The crash may be caused by some data stored in your old savegame that the game cannot find anymore. Start over and report any problem you get

Yeah that's what I figured. Especially the "hover over a modded weapon" crash gave it away.
Plus I was trying out many different mods during that playthrough to see if I liked them and messed about with the load order multiple times. Right now I started a new one, everything fine so far and I won't touch my mods or load order ever again from this point onward. At least that's the plan.

The last two mods I added
before starting over are
Wasteland Defense and
Real Time Settler because those are definitely mods I wanna try out later. From my experience they add a huge amount of immersion into the game. Creating your own settlement etc, something that wasn't already there when you started the world is great.
Hopefully the game is more stable now. Probably my last try as well as I don't see how I can improve the load order anymore and it's rather annoying and time consuming to figure out whats wrong with so many different variables.
It's the same with Fallout 3 which took quite some getting used to, figuring out how to install many mods without conflicts and such. Most games have it easier/more stable, but then again most games don't offer so much different mod content.

I'm glad I waited this long to start with New Vegas now that all patches and DLC's are available, plus such quality mod content. I can't imagine playing it without to be honest. (Same when I looked back at vanilla FO3, eeww

). All combined truly one of the better games I've ever played. Though I was expecting it to be more user friendly this time around. ^^
Thanks for the help guys.