New Manhattan Thread 13

Post » Fri May 13, 2011 3:44 pm

OOC: Me?

All my characters I've named are at Blackhall base.
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Natalie Harvey
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 3:12 pm

OOC: I was thinking about turning this situation into a New Vegas type situation, where the LF is protecting the city for no gain, while another faction is attacking. Any ideas on a new faction?

Alexander Scalatti

"Oh, and, Mr. Scalatti. Find a good painter to make a portrait of Frank Vercelotti. It's the least the poor fellow deserves. It also keeps a physical reminder of him in New Manhattan. If you want to stay for up here for a while, you're free to do so."

Alex stood up and tucked in the chair, "Will do, I will do my best as mayor of New Manhattan, the city will really shine."

Alex unlocked the door to his new office. It was freshly clean. Someone must have known that Alex liked swing music, He sat down at his chair, dancing the entire way.
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Penny Wills
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 10:43 am

OOC: Can't post till someone reacts.
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rolanda h
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 2:17 pm

OOC: Maybe a revolution? :shrug:
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 12:52 pm

OOC: Man, its going very slow right now :(

Johnathan Fairfield

John noticed Alex come in and have a short conversation with Meiux before leaving. Sensing that there was still anger in him, John kept as far away from his possible.

Soldiers were still gambling outside, and John could tell that many were going penniless. But, its was only the start. As the Lake Federation pushed deeper and deeper into New York, more and more slavers went to war with them.

"Meiux, do you have a place I can bunk for the night?"
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Soraya Davy
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 6:27 pm

OOC: When things look bleak and gray, Holy Assassin shall come to save the day. ;)


Mr. Fisher

The grumpy man shuffled towards the city along the broken old road that lead to it from the villages lining the river. He shifted his long, grimy hair out of his line of sight so he could see where he was going.

Not much further. he noticed, grumbling to himself as he pulled out a cigarette to smoke.


Finally, he was at the gates of the city when a guard stopped him.

"You!" the guard barked, raising his rifle. "State your business."

"I'm looking for work." Mr. Fisher groaned.

"Your name?" he asked, readjusting his grip.

"They call me the Fisher."

"Right, whatever." the guard rolled his eyes. "Make sure you cause no trouble, the city is screwed up as it is." he told him, and called for the gate to open.

As he entered several children surrounded him and began tugging on his overcoat, asking him questions.

"Hey Mister, what's your name?" one little girl asked.

"Are you an adventurer?" a boy asked.

"You sure look familiar." another one chirped.

"They call me the Fisher." the man repeated himself.

"Okay Mr. Fisher!" they all giggled and scrambled away to continue playing.

Children have the shortest attention spans. he shook his head. Mr. Fisher, that's what I'll introduce myself as. he decided, and headed onwards.
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oliver klosoff
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 6:00 pm

Alexander Scalatti

It was around 1:AM and Alex was exhausted. It had been over a week since he checked on his caravan lists, so he spent over six hours working on it., almost matching his mood.

New Manhattan's Central Square and Evergreen districts never slept. People drank and gambled at all hours. The CAPone casino was the brightest building in the city and its Neon lights could be seen for miles.

Alex opened a curtain up and noticed a fire fight on the Western Wall. The electricity flow ended at the wall, so everything beyond the wall was dark and ruined. Several raiders were trying blow into the city, but New Manhattan's snipers were much to excellent, and they were cut down.

Damn, this is not what it cracked up to be, Alex thought as he dozed into a cold hard nap.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 11:31 pm

Mieux was looking at his fingers, etching a speck of dirt from one of his nails, "Hmm? Yes of course. The street gutter." Mieux made no reaction that he was kidding, then he suddenly went into a slight grin. "Yes, there's the presidential level. President of the United States used to sleep on that floor. If you can't find the ability to sleep, there's a private holotape and movie viewing room on that floor, and it's yours and your private guards's level until you move out of the region." Mieux then escorted John to the elevator, "The password to open the level is 'Lady Columbia', good evening Mr. Fairfield." Without giving him a chance to respond, he stepped back and let the doors shut. When he heard the elevator go down, he shut and locked the gilded gated doors of his elevator and walked off to bed.

Mieux, no longer in his black suit with a crimson tie, was now in crimson colored sleepwear. His feet rapped on the marble floors of his room. 'Feels good to be back' he thought sleepily. Mieux drifted into deep sleep, when he awoke, he was in snow camoflauged combat armor, an R91 in his hands. "AMPERE! GET DOWN!" And in a matter of seconds, a huge explosion ripped the base of the frozen cliff. His breath showing in the near zero temperatures. He looked up, to see the man who shouted warning to him gone, only his right hand left lying there. "JOHNSON NO!" He ran from cover, his vision whiting in the edges, tunnel vision. He found Lieutenant Johnsons dismembered torso ten feet away. He knelt down, scared, the dead mans face bruised and bloody, he heard a voice behind him. "Those damn Chinese, using OUR artillery guns on us." It was his CO, Captain Jackson. "Sorry Private Ampere, I know you and Johnson were close friends. But let's get back to base, General Chase is going to give us a speech.

Back at base, Mieux and the rest of the stationed soldiers gathered around General Chase, head of Operation:Anchorage. Chase's gruff voice emitted over the crowd, not using a microphone for obvious reasons. He had a smoking cigar in his hand. "Alright men and women, it's December of 2076, we do this final blow, and those damn Red Chinese bastards will be kicked out of here. I know how you all feel, We're tired, we're cold, and we want our damn oil back." Chase then looked around the crowd, "Now, look here folks. We're making our final assault, we've developed and deployed T-51b's today. You see one of those guys out there, you let him do the work. As for any other time, keep down in the trenches, and keep your heads down. Now listen up men, you guys push through this fight, and we might just be home by Christmas.." Mieux looked awe inspired at Chase. "Alright, you all know your places. Jackson, your squad is going with the T-51b's to assault the factory where Jingwei is.

It took over a half a day, and felt like years in the making, but when they got the signal the pulse fields were down, Captain Jackson waved them to follow behind the T-51b Power Armored Infantry. They ran about a half mile in the snow when a man in white painted T-51b Power Armor turned and stopped Jackson, you guys wait a minute. Mieux watched as he pulled a heavy device off his back, he and three troops fired them at the gates of the oil refinery and the ground shook like an earthquake. The troop pulled out a Geiger counter, and after ten seconds, he looked to Jackson, "Alright, the radiation is cleared out, let's move in. GO! GO! GO!" Mieux charged in with them, he unholstered his R91 Assault Rifle, the squad ended up spreading out all over the base, Mieux charged the nearest soldier he could, the Chinese soldier knew some English, shouting at Mieux in broken English and saying in heavily accented English "IMPERIALIST PIG. YOU DIE NOW!" as they thrusted their bayonets to each other. Mieux then jumped back to fire, but his rifle jammed, the Chinese soldier shot Mieux in the leg with a Chinese pistol. Mieux shouted and cursed furiously as he felt a searing pain in his leg, doing the only thing he could think of, Mieux took off his helmet and threw it at the soldier, the soldier, shouted in Mandarin and threw his Ushanka at him. Mieux then pulled out his 10mm and shot the man in the chest four times, and Mieux fell backwards against a wall, he was unsure what was going on, the T-51b's and some of his squad were holding Chinese at gunpoint, others were dropping their guns in surrender. Mieux, then saw what happened, a soldier from the T-51b Infantry Division had thrust his sword through Jingwei's chest. At that moment, Mieux looked up and saw the American bomber planes flying overhead, their deafening roar as they flew over, checking the situation.

Mieux turned to see his CO run to him cheering. "WE DID IT AMPERE! WE BEAT THOSE COMMIE BASTARDS! NO ONE SCREWS WITH AMERICA!" What was left of his squad had all run to him, all of them embracing and patting each other on the back. Mieux had been pat gruffly on the back, he watched not the squad, but the power armored troops escorting the prisoners of war, their hands high behind their heads.

Mieux awoke in his bed, his face was rife with cheer, when he realized it was him reliving those last days in Anchorage, he couldnt help but feel sad, knowing the world he loved and knew was gone.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 9:59 pm

Lake Federation

It was early morning, and John had already left New Manhattan for New Laketon, which was still feeling the aftershocks of the attempted coup of the vice president. John did leave a order though. He gave it to General Chuck Milliker, and the order was to fortify the old airport near Manhattan Island.

Chuck wiped the sweat off his brow and he picked up and old sign at the airport. His task force had begin clearing out the airport hours ago. Most of the time was spent placing old sheets of metal onto the holes in the concrete parking garage, which would be converted into a barracks.

The sign was old and dusty, but Chuck could make out the words, Guardia Airport... La Guardia was the name of this airport hmm? How about, Fort La Guardia!

Chuck motioned for a soldier to come. After telling him the name of the new fort, the soldier sped off to tell the others. This fort will be usable in a day, fully operational in a week.

Alexander Scalatti

Alex woke up, shocked that someone else was in the bed. He jumped out in fright. "Who the [censored] is in there?"

"Honey, its me, I came while you were out cold."

Alex calmed down a bit, "Please, wake me up before doing [censored] like that again. I'm really on the edge at the moment." He walked over to the curtains and opened them. The sun was shining full blast and the sky was blue. Days like this were rare. Usually, a green tint tinted everything, and radiated clouds hung in the sky.

After getting ready, Alex ate breakfast, and both he and Ann both decided to take a walk and enjoy the rare day.
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Kelly Tomlinson
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Post » Sat May 14, 2011 1:21 am

OOC: Holy, you may commence when ready :D (You know what I'm talking about)
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carley moss
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 8:36 pm

OOC: If this RP doesn't turn around soon, I'm going to have to make ending slides :( I have been mulling it over for about a day now, and I might be forced to do so.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 7:44 pm

OOC: Well, after 13 threads, perhaps this RP has run it's course (And let's not forget we're nearing the end of the school year, so the others may be cramming and preparing for exams.
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Hussnein Amin
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Post » Sat May 14, 2011 2:24 am

OOC: True true, personally I'm doing my exams right now and by July, either people are on vacation and can't post or will post more often. So wait two more months before ending this.
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Suzie Dalziel
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 7:13 pm

Damn, now I have to study for my exams.
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neil slattery
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 6:31 pm

OOC: yeah, exams eating away at my time, too. I resigned from my job, though, so that opens up some time.

Still, I probably shouldn't have started up my 2K leagues again... worst possible time.

I suggest we simply postpone the RP until after everyone's respective exams. Mine personally end June the something or other -- the 10th I think.
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kitten maciver
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 7:36 pm

OOC: I've got A levels too, so I can't be here as much either. I also say put the RP on standstill.

Write a slide if you wish, but say time is still going so when we get back it'll be like "3 months later" or something. I think time progression is one thing this RP has lacked from the beginning. That way when we get back we can also just start up fresh rather than scrolling all the way back to find out where our characters were and can just start on a new day with new events.

What do you say, gentlemen?
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