC: Fail post, I edited it
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Avril Churchill
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 8:08 am

OOC: Could you please edit that please. You gave my people no chance at anything.
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 3:29 pm

OOC: Where I come from, that is called godmoding. Give us a chance to retaliate.
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Lynne Hinton
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 1:24 pm

OOC: Where I come from, that is called godmoding.


@ Zerker Please edit that though. Alex would not go down that easily. Plus, you have the 8 mercs to deal with, and a large crowd of angry people.

Also, 400 securitrons? Tanks? My goodness, your unstopable. Not to sound rude or anything, but the GP is WAY too uber-demigod for anyone to stop it. The Lake Federation has the second largest military in the world, they have advanced tech. Whats next? The NCR?

Alex is tough, and the people respect him. He would NOT go down without a firefight.
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:44 am

OOC: Mirelurks are plenty tough as well, especially when backed by a skilled tactitian like Lyn.
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 3:57 am

Alright, lets move this discussion to this thread.
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 8:31 pm

OOC: The post was edited, and the 1000 or so Securitrons are spread out throughout all of New Manhattan and hundreds of outposts throughout the city. Even if it was 400 units or 1000 units or whatever, the max units that are ACTIVE in the story would be a hundred or so. The tanks...I've never used them...just there...don't even know why I put them in there.

But the amount in case, remember that the GP is a very old organization, dating back to when the war first started. It would be obvious that the bunker would have solely Pre-War technology. But the Federation is backed up by numbers. 1000 units may seem like a lot but they're like 90% of all of the Gauss Project. They're nowhere close to the full blunt of NCR or Caesar's Legion. About evenly matched in terms of tech vs. numbers. And yes, Federation has lots of tech, on par with the GP
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 8:54 am

Mieux frowned, he could see smoke out of his windows down in New Manhattan, he had offered to make a peaceful resolve between the rioters and Gauss Project. He was nervous how relations with New Manhattan would be. If this was how Williams treated rebellion, then he could only imagine what would happen should Williams turn power hungry. Mieux was fortunate in his power. He ran a Lassez-Faire style leadership, so long as he was in power, and no one impeded the progress of Arcadia and they followed his rules and laws, he let things go by. The people found his rules fair, same as any civilized town, no drugs, murder, slavery, or [censored]. Any of those were punishable by death or permanent banishment. But in his eyes, what Williams was doing was no short of being an iron fisted dictator backed with military power. Nonetheless, he stayed out of the combat, wanting nothing to do with the war going on. Meanwhile, he wondered if President Sutler would ever contact him, instead, he sent a message to the Enclave base, saying that should Mr. Sutler wish to, Mieux would offer the President a weeks vacation at the tall luxury hotel, as well as business talks. He hoped to spend some time with Sutler, though he and Sutler varied in method, he found Sutler to be a very civil, if not rash, leader. However, in the meantime, he was continuosly mounting defenses, though never explaining to his men why, he feared something from Manhattan may blow Arcadias way.
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:17 am

Lyn Grave

The securitrons started rolling toward Lyn's position. Alright, lets get this plan kicking. Lyn's group fell back further into the alley, forcingf the pursuing securitrons to file into the narrow space. As soon as the securitrons had made a bit of progress into the alley, a portion of the mirelurks rushed toward them. The mirelurks focused their efforts on the securitron's weak points, their arms and wheels. Forcing the securitrons into the narrow space kept the number of robots that could fire on them to a minimum, keeping mirelurk casualties low. The securitrons fired on the mirelurks with their submachine guns and gatling lasers. Loses on each side were even, and soon enough a blockade of corpses was established. It's only a matter of time before they clear the blockage...time to make my retreat. Lyn left the remaining mirelurks there to continue to stall the securitrons, taking only the two kings and her wolves with her. She exited the other side of the alley, and made her way to the building next to it. She burst in, not finding any people inside. She made her way to the top floor, finding some windows that faced the street where the riot was happening. She left the mirelurk kings to guard the door to the room she was in, and the wolves stayed with them to help alert them to any securitrons that might make their way up there. From there, she sniped any stray securitrons she found.
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 7:29 am

Mieux suffered a problem, his being Pre-War, and having Pre-War living conditions, he was often stricken with the most incurable disease of all, Nostalgia. He sat at his desk, trying to clear his mind, awaiting a reply from the Enclave, he pulled out a Record Player, it was something rendered obsolete by the time he was born due to Holotapes. But he always liked the music that Records had that Holotapes never played. He pulled out an old 300 year old record, which he took painstakingly difficult lengths to preserve, and placed the record on the needle, the static started, then the soft notes of '' fluttered into the marble penthouse, happy music reminding him of his days as a young man before the war, riding in his pale blue Corvega, newspapers in the mornings, and television becoming the newest thing to replace radio, then the bombs fell. He walked with a cheerful step in his walk, the music playing his speakers in the penthouse, his feet moving cheerily with a soft scuffle on the luxurious red carpeting. Though his girlfriend never cared for this, as she had called it, 'Ghost Music' do to Mieux listening to music over 100 plus years old that only few even remembered, he danced to himself, a glass of wine in hand, he felt young, not just in his usual young 35 year old appearance, he truly felt as young as he looked, his autocratic leadership duties felt gone, he felt like the carefree millionare he was.

As night started to settle over New York City, his lights turned on, he was enjoying himself, reliving his youth made him feel free of burden. To him, nothing was to problematic now, he felt recharged and full of vim and vigor.
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 8:17 am

Alan James Sutler

Sutler had been pondering on his new "arrangement" with Miuex. Is this right?, he thought to himself. Have I betrayed the principles I so valiently claim to abide? The affairs of these wastelanders is none of our concern. Sutler had seen the armoies fighting. So many machines... The Enclave mightent have the power to combat them but who's to say they'd have too? He took a final drag on a cigarette before stubbing it out in his, now emptied, ashtray; almost in an instant he made up his mind, after stubbing the butt out he immediately got to his feet for the Command Center, he marched there swiftly, with purpose.

The huge bulkhead slid open and closed behind Sutler as he strode into the Command Center, technicians sat behind machines, collecting data. Sutler sat behind his other desk and called to a technician to "Instruct Colonel Adams toget here at once." For good measure he poured himself a glass of water from a nearby cooler and, sipping it gently, awaited Adams arrival.
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 12:10 pm

Alexander Scalatti

Right as Alex was about to turn another page, someone shouted,


[censored], not now! "Stay calm people, they won't kill you for no reason." The rumbling grew louder and louder, until a full force of securitrons was in view.

Alex raised his hand, and clenched it. " now!" Suddenly, a huge explosion was heard in the distance. The crowd was looking around in confusion.

"Unless you want to ripped in half by super mutants, I say RUN!!! I blew a hole in the walls facing the Super Mutant controlled area!"

"ARRRG!!!" A loud yell was heard in the distance. At the sound of that, the crowd began to disperse. "Everyone! Follow me! I will protect you!" Alex and the mercs ran off the podium just in time.

A large super mutant ripped the cloth behind the podium and brandished his gun. "STUPID HUMAN!! SHUT UP NOW!!" More super mutants poured into the square.
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:18 am

OOC: Had work today; apologies for the slight delay. I assume you're sober, Adam? I left that [censored] to New Year's. :P

Adams sat at his desk, swivelling a glass of water as he skimmed over the reports. He sighed and simply thought for a moment, chin in hand. These ‘wars’… they’re simple matters for simple people, but the opportunity it presents us huge. A conflict of this scale during our campaign is of unprecedented size. If the Enclave can seize this chance for what it’s worth, our power will be strengthened and further consolidated… but the Gauss Project… they’re stronger than our reports previously indicated; vertibirds, Securitrons, SAMs, tanks. Can we afford them as enemies? Ugh, I need a smoke…

Adams extended his hand towards the small cigar crate, courtesy of one Justin Mieux, before he heard the distinctive click of an intercom.

“Colonel Adams, sir, the President requests you join him in the Control Center.”

Good, Adams thought, we can clean up this mess before it’s too late. “Thank you. Return to your duties.”

Adams took one last long swig of his water and paced through the Poseidon Energy Bunker; the blue lights shone scintillatingly and the turbine generators hummed gently. Although the atmosphere was of a generally calm state, Adams felt tense; he didn’t want to miss out on the action yet he’d rather avoid being thrown into a war the Enclave couldn’t handle.

The Colonel reached forwards to push the intercom but stopped mid-way. He heard voices inside. This isn’t Sutler’s room; I don’t need his permission for every damn action I make. Instead, Adams pressed the big button next to the door – it slid open gracefully, revealing Adams’s tall, bulky frame. He strode briskly and sat on the chair facing Sutler.

“I’m glad you called me here, Mr. President; the situation above is getting out of hand. I’d rather we quell the problem sooner rather than later.” No witty remark, no snide comment; Adams didn’t have the patience for an argument and refused to lock horns with Sutler in the presence of company. “What are your orders?”
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 6:48 pm

Sutler saw the figure of Adams illuminated in the cool, blue fluorecent light, for a second Sutler thought he looked rather impressive; Adams took a seat in front of Sutler.

“I’m glad you called me here, Mr. President; the situation above is getting out of hand. I’d rather we quell the problem sooner rather than later. hat are your orders?”

Straight to business? Good. Sutler took a glup of water and cleared his troat.

"You've seen the Eyebot reports, there ae sizable forces at work on the surface and after much deliberation I came to the conclusion that if we are to continue our operations in Manhattan, the boys still need another few days at Vault 109 for example, then we need to.. make our position a little clearer, or at least have some form of refuge and support on Manhattan Island. I recontacted Miuex about an alliance or deal, I have agreed to forget, though not necessarily forgive, Miuex's past actions and in return I can only assume Miuex will put his people and goal first, ie, he is willing to put the Enclave's and my reputation behind him so that we may work together in some capacity. The terms of this deal have not been arranged and I suspect that we will just ask when needed, I promised him a squad of troopers to bolster his own garrison, due to the excessive number of wastelanders he is playing host to due to the conflict, and for the saftey of the men stationed there I have also allocated some antiquated suits of T-51b Combat Powered Armour, and if need be training of how to use it. He stressed that any Enclave personnel would need to mind themselves around the refugees, some Pre-War ferals for example who's knowledge he needs. I am going to offer this assignment to you and Autumn Squad. You are of course not under Miuexs command and if anything you should try to increase Enclave influence with him, I also want you to find out his assemant of the situation and any affiliations to wasteland organisations he may have, also, you are to find out why he is still alive." Sutler cleared his throat again. "You may leave for Miuex's citadel whenever your ready Colonel, you will stay in radio contact with us as often as possible and whenever necessary, if you have anything you wish to discus or any questions about our future operations ask now."

OOC: I am fine now old boy, folks are away and had a friend over for an all night Nazi Zombie marathon!
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 12:12 pm

Director William Snowe

The Zodiac V-1 touched down with William still in the MK 2 Securitron body. He watched as Super Mutants started to attack the riot control with a variety of weapons. "Everybody, form a pincer grasp on the Securitrons, double time!"

The highly disciplined soldiers and Securitrons all formed a pincer grasp on the main wall that had exploded. All the Super Mutants trying to go through the wall were cut down by the mass of laser and gunfire. By the time the smoke had cleared and all of the mutants have been quelled, Alex was gone and virtually all of the rioters were also gone. The three month clock had begun on their terms.

William released control of his Securitron and touched down in the GP Ivory building before heading up to a podium specifically placed on the 5th floor, a large metal gate made of scrap metal surrounding the building. He spoke into the microphone in a loud and booming voice. "People of New Manhattan! Alexander Scalatti has brought 3 months of military autocracy upon you! Do not rise up and the 3 month period will end with liberty, rise up and you will all be killed! Food shortages will be fixed in this time period and the hole that Alex blew to let the mutants in will be fixed within the first week of this period. That is all."

He stepped down from the podium and went down into the bunker. The first Legion of Securitrons were patrolling Laketon while the remaining 800 units were spread all throughout the Northeast. Manhattan island, Jersey, even as far as Pennsylvania, waiting for them to be activated. William headed down to the med-bay to see Frank's room blocked off. Obviously, that wound was supposed to be fatal but he survived.

William headed down to Sonia's personal med-bay and watched the doctors run around from the new inflow of patients. "Sonia?" He whispered. Sonia smiled brightly and held his hand. "Hey...what's going on up there?"

"Alpha Omega's starting, we're going to keep inside this bunker for 3 months, using Securitron bodies instead of going out ourselves."
"Alright, I'll be in here for a week or two so don't do anything stupid William!" She said in a cheery tone, surprisingly not fazed by the explosion that nearly killed her two days ago.
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Laura Wilson
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 6:35 am

OOC: Mutants are stonger than that you know.

Alexander Scalatti

Alex and much of the crowd kept running. They ran through the wall that was blown down, and the mutants did not attack them.

"Why are they not attacking us?" Vlad yelled as they ran into North Manhattan.
"Oh, these mutants are led by a First-Generation. I go way back with him."

Most of the crowd stopped at the wall. Only about 100 kept running with Alex. "Keep running!" The group soon reached the coastline.

"Damn, how are we supposed to cross?" Francis yelled.

Then, a large figure walked from the shadows. "Alex my boy!"
"Super Mutants, show these guys how to cross."

Several of the second gens showed the crowd some boats. They began to board them.

"Harris, you knew I was coming right?"
"Ha ha, no, when we heard the explosion, we knew it was you." His lumbering body turned toward the boats. "To our base!"


Alex and the crowd had already left the boats and entered the Charlie and Sons Chemical building. It reeked with Super Mutant Smell.

Alex sat down in Harris' Office. Harris sat down at a specially made chair. "So Harris, I need your help."
"Yes, I still owe you for saving my life back in 77'. Tell me, what is it you need help with?"
Alex handed Harris some documents showing the GP's evil acts.
"In the name of the Master this is unjust!"
"I need you to help me stop them. In return, any GP people you catch will be turned into Super Mutants."
"Yes, we need more mutants. Walking across the country is a great way to lose many people."
Alex laughed. "Alright, we will attack tomorrow. How many mutants you have?"
"500, plus Centaurs."
"I know all of the entrances into the city. We will attack them by surprise."
Harris nodded. "I have one question, when we win, will you let my mutants live near New Manhattan, or even inside?"
Alex nodded. "I hate bigotry."
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Emma-Jane Merrin
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:47 am

Lyn Grave

Crap, out of ammo Lyn thought as she heard the click of her empty chamber. Without warning, one of the walls near Alex exploded, and a wave of super mutants came pouring out. Suprisingly enough, none of them attacked the people. The securitrons had diverted all their attention to the flood of mutants, and Alex and a group of people were running toward the mutants. What the hell is he thinking? [censored]... Lyn dashed back downstairs, and followed Alex's group. Before she got to far away, she ordered the remaining mirelurks, plus the kings and wolves, to return to the mafia building basemant. Lyn had to keep a brisk pace to keep up with the fleeing group, who was miraculously being ignored by the mutants. The group reached the coastline, and Lyn ducked into the shadows to avoid being noticed. Soon, a super mutant walked up to Alex.

"Alex my boy!"
"Super Mutants, show these guys how to cross."

Wait, intelligent super mutants? Lyn watched as Alex's group boarded boats driven by super mutants. Before she could make a move, a super mutant grabbed her from behind.
"HEY, WHY YOU BEING SNEAKY BACK HERE. I WOULD KILL YOU IF HARRIS WOULD ALLOW IT. YOU'RE COMING WITH ME." The super mutant picked Lyn up effortlessly and threw her over it's shoulder. Lyn struggled a bit, but within a short while gave up. After a bit of a journey, they arrived at what seemed to be the super mutant's headquarters. The mutant brought Lyn into an office, and set her back on her feet, but still keeping a grip on her, to make sure she didn't go anywhere. "HARRIS, I CAUGHT THIS HUMAN BEING SNEAKY. WHAT SHOULD I DO?"
Lyn added a bit, to help convince that she wasn't a threat. "I was only trying to protect Alex. You appear to be the mutant that was talking to him before you got on the boats, so you must know him somehow. A friend of your friend is your friend too, right?"
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Stephanie Valentine
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:17 pm



Lyn added a bit, to help convince that she wasn't a threat. "I was only trying to protect Alex. You appear to be the mutant that was talking to him before you got on the boats, so you must know him somehow. A friend of your friend is your friend too, right?"

Harris scratched his head. "Well, I sense the truthfulness in your eyes, but I would like to make sure." Harris walked over to the intercom, and called Alex.

"Hey Alex, we caught a woman named Lyn, do you know her?"
"Yeah, she's safe."

Harris turned off the intercom. "Alright, you're free now. We are going to assult New Manhattan tomorrow, join along if you'd like."
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Ricky Rayner
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 3:35 pm

Ghouls? GHOULS! Ugh, how could a great man allow such filth to take residence in such a clean, pure environment? The mind boggles... Adams was screaming in his head, and mentally spat. Throughout his travels, he’d seen scum and villainy thrive off the wasteland's instability, yet none worse than ghouls; the ticking time bombs just waiting to explode in an inferno of murder and death. Still, Adams remained calm; he refused to let personal animosities stand in the way of his grand mission.

“No…” he mumbled, shaking off the ghoul thought,” no questions from me, Mr. President. But I advise we take caution; war can bring out the worst in even the greatest of men, and mobsters, businessmen… not exactly trustful to begin with. I suggest we remain in a position of neutrality until significant intel is gathered, but we must not waste any time in doing so – you’ll get splinters if you sit on the fence too long,” Adams said, with a smirk at the end. “Good day, Mr. President.”

Adams stood, stretched, and approached the large console, knocking the clumsy, fumbling technicians standing in his way. He spoke into the large intercom.

“Attention Autumn Squad, this is Colonel Adams speaking. Mobilise at the vertibird hanger and prepare for flight. That is all.” Adams placed the handset in its slot and saluted President Sutler, before rushing through the Bunker halls; he smiled at the echoing noise his boots made on the metallic flooring; it made him feel powerful, authoritative.

Autumn Squad assembled at the hanger in record time, and stood strong and saluted as the Colonel entered.

“All right, boys. We’re on a trip to prospering little settlement known as Arcadia. I’m sure Haywood and Drake have described it to you; a mini-paradise sheltered from the harshness of the Empire Wasteland. There, you will find the means to relax and enjoy yourselves; consider it a treat for your service to the country.” Adams’s words were met with cheers from his five men, Butler, of course, still being out of action. The Colonel was quick to raise his hand, signalling them to listen. “But remember, Arcadia is not our home; do not treat it as such unless given the permission to do so. There are… ghouls… yes, ghouls reside,” Adams said, his tone mixed with disappointment and anger. He could make out groans, scoffs and even a faint gasp from within Autumn Squad. “Yes, it came as a shock to me, too, but this mission is important in furthering our might and in furthering down our great path – failure is not an option. I cannot stress that enough; I trust you understand.”

“Yes, sir!” the squad exclaimed in unison. They hurried up the vertibird steps and found their respective seats, pvssyring about this that. Adams hollered to Haywood.

“Lieutenant, up here.” Haywood lumbered towards the Colonel, fighting for his balance as the vertibird ascended into the night. “Please, take the seat next to me.”

“Of course, Colonel!” Haywood’s joy shone through his power armour.

“Due to Butler’s unfortunate injury, you’re currently serving as the highest ranking commanding officer. Below me, of course. For the meantime, you serve as my right-hand man and personal adjutant. As a result, you’re free to voice the opinion of yourself and the squad, and when I’m not present, Autumn Squad is under your jurisdiction, but be warned; you’re responsible for their actions, also, which includes failures.” Adams poured a glass of water for himself. “A great deal of power has been bestowed upon you, Lieutenant, but never forget the responsibilities,” he said with a stern gaze.”

“It’s… it’s an honour that you’d even consider for me for such a position. I-I-I’m speechless, truly, it feels as if-“ Haywood was silenced by Adams’s meaty hand held in front of his face.

“Can it, Lieutenant. Such hesitation will kill you on the battlefield.” Adams leant closer to Haywood and lowered his tone. “You know why I picked you; you’re a better fighter and a better leader than any other member in the squad, save for the Captain. Come to recognise your abilities, and let them be known for all to see; you’ll be admired and venerated for it, believe me.” Adams winked and patted Haywood on his pauldron. His gaze was directed to Arcadia; the lights illuminating its beauty in the darkness for all to see.

Adams unclipped his radio from his belt. “Mr. President, we’re landing. Any final words before the meeting commences? I intend for the conference to run as smoothly as possible. Over.”
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Wayne W
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 8:46 am

Acting President Alan James Sutler

Sutler was back in the comfort of his office, looking around at the 200+ years of Sutler history framed on the walls, from one of the Enclave's founders to his great-Grandmother, former President Emily Sutler; all that history, such a long line and in 20 years it would be die forever, he looked at his family and shed a single tear before draining his glass of scotch and spinning mindlessly in his chair. Suddenly his radio crackled into life, direct line to Adams.

"Mr. President, we’re landing. Any final words before the meeting commences? I intend for the conference to run as smoothly as possible. Over.”

Sutler cleared his throat.

"Negative Adams, you're to present Miuex with the goods and assist him if he asks, don't forget your own intelligence objectives, I will contact Miuex via PoseidoNet if necessary at any point. Remain vigilant, you're there for a mission not a holiday. Be seeing you Colonel, over and out."
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