» Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:32 pm
"absolutely thievery"
You must be pretty damn poor. It's a nominal fee that is almost standardized by all companies making DLCs. Bethesda games, CoD games, WoW exp. etc etc... Find a GREAT game that doesn't require money to pay its employees. I doubt EA will be behind it.
Sure, mass multiplayer games have been using the formula for some time. The problem occurs when a company like EA releases a map pack 60 days after original release; in other retail venues that means you would get a price break or a free upgrade, since the map pack release so soon to first release. Had EA revealed their plans, smart buyers would have waited the 60 days, bought Crysis 2 at a discount on Amazon and perhaps purchased the map pack for the same overall cost.
But the problem is not just the release timing of the Map Pack; it is the greed of executives that released a problem riddled game, that should have been the best game ever.
EA has other titles; buyer beware. EA design and production is outpaced by marketing, which is outpaced by executive strategy.
The best strategy now is the just give the DLC out for free, and regain buyer confidence. EA has to many good Titles at stake the jeopardize. DLC for FREE.