Right hi guys, So i had a great father in my life, not because hes a great guy but because he bought Fallout 1 when it came out and i would watch him in awe every friday as we played through the game (I wasn't really playing, but for the nostalga and atmosphere i like to remember it as a 50/50 share) Anyway, so yeah i played all the orginal Fallouts on the PC. Anyway... Years past, i learnt santa wasn't real, i got spots everywhere and suddenly i liked girls a lot more and Fallout 3 came out. But like the obnoxious idiot i am, i bought it for the PS3 and then went on to purchase Fallout New Vegas on the PS3, depsite seeing countless threads about modding. :whistling: Anyway here i am guys, Bought myself a swanky new gaming machine and Fallout 3 to begin with and a few mods, 16 to be exact.
tl'dr (Too long didnt read) ^ just a boring nostalga entrance.
So is the Whole zombie apocolpyse mod(s) a good place to start to introduce me to modding and the benefits of it? Or should i start smaller and play the vanilla game with a few mods (Ive completed both games countless times on the consoles) Has anyone played the whole zombie experience?
Have a nice day/evening/night guys and girls? :thumbsup: