Thanks for the bumps guys, and now to awnser your questions
I saw your video on youtube ( awsome work ! )
anyway i downloaded your beta and installed it, however i don't think i've done it right...
( and i did read the readme <_< )
ok so the music won't play when i enter the cells with the activators in, it does change track but it won't play the oblivion dungeon ones, and i renamed them just like the readme said.
i haven't actually got the official oblivion music files ( as i don't have oblivion :hugs: ) but i recorded these ones of
but this shouldn't affect the actual script as long as they have the right names right?
Any help on this matter? :brokencomputer:
P.S. in your video, what texture pack were you using for morrowind??? they look awsome!
P.S.S. How did you get the contrast levels to change ( brighten up the screen ) when you entered the cell?
i would love to know :cheat: :thumbsup:
Your recorded files are probably causing the problem, make sure they are mp3s as well, and make sure they work as explore or battle music, just to see if they will actually work in the game.
I'm mostly using Connary's stuff, as well as a bunch of other people's stuff, and a lot of my own stuff in Morrowind, in that video, mostly Connary's stuff was shown.
And the "contrast" effect is caused by the bloom in EnbSeries, don't know why it does that.
Hey! You still alive or what? This game needs dungeon music!
Yeah, I'm alive, sane? Maybe not, but I never was anyways

, and the game already has dungeon music, did you try the beta? It works, at least it does for me.
It's not, I'm too lazy to figure out this battle problem, allthough it's probably because I'm patching an esp with an esp...
I'm curious, how difficult would it be to adapt this upon completion - assuming it doesn't change to radically after you resolve the battle music issue - to other purposes, such as town music? Does it rely on the cell name? I've got such a boatload of music that suits Morrowind, I wouldn't mind being able to have unique town music, maybe some tunes for a forest, a specific one for Dagoth Ur's ruins, so on and so forth.
That's the plan, it's called "New Music" for a reason, and I'll put in other types of music when I get this method working good.