Added - great work on this!
Can you try to do the same thing with PIC #2?
Heres pick 2:
Let me explain my process, and what I encountered.
- The skin on the original's hunched back, matched almost identically with the color of pic 1. They were the same on my pallette. The reason pic 2's face wasnt is because it is in light.
- Pic 2, when i was darkening shadows and wrinkles, shows that it has the same ear-rivets on the inner part of the ear as pic 1 did.
- In addition to the hair, there seems to be small bits of hairy-green (almost like grass) in patches on the figure, i brought them out a bit.
- Upon closer inspection of pic 2, i noticed that the nostrils stream down VERY close to the mouth, and i think that in pic 1 i either mistook the nostrils to be connected to the mouth, or the artist was trying out different upper-lip methods. After all, pic 2 IS an i-depth face study of pic 1 (since in pic 1, the only thing that is covered is the face, and would be the only thing needing additional information for modelers to put it in-game)