New meshe crashes CS when placed

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:08 am

I'm trying to create a new item, it's a counter bell with two parts, the metal bell and the wood base.

I created the item in 3ds max8, then I followed the tutorial "" to transform it into a nif. Well, Actually when I tried to save it with collision it crashed 3dmax, so, I managed to save it without the collision.

So, I picked the tutorial "", "Simple Havok Copying for Your Clutter/Miscellaneous Objects", I managed to follow the steps to add a colision and everything in Nifscope.

But, when I create a new static item with this nif file and I place it in CS, the CS simply crashes.
Anyone can give me a hint? or point other tutorials about this kind of subject?
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alicia hillier
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:00 pm

There can be many things wrong with collision. Best is if you upload the nif somewhere (like megaupload).
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Angelina Mayo
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:37 am

Thanks for answering.
Well, I created a rar file with the nifs and textures and put it avaiable at

There are two files, the INNCounterBell.nif was my first attempt but it's without collision or other data. I deleted the other attempts before and left the original filme created by 3ds max. The second file INNCounterBellBrass3.nif was my second attempt. I created another counter bell that needs only one mesh and I added a texture just for it, it would be made of brass.

And here comes another curiosity, when I added this second nif, it appeared in the CS, but since I attached a .jpg texture to it, it showed up pink. When I turned the texture into a .dds file and organized it in Nifscope, my model crashes the CS again when placed in the world.

Thanks a lot for any help given.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:53 pm

In bsx flags you have 'Is Skeleton Nif' checked. Uncheck that. You can also uncheck the unidentified flag. On the other hand you need to check the 'enable animation' flag or the item will stay static. In other words what you need are the animation and collision flags, nothing else. Your material properties have no names, not sure if that is needed. Just to be safe give them a name like 'default'.

EDIT: Some more things. Your material property has an alpha value of 0.01. Change that to 1. You also have an absolute texture path (c:\arquivos de programas\bethesda softworks\oblivion\data\textures\ You only need the texture path starting from the Oblivion\Data folder (textures\, otherwise people who didn't install in the same directory as you did will see a pink mesh.
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emily grieve
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:06 pm

Phitt, thank you a lot!

I did all you told me, I think my mesh looks even better now.
However, I discovered another small problem.

In 3ds Max I added a MAP to Diffuse Colour and Oppacity (I understood that I should do this way).
Once I cleared the map in Oppacity and exported again and organize the nif in nifscope, the model worked well in CS.
However it didn't fix the problem about 3ds Max exporting collision. But I don't think it's a big trouble.

Thanks again and have a good weekend
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Nick Tyler
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