I'm aware Skyrim has just been released but i've some major issues with it.
Until i've learnt to mod it and until a sizable collection of mods have been released for it. So i can play it the way i imagined.
I've decided to replay oblivion with a new set of quest mods and a bunch of different cool things. So i came up with the crazy idea to write a journal of my new characters experience. I've always loved writing and i love the elder scrolls series so i thought this might be a good chance to improve my writing. Also it commits me to some sort of schedule and gives me something productive to do. Ontop of that it also gives me time to play Oblivion and relax whilst still getting something done.
I'm only going to do this though if there's people out there who are going to read it. So what do you guys think? Would you be interested in reading it?
Also, anyone know of any good websites to host my journal on?
Best regards.