New Manhattan Thread Three

Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 5:08 am

OOC: The NCR has a horse brigade If I remember correctly.
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Vicki Gunn
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:02 pm

OOC: West and East coast are drastically different. There are some things which may be unique and only in certain areas. Like Trogs are only in Pitt, etc. I guess radiation alters DNA differently according to region. :shrug:
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Markie Mark
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 5:13 am

OOC: Yeah, the mutations are mostly beneficial to the region they live in. Usually something like horses in more flat terrain like the west and Mirelurks where a lot of water is, like D.C Potomac. And the Gauss Project is supposed to be fairly new but stumbled upon a massive bunker with high tech equipment that was built by a huge company and worried civilians. More advanced than the bunker under the Fortification Hill in New Vegas.

Gauss Project HQ

"Blow the first line of charges."

The first line of charges exploded, with the strength of a fairly powerful C4 explosion. When the dust cleared, many of the first wave of the Lake Federation were either dead or unable to fight. Much of the Federation still charged however.

"It's almost Director Snowe's wedding day...we must hold the line unless we want to be shot. Deploy Securitron Legion 1 and 3 covered by the First Legion Snipers."

In an instant, a bay opened and a mass of Securitrons, about 200 all armed with the MK 1.9 Engine advance forward with the First Legion snipers, all wearing the Gauss Project uniforms, stood back in some of the more intact outposts. The first sniper shot was fired, which shot out a regular slug, propelled by a pulsing blue laser, much like the original Gauss Rifle but a better scope and more power.
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Kevin Jay
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 2:12 pm

Evander AND Hayley Jamison

OOC: I don't know how you guys want to do the election. Should we do it way its don ien the present, or slightly skewed due to post apocalyptic setbacks? My vote all depends on if we have a political system in these wastes. Alex, you're the leader, whats the rules? As of now I'm going to do it old fashioned.

"Things are slightly skewed from what they used to be, but if you run for Mayor, your going to at least have an outlined preparation process before you can even think about campaigning. First, you have to get yourself a petition from the political legislators and such, then you got to get some money for your campaign. This is the wasteland, so funding and campaigning won't come easy, although you luckily have a shop. I say we get some cans of spray paint and bootleg your shop. That'll get people coming."

"Yeah, that sounds like a good---" Evander stopped, looking behind him in the direction of the sharp sound he'd just heard. It was merely a radroach scurrying behind a trashcan. Even still though, Evander had been followed enough time to recognize the feeling. ". . . idea. Hey, thanks for the help baby girl, I'll head out to the Empire Estate right after I finish those touches at the house.
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Elizabeth Lysons
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 5:14 pm

OOC: This election will be somewhat skewed. Its funner that way.

Lake Federation


All of the charging soldiers either proned or massed into the craters formed by the howitzer blasts.


Every single one of the 840 Remaining soldiers fired off their guns. Missiles, bullets, grenades, every type of weapon imanginable was being fired by both sides.

"Fire missile one!"

"Fire missile two!"

The Lake Federation army was well trained and diciplined, but their guns were pathetic compared to the GP.

Alexander Scalatti

Nobody in their right mind knew that this attack was going to happen, yet alone in this force. The howitzers will still pounding the city. How in the hell did the Lake Federation get this much fire-power?


"Who is it?!?!?!? Get under cover!"
"Its Vlad! Lemme in!"

Vlad kicked open the door and jumped into the casino just before a building clapsed.

"Have you seen Ann??!"
"Your building is ok if thats what you mean."
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lydia nekongo
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:44 am


Even in the bunker, the sound of the howitzers firing was heard. Sonia hid under the war room table as William started to survey the battle through the holographic projector. "Uh...what's going on up there other than the howitzers?"

The other commanders, in charge of overseeing small parts of the Securitron army, pointed to the large cluster of red and green dots. "The Lake Federation and Gauss Project are at a standstill in a massive outpost area. Many of the outposts are totaled while some are still standing. We can't use rockets since they're so close and high explosives are out of the question."

"Is the MK 2 software ready yet?"
"No sir...not yet anyways. But we can install the Plasma Lamp on the main software, increasing its weapon power."
"Do it."

With a couple button presses, the original Plasma Lamp was rerouted to the Securitron database. The original Plasma Lamp proved to be more than enough to power the entire Gauss Project base and even 1% of that power was enough to power the base. With that, about 30% of the power was rerouted to the database, providing much needed power to the Securitron's laser weapons.
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josh evans
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:12 pm

Lake Federation

The firefight was at a standstill. The robots just never seemed to end, and squads if LF soldiers just kept charging down the hill. Most soldiers kept their heads under cover, since there were so many bullets and beams flying around, you were sure to get hit.


The Lake Federation front line slowly stood up and began moving in lines toward the robots. "GIVE EM EVERYTHING YOU GOT!!"

Alexander Scalatti

Sirens were blaring all over the city. The howitzers were still firing. "Vlad, what should we do?"

"I'd say we join the front lines."

Alex nodded and pulled out his Laser RCW. "What side though?"
"We'll pick when we get there." Vlad said quietly.

They opened the door and made a dash toward the front line. There were massive breaches in the wall due to the howitzers. Alex and Vlad took cover behind some sandbags, deciding who to support.
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Nathan Barker
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:36 am


"Reroute power to the Securitrons. Let's max it out to 50% power."

Another couple button presses started to transfer even more power. Each Gatling Laser beam was about as powerful as a Plasma Rifle at that point. It cut through the soldier's armor like butter but the soldier's cover was more than enough to block the high powered beams.

"How is it?"
"Pretty bad sir. Even with the 50% output, the Federation keeps coming. Should we detonate the second line?"
" in the First Legion."

William called up Don Francis. "Don, we've lost the outposts on the West Side. My snipers and Securitrons are able to hold their own but the Federation has many more soldiers than we thought. Rockets are out of the question because of their close proximity to the city. The First Legion is being deployed and we need much of the Second Legion on the West Side covering our men."
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:01 am

Don Frank Vercelotti

Frank looked into the distance for what seemed like an hour. A large cloud of smoke was in the air, gunfire, explosions, and the zapping of plasma and laser weaponry could be heard clearly, despite being so far away. It's begun. Frank thought to himself grimly.

That's when the Don got a call from the Director.

"Don, we've lost the outposts on the West Side. My snipers and Securitrons are able to hold their own but the Federation has many more soldiers than we thought. Rockets are out of the question because of their close proximity to the city. The First Legion is being deployed and we need much of the Second Legion on the West Side covering our men." he said through the radio.

"Anything you need, Director" Frank replied, disconnecting the line, and immediately reconnecting with his own men.

"Okay folks, fun time is over, now you are needed in the fight. I want roughly half of you guys over on the western front." he ordered.

"Yes, boss" the man replied.

"Take care of yourselves" Frank added, ending the call, and beginning one with another one of his men.

"You called, boss?" the man said, picking up the radio.

"That's right" Frank said to the leader of his personal elite squad. "I want you guys to be my eyes, ears, and fists down at the battlefield. Remain unseen, and ice as many Federation bastards you can" he commanded.

"Sure thing, boss" the man replied.

Frank then called Director Snowe once more. "Along with the Second Legion men, I sent you a little surprise.."

Mafia Elite Squad

"You heard the boss, fellas" the sharply dressed squad leader said, strapping on his brand new Gauss Rifle.

"Are the Federation tough?" one of the men asked.

"They haven't seen tough, till they've seen us" the leader responded, chuckling.


Before long, they were out in the battlefield, mopping up LF soldiers up by the truck load. Two of them were armed with Gatling Lasers, while one was armed with a Gauss Rifle, and the remaining with a two Plasma Pistols; one in each hand.

It seemed rather strange, that in a slew of armored, trained soldiers, four suited men were cleaning house.

OOC: Zerker, you may take control of the "Mafia Elite Squad" and "Second Legion" as offshoots of yourself if you wish. I will allow you to RP them, and all their actions, full permissions.
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Jhenna lee Lizama
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:12 am

Alexander Scalatti

The Lake Federation just kept coming. More and more soldiers poured down to their deaths in the no mans land. Before long, they would be forced to retreat.


The Lake Federation soldiers began to fall back slowly toward the hills near New Manhattan. Oh [censored]! A seige! The Lake Federation choose the perfect place for a camp. It was too near to the city for rockets and easily defensible.

Suddenly, about 100 LF soldiers on the ridge came onto view. They proned and took out their machine guns. "FIRE!!!!!!" Thousands of bullets began flying. The Lake Federation assult force was able to fall back due to the machine guns.

This place smells like [censored]! The LF machine gunners kept firing but the main assult was over. The entire no mans land inbetween the camp and the city was covered with dead robots and soldiers.
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 3:52 pm

Evander Jamison

Evander took a step back and admired his sloppy artwork. atop his store now stood a sign that read, EVANDER FOR MAYOR. He spent a long time first deliberating on weather he should spray-paint the wall directly, but then he found some poster paper in his apartment, and just used that, implementing the spike from his Railway Rifle to nail it in. It was a bit slipshod, but he wasn't no artist. He now had to make few stops, first one was to the new Don, Francis Varcelotti. Evander felt it was imperative that he got as much influence as possible, well his daughter felt that way at least. So, gun on his belt, he headed to the Mafia Building, located in or near the Central Square.
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Scott Clemmons
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:28 pm

Mafia Elite Squad&Xeno Squad

"Xeno Squad here, what are your orders sir?"

The other end paused. "Link up with whatever 'surprise' Don Francis has got."
"Yes sir, over and out."
Xeno Squad started to move towards the mafia building and saw the elite mafia squad. They were equipped with the standard issue low recoil Gauss Rifles. The squad motioned to them. "Hey are you guys the 'surprise'?"
They nodded. "Yeah, we're staying out of sight and going to ice those Lake Federation [censored]."
"Great to see we have fellow squad mates."

The squad advanced onto the hill, where the bodies were still fresh. Many Lake Federation soldier bodies riddled the floor but the wires, wheels, arms, and torso of the Securitrons also decorated the hillside. Thankfully, much of the First Legion was spared as the Securitrons took the blunt of the attack. But there still were quite a bit of bodies.

"Two targets up ahead...they're having a cigar. Switch to silenced weapons or change your Gauss Rifles to low power, take them out silently."
In order, the elite squad lined up shots with the Gauss Rifles and two small blue projectiles impacted the guards. Low power but one good headshot was enough.
"Form up...blow the main tent."
Xeno squad, armed with their exotic alien weaponry, headed in with the Elite Squad as cover.
"Plant the C4 in the designated areas. Mafia Elites, you stay back as cover and kill anybody coming close."

William Snowe
"Xeno Squad has infiltrated the Lake Federation camp. It also seems that the Don had his elite squad come as well and they're mopping up in there. Once the main tent has been blown and they've left, we'll send in the Vertibird bombing run."
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Dominic Vaughan
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 4:59 pm

OOC: I'm waiting for Holy Assassin to post.
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Gisela Amaya
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 4:30 pm

OOC: There's nothing for me to say or do...


Don Frank Vercelotti

Several hours had passed, the smoke had cleared in the distance, and the firing had come to a standstill. It can't be over so soon, there has to be more. the Don thought to himself, standing at the wall window in his office, smoking a cigar.

He called the Director. "Status report?" he asked bluntly, worrying more about his men than anything else. "Oh, and how did you like my surprise?" he added, smiling. As he spoke, Frank noticed a figure below approaching the building from a far. A lone figure..
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SWagg KId
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:04 am

Lake Federation

The Lake Federation army limped back into the camp. The attack was a total failure and the army lost about 40% of its forces. The officer who led the attack was about to be killed by a firing squad.


The officer was dead. Such a gallant career only ended by stupidity, The new general thought to himself. He was newly appointed after the old one died as a result of GP treachery.

The new general entered the main tent. "This attack was a TOTAL fiasco, as a result, we will seige the city. I want you to conduct a total war on the wasteland to feed our armies. Burn and loot every sizable town that resists our occupation."

An artillery officer spoke up, "Will we bomb the city?"



"FIRE!!" The howitzers let loose their guns again. They would keep firing non-stop until daybreak.
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Laura-Jayne Lee
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:47 am

Lyn Grave

Lyn wandered the city streets, keeping quiet and in the shadows to avoid the mutants she knew were there. Two seemingly well fed wolves were following her, being equally as quiet, and sniffing the air. Both Lyn and the wolves knew each of each others presence, but none of the three payed any mind to each other, and continued to be wary of possible threats. Lyn was approaching Evergreen, the brightest lit part of the city, which meant that it was the most probable of housing other humans, or ghouls. Lyn was looking for human habitation, which she missed in her travels. The city seemed peaceful enough, but recently she could hear explosions in the distance. "Oh well" she whispered to herself "I'm sick of wandering. I'm settling down here, whether its a dangerous place or not." Lyn spotted the wall that surrounded the settlement, and warily made her way to it, sacrificing stealth for haste, but keeping a grip on her rifle, just in case.
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Cathrin Hummel
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:20 pm

Lake Federation

The Lake Federation army limped back into the camp. The attack was a total failure and the army lost about 40% of its forces. The officer who led the attack was about to be killed by a firing squad.


The officer was dead. Such a gallant career only ended by stupidity, The new general thought to himself. He was newly appointed after the old one died as a result of GP treachery.

The new general entered the main tent. "This attack was a TOTAL fiasco, as a result, we will seige the city. I want you to conduct a total war on the wasteland to feed our armies. Burn and loot every sizable town that resists our occupation."

An artillery officer spoke up, "Will we bomb the city?"



"FIRE!!" The howitzers let loose their guns again. They would keep firing non-stop until daybreak.

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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:50 am


"The howitzers are firing on our city." The Director of the GP HQ said, pointing at another mass of red dots.
William stood watching the engineers cranking out more and more Securitrons. The Securitron bunker was massive to say the least, housing at least a thousand Securitrons all powered down because of the lack of energy needed to power them.

"Tell me something I don't know. Wait for Xeno Squad to blow the General's tent. Extract them and do a Vertibird bombing run."

The GP HQ started making immediate calls to ready the Vertibirds for the imminent assault. Then a call went in from the Don. "Status Report." He paused. "How did you like my surprise?"

William smiled, looking upon the Securitron vault. Once the Plasma Lamp is successfully duplicated, the power from the Securitrons could be enough to rival even the Lake Federation's army. "Things are going according to plan. The Federation is way too busy bombing the cities to realize Xeno Squad and your Elite Squad are setting charges and assassinating the General. Yes and your surprise? Very delightful."

Mafia Elite Squad&Xeno Squad

"The charges are set...we need to kill the General. This is high risk..."
The two squads sneaked around the camp, eliminating many Lake Federation soldiers and even an officer before heading to a large coning tower which used to be a faraway outpost. There, the dead sniper from the Gauss Project still remained. One of the Elite Squad picked up the sniper and aimed it directly at the General's head.

"On my, fire"
The Elite Squad marksman pulled the trigger to the silenced sniper.
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lacy lake
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 4:17 pm

OOC: I'm putting my life in jeopardy just by telling you guys this but since my repost card came in, my wanting to post has been changed. I managed to squeeze in my other RP posts but when I'm home it gets hard to evade my parent. I'm going to see what I can do cuz I want to stay on top of this.
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Alisha Clarke
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:30 pm

OOC: Thanks for letting me know. I don't really care how much you post. We will RP that you're gone or something like that.

Lake Federation

The general was laughing hysterically. "Haha! Those fools are to weak to stop our howitzers!" An officer apprached from the rear.

"Sir, we have found some ruins nearby, a town called Rabithead. We marched in and looted everything."
"That area is easily defensible, far enough from New Manhattan that they wont counterattack, and just in range our howitzers."
"We should move our camp there, this place is a hellhole."
The general pondered for a bit. "Erm...we could start a new town there..New Rabithead..I like it."
"Uh sir?"
"Move camp about a mile away, start a Lake Federation town on that old ruin."

The general was oblivious to the GP threat however.
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Jodie Bardgett
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:28 am

Evander Jamison

Evander was now in front of the mafia building, and it was grand for a place that was located in New Manhattan, almost like it wasn't in the middle of a time of turmoil and war. Either way, Evander, gun still in its holster, walked up to the two guarded men in front of the doors. They, per usual, stopped him as he tried to enter, looking down expectantly at his piece.

"No firearms allowed unless you are part of the Manhattan Mafia."

"My name's Evander Jamison. I'm here to talk to your boss."

He looked at Evander skeptically, then at the other guard, who had the same face. They nodded, and one of them pulled his walkie talkie from the wasn't that wasn't armed.

"Sir, we have an Evander Jamison here downstairs. He wants to see you."

"Oh, and tell him I'm not giving you my .32 either."

The guard looked at Evander, his face obviously portraying some kind of nonchalance, but his eyes seemed to portray some kind of animosity. It seemed he didn't sit too well with Evander's attitude, but he told his boss what Evander had said, which made Evander chuckle.
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Victoria Vasileva
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:53 am

OOC: Sorry to hear that.I relate with you, my parents are really strict with my report card. I get a B and they flip out -_-
Mafia Elite Squad&Xeno Squad

As the Elite Squad marksman pulled the trigger, the world seemed to slow down. The bullet impacted perfectly. The General fell forwards, lying in a pool of his own blood. Thankfully, the weapon was silenced as the Lake Federation officers started to panic.
"The General's been iced."
"Target is down, target is down. Relay the message to Director Snowe."
After setting up some radio equipment, the team quickly tuned it to the GP frequency. "The target is down and we're on route to the Landing Zone. A word of advice, it seems that they're packing up somewhere further. I advise we extend the missile capability to wipe them out."

William's voice came through. "Good and I will do that. The Vertibird is on route to your location so sit tight."

The two squads immediately moved out of the camp and far into a Pre-War farm which was a perfect place to land a Vertibird. When the helicopter came, the squad piled on it.

The GP HQ Director was there waiting for them. "Great job. You're going back to base for some much needed rest..." He turned to the Mafia Elite Squad. "And all of you are going to awarded with the Silver Sword, the most prestigious honor a non-GP soldier could earn. Congratulations."
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BrEezy Baby
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:56 pm

OOC: My parents are a bit less strict about record cards, but anything lower than a B and they flip out.

Lake Federation

"Holy [censored]! The general is down!" The entire camp was now in dissary.

"Everyone! Pack up!! We're moving out!!!" The howitzers were still firing but some were already moving.

People were panicing. Not just soldiers came. Many colonists came as well, ready to start a New Lake Federation City. They were the most frightened. People were trampling eachother in fright.


"Alright, I am the de-facto general. I want all squads to escort the caravan to out new campsight and onto the ruins of Rabithead."
"Yes sir!" The officers saluted.
"Good, but one thing. Once we arrive, position the howitzers and fire at will."
"And one last thing...I want out power armor squad to remain behind and give our soldiers enough time to set up camp."
"But they will get slaughtered!"
"I dont give a [censored]."

The army was on the move. They would have a giant foothold on the region.
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Justin Hankins
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 5:15 pm

OOC: I don't have problems with reports. :nerd: Before you ask, no Im not an actual nerd, Im on the soccer team too. :P

Oh yes, and Lake Federation taking over Rabithead? Stroke of genius. Not only does it involve our previous actions, and show the outcome, but from a military standpoint, it's a good place to set up a base for an attack on NM. Good one, Alex. :)


Don Frank Vercelotti

Frank stood in his office, radio at his ear, listen to the response of the Director. "Things are going according to plan. The Federation is way too busy bombing the cities to realize Xeno Squad and your Elite Squad are setting charges and assassinating the General. Yes and your surprise? Very delightful."

"That's good to hear" he replied, taking a puff of his cigar, but then receiving another call from the building PA. "Good luck, Director" the Don said, before cutting the line.

He then turned his attention to the PA, it was one of his guards at the gate; "Sir, we have an Evander Jamison here downstairs. He wants to see you."

Frank's ears perked at the name. It's that shopkeeper. he thought grimly.

"Oh and sir, he refuses to give up his weapons" the guard added.

Frank's bitter expression broke out into a chuckle. "Very well, let him up" he ordered, disconnecting.

He then took his jacket off, hung it around his chair, and took a shotgun out from the closet of the office. He placed it on the desk, before taking a seat, and telling the maid to bring a bottle of wine, with two glasses.

As he sat on the edge of his chair, shotgun by his side, his eyes remained focused on the elevator door on the far side of the room. He watched as the numbers increased on the dial above the door. Come on Evander, what could you possibly want from me?
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:16 pm

OOC: I read alot of military magazines so I know good strategy :) The LF taking Rabithead just popped into my head however.

Alexander Scalatti

People were emerging from their basemants now that the howtizers stopped firing. Within minutes, all of New Manhattan was in a city wide celebration. People were drinking, eating, and having a good time. Many people were burning Lake Federation Flags in Central Square.

Alex and Vladimir began walking toward Central. "Vlad, lemme check on Ann, that howitzer fire was heavy."
"Alright Alex."

Alex began to jog toward the back street. He unlocked the door, took an elevator to the tenth floor, and unlocked his penthouse floor. "Ann?"
"Who is it?"

Ann opened up from the panic room and leaped into Alex's arms.

"Glad I installed that room huh?"
"Yep, you know it Alex."

Alex sat down and noticed something outside of the window looking toward the ridge. He saw that the Lake Federation wasn't exacly hightailing out quickly. Are they headed for Rabithead?
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