OOC: Hey, hey, everybody! Great to be involved with this -- hope I do all right! And damn, this new layout is a pain.

"Dismissed, soldier," Adams barked to the now corporal, who marched proudly back down the bunker halls.
The sliding door shut, and Jack turned to face his office in all its messy glory. Text book-thick files stuck precariously out of the shelves; useless pieces of paper littered the otherwise clean floor; bottles of water lay on his desk; and other random pieces of trash dotted the place. The Colonel sighed – “Dammit, what did I do to deserve this?”
Jack Adams was proud of the Enclave, and proud of his place, but struggled to find pride within him, despite what the gruff exterior suggested. He slumped into his desk chair and stared at the bust of Augustus Autumn taking residence next to the terminal, allowing a faint smile to break across his face as he reminisced about the better days with his best friend.
“Promotions and paper work? Is this really what being leader of the world’s greatest military force is all about? Heh heh, I don’t think so.” In his love for the Enclave, Adams almost forgot to what they are reduced to. He did, however, know the reasons for their current weakness.
“We’re not taking a stand; that’s our problem, Augustus. We sit here, cosy and comfortable, when we could be renovating our country, our world! As the strong and mighty, it is our duty to take control.” Adams shuffled up his chair, motivating himself. “I think it’s time a certain someone becomes aware of this.”
The barrel chested colonel rose from his seat. “It’s time we paid the president a visit,” Jack spat with venom. Truth was, he did not hate Sulter, but he was growing tired of, what was in Adam’s eyes, his lack of decisiveness. Jack cared for the Enclave and America, not for the simple matters above the bunker which concerned simple people; the way he saw it: they should be absorbed or eliminated, immediately.
The sound of Jack’s heavy black boots on the metallic flooring brought back memories of Raven Rock. Even the smell reminded him of his old home – a magnificent vicinity, showing the Enclave’s prowess above all in every aspect. The power he felt… oh, he loved the power.
One day, Jack. One day, it’ll all get better, the colonel thought as he arrived at the door of the Command Center – Acting President Sutler’s location.
He spoke through the intercom. For all the respect Adams had for Sutler’s dedication, he couldn’t really take him serious as
his leader.
“Oh, great, exalted President, I think there are some important matters we must discuss. Please, do grant me authorisation to enter.”