OOC: I assume all the equipment you mentioned is already aboard the vertibird? And I’ve got a day off tomorrow.

Have to go to out for a meal, but that shouldn’t last too long.
Adams grimaced inwardly at the idea of ‘diplomatic relations’. Not because he’d rather kill Mieux, but rather the idea of his role remaining that of statesman.
I’m a soldier, dammit; not a politician or a diplomat. Shouldn’t Hamilton be on this? And if Kong’s overseeing the operation, what good am I? Shrugging it off (inwardly, again), Adams replied.
“No questions. In fact, I actually agree with you. A welcome change, hmm?” Adams snorted. “As you rightly mentioned, Mieux grows more demanding by the day; I’ll be sure to let him know who’s in charge here. I get on with the man on a personal level – hopefully I can use that to our advantage. Anyway, if I may be excused. Mr. President, Hamilton.” He nodded at both before marching off to the command center; there, he made a brief announcement.
“Autumn Squad, this is Colonel Adams speaking. Assemble at the vertibird and prepare for boarding. Over and out.” Adams relinquished his pudgy finger from the button and paced off to the hanger, beginning to get sick off all the traipsing around.
Autumn Squad – save for Captain Butler, who was undergoing PT -- wasted little time in making their way to the Hanger. Led by a Gatling-laser wielding First Lieutenant Haywood, the team stood strong, though still dominated by the cavernous depot.
As Adams approached his team, hands behind his back, they snapped into a salute. Content, Adams spoke. “All right, boys, don’t get too excited. We’re being dispatched to Mieux’s new fortress to rendezvous with Major Kong; he’s overseeing the operation, so I expect he’ll update us with a status report once we arrive. From there, I assume our orders are to ensure a peace is kept as well as guaranteeing Mieux plays by our rules. The man’s a little worse for wear compared to his past, so if we make a statement, he’ll be ours.” Adams ceased his plodding back and forth and turned to face his men, his eyes scanning each one. “You’re good men; do your country proud.” With that, Adams pointed to the vertibird and Autumn Squad clambered aboard. Adams himself took a seat beside the pilot, who was quick to confirm their destination.
Engine roaring and propellers thudding, the vertibird ascended into the daylight, soaring through the sunny skies.
Hamilton returned Adams’ nod and, once the Colonel had left the President’s office, span back round to face Sutler.
“Well, all of a sudden it feels as if a great burden has been lifted off my shoulders. It’s a wave of relief to see him leave, I’ll be honest,” Hamilton said frankly, mustering a weak chuckle.