Alexander Scalatti
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2S1I_ien6A "Now thats American music! The swing era, if only I was born during that time. No commies, freedom, America was booming. God Bless the good ol' USA!"
Ann was also tapping her feet as well. "Well, I like this music, but I think that Gene Austin is better."
"Exactly. Asking us to demilitarize is like saying, 'Hi, we're defenseless, please take over Antium.' No I'm not doing that. But until I step down as Director, I will try my best to keep the peace and help New Manhattan."
Alex turned the chair around. "Help New Manhattan, thats a joke. It can't and never will be cleared out. You got skags everywhere and hokers, con artists, and traders everywhere. But you know what? Thats whats so beautiful about this city. This city is a gleaming jewel in the middle of the wastes. I have seen it grow from a tiny slaver outpost to a major city. I came here as a slave back when I was 14, now, I am 25 and a rich buisnessman."