New Manhattan Thread 6

Post » Tue Mar 15, 2011 12:37 am

Lyn Grave

New Manhattan was in sight. "Charge, keep going straight ahead!" She knew her words were meaningless, but she enjoyed it. Lyn, still seated on the deathclaw matriarch's shoulder, stood up on the shoulder, keeping stable with the help of the matriarch. She looked through the scope of her rifle, surveying the scene in the city. The GP seemed to be retreating, and the mutant army was pressing the attack. Lyn sat back down as the deathclaws broke into a sprint. They charged through the hole the behemoth made, moving into the city. They quickly caught up with the mutant army and Alex, as they were charging. The deathclaws followed the charge, With the matriarch, Lyn, and the alpha male at the head.
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Charlie Ramsden
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Post » Tue Mar 15, 2011 1:21 am

OOC: They are after Sonia, who is in the bunker I think

Alexander Scalatti

Alex's face turned from disgust to pure horror. "You would carpet bomb your own city? You disgust me. Truly, you do." Alex pulled out a pistol. "[censored] you and your project. [censored] the GP. [censored] SONIA! ARG!"

Alex fell to the ground in anger. Vlad ran over and helped him up. Vlad turned to the securitron, and spat on it. "I am from Siberia, and I have seen evil things, but you are eviler than evil can be. Alex, lets leave the GP alone. The people know that William is not a friend."

Alex tipped his fedora, and turned. "No, I am the evil one. Look at me. I would gladly turn people into mutants? I am enslaving them!"

Harris also ran over. "Alex, the damage is done. The city is in flames. They are defeated. Lets go."
Alex sighed. "Fine." Alex turned to William's securitron, and shot its screen. "I will be back GP!!! I will return! And when I do, you will be sorry."


After sneaking through the bunker, they reached Sonia's room. They kicked open the door. "HERE IS THE SONIA TIME TO BE CAPTURED AND TURN INTO A GOOD LITTLE MUTANT!"
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phillip crookes
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:32 am

Lyn Grave

Everything seemed to be calming down already. The matriarch walked up to Alex, and Lyn called down to him from her perch. "Hey, did we miss the fun? Well, maybe not fun, but you know what I mean..." Lyn jumped down from the matriarch them. The matriarch rolled her shoulder a bit, trying to relieve the slight discomfort.
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meg knight
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:03 pm

OOC: I will add a new location to the Empire Wasteland.

Alexander Scalatti

"Lyn, you missed the utter defeat of the GP. They lost, but William in his Idiocy threatened to destroy the city, so, well, I don't know what to do."

Harris walked over. "You could start a new city...nah, that would be stupid.."
Alex lit up. "Your a genius Harris."
"I am?"

Alex motioned someone to hand him a map of the Eastern Seaboard. Vlad ran over along with Harris.

"Alex, how about Albany..New Albany, thats catchy." Vladimir said with a grin.
"To far away, we will be killed."
Harris looked at the map for a while. "How about Bridgeport Conn? Its not that far away, maybe an 30 minutes by boat?"
"I don't know about this though, I have no management experience, we'd be screwed."
Vlad slapped his face. "Just use Capatalism and you will thrive."
"I don't want to be the ruler though, maybe the city will have no ruler, but its protected by my guards."
Harris chimed in. "My mutants would gladly move with you."
"Alright, its set, lemme say goodbye."

Alex grabbed a megaphone. "People of New Manhattan, I will be leaving for good. I will start a new town in the ruins of Bridgeport, which is very near to here. If you don't want to be slaves, join along."
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 11:17 pm

Lyn Grave

"Alright, I'm going to pack up my stuff and head with you Alex." Lyn rushed to the mafia building to grab her stuff. She grabbed her .308 and .22 rifles, plus her leather armor out of the room. What was left of the mirelurks, and the wolves, were waiting in front of the building when she exited. Lyn also noted that mirelurk newborns were among them, since the eggs hatched. The group headed back to Alex, ready to follow him to their new home.
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Kelli Wolfe
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Post » Tue Mar 15, 2011 12:57 am

OOC: Remember to add the Ivory Tower for the New Manhattan places. Oh and would be a good idea to do another fast forward since it's going to be building your town and repairing New Manhattan.

Director William Snowe

William laughed as Alex left. The bluff worked. Of course the carpet bomb would be false but he was prepared to even get Vertibirds to take off and perform mock explosions. He then temporarily disconnected the body and shot two nightkin in the head. The remaining two nightkin charged, only to be killed again by the vicious Snowe Family Guard.

He then heard of Alex making a speech of creating a new city. It would be a good time for cease fire considering both sides were losing badly. Military Autocracy was over after all, the slaves still believe William was the one who freed them.

"Nobody will be slaves, everybody is freed! Remember who made you like this! Remember!" The former slaves cheered. Now that the autocracy was over, it was time to rebuild.

All the slaves were paid with food and water, all gotten from an agricultural area down in the bunker. Now that both sides of the war had been quelled, money and resources could be invested in agriculture, a dying part of the bunker affectionately named "The Farmer's Market." Once that had been reignited, New Manhattan would be up and running within two weeks after repairing the walls.

William watched all the while, all the slaves somewhat happily working, after all, most of them were probably underfed anyways and they were being fed 2-3 meals a day and caps.
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Post » Tue Mar 15, 2011 1:30 am

OOC: Let’s just assume this post is set before the ceasefire. :D

Adams stood and strode over to the large window, a smirk breaking across his face. Mieux had blew on his ego, and inflated it ever more. He stood next to Mieux.

“General Chase, eh? Yeah, I’ve read the files… bold, audacious, strong; an inspiring leader, to say the least.” Adams began to chuckle slightly. “I must say, I’m quite honoured. A great man, he was. Rather like yourself, Mr. Mieux,” he said with a warm smile. “The good President… he fails to understand the brilliance of your grand achievement; hell, anything outside of the Enclave is tainted to him. I, however, do not merely recognise this masterpiece, I admire it. You shown vigour and strength of will – no matter where you’re from, that constitutes a true American. Honestly, I cannot blame you for wanting to continue your work, but I simply could not accept. My path is set, and I cannot diverge from it now, I hope you understand that. But make no mistake, I pray you find a worthy successor; it’s the least you deserve. “ Adams patted Mieux on the shoulder and gave him a hearty shake. His attitude was not an elaborate fa?ade covering the truth; he truly appreciated Mieux’s accomplishments, and it was only right to let it be known.

“Out of respect for what you’ve done, I will keep what you’ve told me about your… current condition, a secret. My lips are sealed. Hopefully-“ Adams’s attention was stolen by the ball of fire blazing in New Manhattan’s streets. The Colonel’s eyes widened.

A giant green blob plodded through the city, destroying anything that dare stand in its path. It was accompanied by hundreds of smaller specs, and tens of other figures identifiable as soldiers. The battle could be heard faintly; the bullets ringing and the bombs exploding in infernos of death, sending wood flying through the air and collapsing buildings to the ground. Adams focused on the green blob. “It can’t be…” he muttered.

The Behemoth roared in pain as the missiles struck; its cry echoed throughout the city, no doubt haunting its helpless citizens. The beast finally crashed. Adams breathed a heavy sigh of relief, but he could not ignore New Manhattan’s state; the flames, the bodies, the ruin. He exhaled lengthily and took a long gulp of his drink, before he began sauntering around Mieux’s luxury apartment, hands behind his back.

“As you can well imagine, I do not oppose war. It stimulates strength, courage and unity. But what’s going on out there,” Adams spat his last sentence, and pointed out to New Manhattan, “that’s not glorious. That’s not good men fighting for their beliefs and values. It’s madness, utter pandemonium. Total destruction.” Adams approached Mieux. “This… Gauss Project, they do not care for America, just their own selfish desires. Just look at them, burning the very city they claim to be defending. Now, I’ve read the reports, and from what I’ve seen today, I believe I can come to a firm conclusion to what they are: liars, cheaters. I will not align myself with such scum!” Adams’s face began to boil red. He remembered where he was, and tried to cool himself. He fell back on the sofa and exhaled lengthily.

“What I believe matters not, I suppose; President Sutler will always have the final say, and there’s little point in hiding from that sad reality. But I just hope you can understand what’s best.”
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:04 pm

Mieux knew what was going on in New Manhattan, if he looked there from his window, he would have seen the fighting, but the fighting was very savage and barbaric. He shrugged." I have no real alliance with them, I just wait to see who holds power over the city, and attempt to make a treaty of mutual business, so long as they respect my independence and keep me out of THEIR war, I won't make any moves. No, I've made broad strokes to ensure I survive and thrive, war is counterproductive for me." He made a brief smirk, "But, I am always at war, mind you, my wars are fought with word and paper. Any man can kill another, it takes an artist to talk a hostile faction into leaving you alone." He simply shrugged. "But no matter, I build societies, what happens outside my land, they can fight to the death for all I care. It only makes me stronger. I am the sands of the desert. They the warriors who die. They fight and die, where I only cover their corpses and build over them. Such is the way the road to America must be paved. The Enclave is in shambles, I am not a warring faction. But we have an advantage they lack, Pre-War education. In the end, through careful planning, I think that we could do alot of good for this nation. When you leave or make a progress report, I'd like to extend to President Sutler, should he be willing, a treaty indicating Arcadia and all future expanses of this city as allies of The Enclave."
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 12:54 pm

OOC: Bridgeport is not that far away. Maybe 30 minutes by boat.

Yeah, we should fast forward maybe a week or so.

Alexander Scalatti

Around 300 people agreed to come along. "Alright, I will allot each family two bhramin to carry possessions. A large fleet of around 500 bhramin are waiting outside the city."

Alex ran over to his penthouse in Central Square. 10 super mutants followed him. Since they were too heavy for the elevator, they had to walk up the stairs.


Alex unlocked his penthouse door, to the surprise of Ann.

"Where were you all of this time?" Ann asked madly.
"We have to These mutants here will load all of our belongings onto bhramin."
"What the...where are we going?"
"No buts."


I took around three hours but the massive caravan was ready. Alex knew that many did not want to leave, but had too. "People I am sorry about the recent turn of events, but this is for a better future, where you are not slaves to a massive bigot empire. Bridgeport is about 5 hours away, because we will be walking slowly. Lets head off."

The gates of New Manhattan opened, and the caravan began to trod toward Bridgeport.
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 11:48 pm

Director William Snowe

About 300 people, probably the refugees caught in the middle of the act, agreed to go with Alex. Not that big of a number considering the massive immigration of people to be GP citizens after the conquering of small tribes along the route to the Federation. Also that after the slaves were given liberty and even small apartment complexes, the already massive GP was even more powerful.

New Manhattan had to be rebuild however. The only untouched buildings were the ones near Central Plaza and of course the Ivory Tower & Center, the shining beacon that will symbolize New Manhattan forever.

Sonia was recovering quite fast surprisingly for somebody who almost died from the flames. She smiled as she started to get out of bed and stagger around, taking physical therapy throughout the time in the hospital. Most of the slaves were loyal to the GP and even trained as foot soldiers after ten soldiers were executed for fleeing the battlefield.

William stared down at the construction project and smiled before looking over at the skyline to see Arcadia and he smiled again. The small city was his bargaining chip and so long as he kept it a secret until Phase 4 begins, it would be fine.
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 2:49 pm

Lyn Grave

Lyn wrapped her two secondary rifles and ammunition in her leather outfit, making an impromptu bag out of it. She slung it over her shoulder and followed the caravan. The deathclaws and mirelurks followed at a bit of a distance, to avoid unsettling the people of the caravan. She spent her time traveling chatting with the people, trying to lighten the mood, and get them comfortable with the animals they would be living with. Most of the people, after Lyn's assurances, warmed up to the idea of animals helping to protect them. After a fair amount of walking, the area of Bridgeport came into view.
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Post » Tue Mar 15, 2011 3:12 am

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Post » Tue Mar 15, 2011 2:59 am

Alexander Scalatti

"Well, here's Bridgeport." It was a total and utter mess. Nothing remained but the "bones" of the buildings.

"This is clearly the Boneyard of the East," Harris said as he was walking next to a brahmin.
"I guess so," Alex said as he tipped his fedora.

The massive caravan was on the old interstate now, trodding slowly toward downtown. Alex had already chosen that location because of its defensibility.


Downtown was not much better, but many of the buildings still remained intact. This will make it easy to build up the city. Alex grabbed a megaphone and walked up the steps of the old goverment building.

"Well, this is the location of the city. I want the walls built first, along with some farms. Everything else will come later."

The mutants were glad to be building something. "WHAT TO WE BUILD THE WALLS OUT OF?"
Alex pointed beyond the old interstates. "The old ruins of the suburbs."

The mutants ran over the interstate and began to tear down old houses.
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:07 pm

OOC: The contents of this post may suggest I'm enthusiastic for another war, but that's not the case, I assure you. It's just Adams's dumb ass speaking crap again.

Adams nodded as Mieux spoke, but struggled to fight off a scowl at “the Enclave is in shambles. “There is wisdom in your words, my friend, I won’t deny that. As a businessman, you’re tentative in your steps, yet you remain clear-minded and strong.” Adams looked up for a moment, pondering. “Hmm, yes, I fail to see how the President couldn’t see an alliance between our respective organisations as beneficial.”

The Colonel took another sip of his drink; the beer tingled Adams’s taste buds, creating a feeling of pleasurable ecstasy. Ahh, bliss.

“But it does seem as if we’ve been guided by different philosophies, you and I. Your beliefs are respectable, though I’ve always believed that if we seek peace, we must prepare for war. Of course, conflicts are often sparked due to contrasting ideologies, but in New Manhattan, it’s a much simpler affair. If we were to take arms against the Gauss Project, it’s a matter of good versus evil – America’s history has been paved by heroes, and as men of knowledge and pre-war understanding, it’s our destiny to build on what our forefathers laid out for us.” Adams paused briefly, exhaling gently. “So you see, despite a slightly outlook, our ultimate goal is shared. I see no reason as to why we cannot cooperate effectively. Let’s just hope our relationship is less… frosty, compared to Sutler and mine’s,” Adams said with a tired chuckle before rising to his feet. He fought for a better mood, but the recent events had forced a heavy burden on his shoulders; even the Mieux Hotel would struggle to truly please him

“Anyway, it’s getting late. I’ll be sure to report to the President of our progress ASAP. But before I go, would you be so kind as to give me a few more details on the alliance you propose? I imagine it’s all very straightforward, but thoroughness makes the entire process much smoother ,” Adams asked awkwardly. Despite the apparent warm relationship he shared with Mieux, Adams’s eyes were beginning to droop and he was feeling ever drowsier, not helped by the fact he was beginning to feel as if he were outstaying his welcome, especially considering the time.
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 11:58 am

Lyn Grave

Lyn approached Alex after he had made his announcement with the megaphone. "Alex, I'm going to get the mirelurks in the water to catch fish. Their fishing skill will easily keep the town supplied with fresh food. I could also convince the deathclaws to hunt a bit extra to keep the city supplied that way too." Without waiting for a response, Lyn led the mirelurks to the water. Most of the mirelurks went to fishing immediately, happy to return to the water. A few stayed with the young to care for them. She then returned to the settlers, and instructed the deathclaws to go hunting, making sure they would hunt more then they needed themselves, and also giving them STRICT orders not to hunt humans. The deathclaws spread out into the city, eagerly sharpening their claws along the way. She made her way back to Alex. "The animals are busy hunting, and will bring plenty of food to help us get started."
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jenny goodwin
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:03 pm

OOC: This is taking place 45 minutes before Chriso's post.

Alexander Scalatti

"Thanks Lyn. I have to go now, but I promote you to the "Head of Food Gathering" position. I really have to go now, bye."

It was around 6:00 PM. Everyone was hard at work, except for Alex.

Harris walked over, "Whats wrong?"
Alex looked up at Harris. "We won't last long without allies. New Manhattan is out of the equation, but Arcadia is not. I need to leave right now, you're in charge."
"Whatever you say friend."


It took a while, but Alex found some transportation. A slaver ship was caught trying to capture some locals from the old port. Alex and some mutants killed all of the slavers, and welcomed the locals into Bridgeport.

The ship was fast, so it would take about 30 minutes to reach New Manhattan.


"Head back and come back tomorrow capishe?"

Alex grabbed his briefcase, and adjusted his suit. (OOC:The suit is exactly like Benny's Suit.) He tipped his brown fedora and began to walk into the no-mans's-land. Bad move.

"Hey! Its Alex! Kill him!" Several GP snipers noticed Alex and began to open fire. Not now. Alex ran between several buildings, but had several close calls.


After some tense moments, Alex reached Arcadia's gate. "Hello, who are you?"
"Mr. Scalatti, I need to talk with Justin."
The guard laughed. "Alright, gimme your weapons and enter, walk to the main hotel, and talk to the receptionist."
"Thanks." Alex handed all the weapons, except for a 9MM pistol, which he hid in his suit, just in case.


Alex entered the opulent hotel. Holy [censored], this is the finest place I have ever been to. Alex walked over to the receptionist.

"Hello, I would like to talk with Justin Mieux."
"For what reason."
"I have a trade agreement see?" Alex opened up his briefcase.
"One second please, oh, what is your name."
"Alexander Scalatti."

The receptionist walked over to the intercom. "Mr. Mieux, sorry to interrupt. We have a Mr. Scalatti who would like to chat. Shall I send him up?"

OOC: Alex acts alot like Benny.
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 3:33 pm

Mieux gave a slight shrug, "I agree, sometimes war is inevitable, but I fight my wars in cunning. I have my a strong hand that only I can see, and believe me, it's a strong hand, I dealt it to myself. I have my own back up plans. In fact, I will let you in on one now. Adams, if war ever takes to Arcadia, and you're here, you and I and several troops can escape Arcadia to safety, but the details will come in time." He made a sly smile, "As I said, if all else fails, I have several contingency until my natural, or rather, as natural as it can be, death comes." Adams was preparing to leave, obviously tired do to the late night. When he stopped and asked about the details of the treaty, "Oh, well, I can think them up as I go along. I'll have it sent to your room by the morning, but in terms of profit? The Enclave gets the goodies, I just want to keep Sutler, the wild card factor in all this, as predictable as possible. So he'll be getting a very nice present if he agrees. As long as he remains content, I know my city will be safe. Anyway, I wont tarry, you're free to relax and sleep. Pleasant Dreams my friend."

After Adams left, he sat down at his desk, the room silent, save the soft sound of from his holotape machine. He sat down and wrote on pen and paper the agreements he hoped would make Sutler agree to abide this contract.

'Treaty of Alliance between Arcadia and the Enclave, the group hereby officially recognized by Arcadia as the Government of the United States of America

This document indicates mutual benifits to both parties, as well as alliances in war should any side call to their aid. Failure to comply by this treaty will nullifies all deals of either party at the precise time of the broken contract, which both parties are honorbound to uphold.

A.) The Enclave will recieve one experimental device, information of said device is released on a need to know basis.
B.) Any Enclave personnel in Arcadia are to be treated as citizens when off duty, this will also subject them to any jailtime for a crime commited.
C.) Arcadia will be officially recognized as an indpendantly governed state and ally of The Enclave of the United States.
D.) The Enclave will be officially recognized as the United States government and respect all personnel, this does not include hostile actions.
E.) The Enclave will be given 50,000 caps per month, as recognized wasteland currency, donations will fluxuate pending current economic status of the bottlecap in the future so long as this contract holds.
F.) Arcadia will be an recognized as a safehaven for any and all Enclave personell so long as this contract holds.
G.) Enclave personel are given a 25% discount on any and all items, meals, and clothing in Arcadia or properties owned by Mr. Mieux.
H.)Mr. Mieux is recognized as the rightful autocratic ruler of Arcadia, this extends to all persons in the future named as ruler of the city, so long as they are seen as fair and negotiable to the people of Arcadia.
I.) The Enclave is to be assisted in any way that does not affect the non military personnel of Arcadia in a negative way.
J.) Arcadia is to be assisted in any way that does not affect the non military personnel of The Enclave in a negative way.
H.) This treaty will trade fresh unirradiated meat fruits vegetables and water with The Enclave of the United States and in return they trade unused medical supplies to Arcadia.


Mr. Justin Mieux
Leader of Arcadia.'

below it was a printed name of the President and above it was a line for him to sign. Mieux signed his name on the treaty, and had it slipped into Adams mail flap as he slept. In the meantime, Mieux had paperwork to fill out.

Mieux was annoyed as his phone buzzed. "Yes?" He asked irritably, the voice on the other end mentioning a man here to visit him. He flipped on his monitors, seeing the man named 'scalatti'. "Very well, but you know the drill."

Creaking wheels came behind Alex as they stopped behind him. Two Sentry Bots approached him "Hello Guest, we will take you to Mr. Mieux, please do not attempt to interfere with security operations." Scanning him with their eyes, no weapons scanned on his body. "Please follow us." They lead him upstairs to the silver door engraved with an M on the front. They inserted a key from their hand. The doors slowly rolled open, their heavy blast doors sliding to let Scalatti and the bots into the elevator. The way it was all set up giving Alex a clear note that any suspicious behavior would lead to a death most painful.
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 7:53 pm

The elevator slowly started to creak its way up. Oh damn this place is secure. One false move and I will have a most painful death.

The elevator churned to a stop, then the massive metal doors opened. Alex was in awe at the opulence of the room. About 15 Feet away, was Justin.

Alex began to slowly walk toward the desk. "Good Evening Justin. I am sure you already know, my name is Alexander Scalatti, part time trader, and part time mobster, but a good mobster."

Alex looked around as he sat down in the open chair. This [censored], it is not wasteland made, this is all 100% pre-war.
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Nathan Barker
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:56 pm

Mieux noticed Alex in awe at his home, hardly touched by the war. In a joking mood, he decided to mess with Alex. "You cause one of my contract holders, Mr. Williams to go insane with War on his mind, you come waltzing into my home and merely address me as 'Justin' when you should 'Mr. Mieux, you cause my contracts with New Manhattan to become highly unstable, yet you dare to have the nerver to approach my city and my tower.....What were you thinking." The sentry bots raised their arms, the sounds of their minigun arms loading, Alex looking scared out of his wits. "Relax....I'm [censored] with you." Mieux gave a wide friendly grin. "I've heard about you, the man who sought equality for all people. You raised hell in Manhattan, but you had noble intentions. So tell me. What is it I can do for you Mr. Scalatti?" He asked politely, opening and pouring a bottle of absinthe and handed a glass to Alex.
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Sherry Speakman
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 2:24 pm

Alexander Scalatti

Alex grabbed the abisinthe and took a sip. "You scared me back there! I get scared quite easily. Nice place you have here. This place looks like it was pulled right out of 2077."

Alex set the abisinthe down, opened his briefcase, and pulled took out a document. "I like everything in the fine print see. Yesterday 300 people and 150 mutants and I left New Manhattan and started a new city in the ruins of Bridgeport."

Alex took another sip. "Its not my city, I am just the lead trader. Bridgeport cannot survive long without alliances or trade deals, so, I would like to form a trade agreement with Arcadia."
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Post » Tue Mar 15, 2011 4:32 am

Director William Snowe

"Sir, when's Phase 4 going to happen?"

William remembered Phase 4 was going to be the last phase until Project Gauss, the whole point of the renaming and refocusing of this Generation, was complete. After the double breach in the bunker, the newly freed slaves, now being paid and given rights, were fixing the bunker again and creating hundreds of new tunnels, not as secure as the main bunker but simply a place to keep the new inflow of food considering nearly 70% of the slaves chose to work in the agricultural area.

"Phase 4? When the infrastructure is secure and we lose our financial issues. Money isn't a problem but...we're close to having a stagnant amount of food. A 3% surplus isn't enough to fuel this much growth."

The financial manager thought for a moment. "Sir, just make them slaves again."

William looked disgustingly at the financial manager. "Then I'll turn from the hero who freed the slaves to the tyrant who ruled with a vengeance...I'm going to Arcadia. I'm going to turn over all control to Supreme Commander Byron."

The Snowe Personal Guard immediately fell into line as William got into the newly improved Zodiac V-1, heading for Arcadia.
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Silvia Gil
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 5:07 pm

Mieux scratched the top left side of his forehead for a second as he took a brief second to think. "Thank you Mr. Scalatti, I took pains to furnish this place before the war, for 200 years it's been my world for the most part." He cleared his throat and took a sharp business tone. "Okay. I'm a man of business, I'm always looking to help my city." He stopped a moment and said in an intrigued tone. "Tell me Mr. Scalatti, what do you propose?" He stroked his chin curious as to what he had to propose.
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Cameron Garrod
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 12:58 pm

Alexander Scalatti

Alex handed Justin the document.

Alexander Scalatti
Bridgeport Trader

This document remains exclusive and shall remain as such until the end of the agreement. This trade deal gives each party these exclusive benefits, until the agreement expires.

-Bridgeport traders will have free trade with Arcadia, at a slight discount. The discount amount is up to Mr. Mieux and Alexander Scalatti. It can be revoked at any time.

-Arcadia will gain exclusive deals with Bridgeport over trade supplies. Arcadia also will be the first stop for the Bridgeport caravans in the area.

-Bridgeport will give Arcadian traders a slight discount with Bridgeport, that is the same rate as with Arcadia. This may also be revoked at any given time.

-Both party's traders are subjected to any laws, taxes, and fees of the other party.

-New Manhattan's traders must be given an exclusive 10% price hike.

This deal is exclusive, and shall remain only between the two parties. Any attempt to make it non-exclusive shall revoke this agreement.

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Charlotte Lloyd-Jones
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 11:47 pm

Director William Snowe

V-1 touched the Arcadia landing pad and William's personal guard headed over to Justin's residence. The small group of people headed into the residence and went to the receptionist.

"I'm here to see Mr. Mieux, Director William Snowe of New Manhattan."

The personal guard seemed agitated as the usual routine was to fight through and protect William. The receptionist started to call Justin as William's Vertibird pilot did a small scan of the area. "One known heat signature near Justin. We're running scans on it, standby..."

Although there was no confirmation, William had a feeling it was either Alex or one of the other Bridgeport settlers, talking about a business trade. "Keep a close eye on it..."
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Scarlet Devil
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 3:46 pm

OOC: Ugh, back I guess, still feel kinda iffy. Word of advice to people, don't sleep two hours a day at random times. Messes you up. :sick:

Artemis Hyperion, Elaine De'Chant and Arzt Haeer

Arzt came out of the tent with a holotape in his hands. "Know how to use this?" Artemis nodded "Yes, but I do not have anything to read it with". "Ah it's okay, it's for the ghouls." Arzt handed the holotape to Artemis and stepped out of the shadow to bask in the sun again. "The ghouls are in the city, kinda complicated to navigate there sometimes, Elaine will show you their place, after you hand them the holotape my guess is that they'll contract you for some work, do as you please but keep in mind about us back here and don't let the cities fortunes eat you up." Artemis stood up and once again nodded. Elaine looked excited as she ran off to refill the water bottles, Artemis started walking towards the city. "Oh and just a word of advice, don't encourage the skinless bastard, he's nice in heart but an annoying bastard who never shuts his mouth is still an annoying bastard that never shuts his mouth" Arzt smiled.

Skinless bastard..? Artemis waited at the outskirts as Elaine jogged towards him. "Hey, got some supplies for the road." Artemis smiled, "Thank you." "So, let's go meet the ghouls!" Elaine rushed off filled with energy. Artemis pondered if there was something in her drink to make her so energetic as he followed her.
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