OOC: This will be my last post as Joey Gallo
New Character:
Spoiler Name:Matthew Fraser
Personality:A cold blooded killer to some, a nice, caring person to others.
Gear:http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_a3CLgAuAq8k/SY2E-z_umCI/AAAAAAAAJXg/L0IZnL70ZvY/s400/SAS06_x.jpg with http://www.japanprobe.com/wp-content/uploads/gas-mask.jpg (Blackhall Mercenary Gear)
Weapon:http://www.impactguns.com/store/media/aac/g36.jpg, http://www.mapmodnews.com/Black-Ops-weapons/uzi_mini_10.jpg, and http://www.militaryfactory.com/smallarms/imgs/m136-at4.jpg (Armament of Blackhall Mercenary Company, but it is usually quite varied)
Other: (Optional):Gieger Counter kit, Watch
Backstory: (Can be explained during the RP.). (This Explains the Company, but not the Character, Character is explained in RP): The Blackhall Mercenary Company was set up in 2283 under Larry Anderson (you wouldn't believe how long it took to find that thread

). They expanded, but declined. They operate out of Blackhall Base, a old National Guard Base. They work for anyone, smart or dumb, evil or good, cold blooded or nice. Their leader is Dean Blackhall. Their base is located near Yonkers.
Joey Gallo:I stood in the radio complex. I gripped my gun. Suddenly, I heard a blast from the door. Raiders with flamethrowers, machine guns, and SMG's came pouring in. They fired all around, destroying all the equipment. I grabbed Charlie and threw him out a backdoor.
"Go..." I hissed. He nodded his head and ran out. I reached for a pistol, firing at the tanks of the raiders with flamethrowers. Some blasted into fire, others walked on. One shot my arm off and grabbed me by the neck. I was dead to myself, a prisoner of a raider.
***Matthew FraserI gripped my gun as we walked along a broken up highway. I looked around at a ruined town. I saw a almost intact house
"Hey, Frank, look." I said "We got a intact house. Check it out?"
The patrol leader turned to me
"Yea, fine, whatever." He said, then turning to the driver "Halt! Johnson, wait here. Fraser, Johanson, Segal, with me!"
We ran to the door and lined up around it.
"Kick it in." said our leader. I did as he ordered. We entered in, scanning around. I heard whimpering from a closet.
"Stay alert." Johanson said. Our Patrol leader, Hammond, looked at me
"[censored]s sakes, go find that noise." He rushed me up the stairs. I kicked the door open. I found a teenage girl, lying on the floor.
"Get up." I said. She only shrieked and hid her face. I grabbed her arm and dragged her out. She kept babbling about raiders and murderers. For an hour as we cleared the surprisingly large house, she would whimper and cry. Finally, Hammond turned around
"SHUT THAT BLOODY KID UP OR I WILL!" He hollered. I turned to her
"Shut up!"
She did as I said. We cleared the house. We cleared out. I took my Gas Mask off and turned to Hammond
"What are we gonna do with the girl?" I asked him
"What the hell do I look like? A [censored]in babysitter? No, I'm a Blackhall Mercenary. If you wanna play mama be my [censored]in guest, I'd sooner leave her on the doorstep of Frank Vercelotti than have you take care of her. Atleast the Fink would teach her how to make love properly to a pompous freak!" Hammond said. I nodded
"What about Jacobson? She's a girl." I said
"Well, yea, she is also a medic. We do need more medics. What the hell, bring her back." Hammond said. We started walking back to base.