New Patch: Anyone else not received it?

Post » Tue May 31, 2011 4:03 pm

Apparently a new patch came out a couple of days ago but I'm yet to see it. Is this a common problem or is it just me?
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 2:55 pm

I got it, can't understand why you haven't has anyone else played your xbox?
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Peter P Canning
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 7:05 pm

I got it, can't understand why you haven't has anyone else played your xbox?

I think you may have received the "behind the scenes" patch that dropped last week.

I'm not getting an update for the patch that is described in the sticky on the forum. That post is a bit unclear as well. It says March 31st, but was posted today on April 4th. I'm wondering if they failed to mention that said patch is waiting to be cleared by Microsoft for approval?

EDIT: Now that I think about it... maybe that is the "behind the scenes" patch. I can't remember when I got that as my short term memory svcks. Seems weird though as the way it was described by a Crytek mod, it didn't fix all of that stuff in the notes.


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Kevan Olson
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 9:48 pm

I got it, can't understand why you haven't has anyone else played your xbox?

Nope just me. I hadn't played Crysis for about a week and only put it back in because I read about the patch. I've loaded the game up multiple times and there's no patch installation :s I got the first patch with no problems.
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James Baldwin
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 7:56 am

theres only one patch so far, so the first patch is the patch
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Rebecca Clare Smith
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 8:44 pm

no, there have been 2 updates
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 11:45 am

The general consensus is that the new patch that Crytek is posting about is currently going through approval process by Microsoft. This apparently takes 3-5 days and then they release it. PS3 has a quicker patch output process.
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 7:34 am

theres only one patch so far, so the first patch is the patch

The first patch installed when I got the game (the day after release)... surely these new patch release notes (dated March 31st) aren't referring to that??
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Lily Evans
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 9:43 am

The general consensus is that the new patch that Crytek is posting about is currently going through approval process by Microsoft. This apparently takes 3-5 days and then they release it. PS3 has a quicker patch output process.

Oh ok, it's confusing as people are saying they have the patch but are complaining it hasnt fixed any of the listed issues. Crytek don't seem very hot on clear communication :s
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Assumptah George
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 11:27 am

Oh ok, it's confusing as people are saying they have the patch but are complaining it hasnt fixed any of the listed issues. Crytek don't seem very hot on clear communication :s

No, they don't. I love their game to pieces, but their communication with their fans leaves a bit to be desired unfortunately. But hey, they just released a game they worked on for 4 long years, so you really have to cut them some slack. :)
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emma sweeney
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 2:19 pm

I got it, can't understand why you haven't has anyone else played your xbox?

I think you may have received the "behind the scenes" patch that dropped last week.

I'm not getting an update for the patch that is described in the sticky on the forum. That post is a bit unclear as well. It says March 31st, but was posted today on April 4th. I'm wondering if they failed to mention that said patch is waiting to be cleared by Microsoft for approval?

EDIT: Now that I think about it... maybe that is the "behind the scenes" patch. I can't remember when I got that as my short term memory svcks. Seems weird though as the way it was described by a Crytek mod, it didn't fix all of that stuff in the notes.


I cleared my Xbox cache so any patches would have to reinstall... a patch did install but I'm certain it's the release day patch as none of the supposed fixes are actually fixed... the most apparent being the overlapping music >.<
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Christine Pane
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 11:33 am

Oh ok, it's confusing as people are saying they have the patch but are complaining it hasnt fixed any of the listed issues. Crytek don't seem very hot on clear communication :s

No, they don't. I love their game to pieces, but their communication with their fans leaves a bit to be desired unfortunately. But hey, they just released a game they worked on for 4 long years, so you really have to cut them some slack. :)

Yeah I'm not having a go, I'm just trying to clear up my confusion regarding the patch :) I definitely don't have it, and it seems from some responses that other people don't think they have it either. Usually when a patch is dated on a forum the date refers to when the patch is actually available.. but it doesn't seem to be the case here.
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 9:24 pm

They shouldn't have announced it until it passed through MS. But I can understand why they might have just to put some of these overly demanding people at ease to show they're working to correct problems.
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Elle H
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 8:23 pm

Oh ok, it's confusing as people are saying they have the patch but are complaining it hasnt fixed any of the listed issues. Crytek don't seem very hot on clear communication :s

No, they don't. I love their game to pieces, but their communication with their fans leaves a bit to be desired unfortunately. But hey, they just released a game they worked on for 4 long years, so you really have to cut them some slack. :)

This game took crytek four years to make and they couldn't get it working properly by release day!!! Is this true? If so they are an even bigger laughing stock to me. LMAO
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Céline Rémy
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 10:07 am

You guys seriously have a hard time reading. The patch announced today came out on the 360 on March 31st. It was announced today because it came out on the PS3 today. It says right in the beginning, "On Thursday 31st March we released a patch for the X360 system that fixed many issues raised by the community. Today we have also released a patch for PS3." The patch they released on the 360 clearly didn't fix those issues.
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steve brewin
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 5:07 pm

I've yet to get a patch other than the "behind the scenes" patch a week or so ago. Looking forward to this one though, sounds promising!
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Kate Norris
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 9:38 am

clear your cache

Even though Cry-Tom has released patch notes, the patch improves the experience very little.
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Jerry Cox
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 2:14 pm

You guys seriously have a hard time reading. The patch announced today came out on the 360 on March 31st. It was announced today because it came out on the PS3 today. It says right in the beginning, "On Thursday 31st March we released a patch for the X360 system that fixed many issues raised by the community. Today we have also released a patch for PS3." The patch they released on the 360 clearly didn't fix those issues.

There really is no need to be snarky and your comment does nothing but bring attention to the lack of information in Cryteks post.

I don't live on these forums so I only became aware of the apparent patch today. As such, this is the first time I've loaded the game up in over a week (I stopped playing until such time that some of the major issues were patched/fixed).

Therefore it's perfectly understandable that I (and seemingly many others) would be confused when the only evidence for its existence is a forum post. Crytek didn't specify in that post that the patch was 'behind the scenes' so obviously when I load my game up and no patch is installed I'm going to wonder what's going on.

To confound the situation even further, if the game has had a BTS patch, it doesn't seem to have made any noticeable difference.

Therefore, I have to ask... does the patch actually exist? lol
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jenny goodwin
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 3:48 pm

The "behind the scenes" patch comment comes from a sticky in the PC forums.

The Moderators have done almost ALL of their communicating in the PC forums, with PC oriented annoucements.

The "behind the scenes" patch was to deal with in game cheating and piracy, but if you read the replies in that thread, a number of PC gamers seem to be getting banned for simply kicking everyone else's arse's a little too hard.....

I haven't noticed many changes or improvements since the March 31st patch, besides getting games with other Aussies a bit more frequently. The connection issues are still apparent as is the Migrating Host issue and the Music amplification...

I now also get a screen flicker in MP games...
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 7:34 am

I read the following in an article about the patch:

'Crytek has released the 1.02 patch for Crysis 2. The new update is now available as a download for the PS3 and Xbox 360 version of Crysis 2.'

Just to add a bit more confusion haha.
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Madison Poo
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 7:46 am

- A number of AI fixes and improvements (single-player campaign)
- Improved anti-cheat protection - Improved anti-cheat protection
- Fix for missing and corrupt sounds - Fix for missing and corrupt sounds
- Fix for music tracks repeating when they shouldn't, and two different tracks occasionally playing at the same time - Fix for repeating music tracks when they should not, and two different tracks occasionally playing at the same time
- A range of networking improvements, including fixes to host migration - A range of networking improvements, including fixes to host migration
- Fix for Capture the Relay where the CELL team would occasionally not be able to pick-up the relay in the second round - Fix for Capture the relay where the team would occasionally CELL round not be able to pick up the relay in the second
- Addressed a bug with the "Show All" radar option when players would intermittently not be shown - Addressed a bug with the "Show All" option when radar players would intermittently not be published
- Ammo crates now disappear from tactical hints when they're emptied (single-player campaign) - Ammo crates now disappear from tactical hints when they're emptied (single-player campaign)
- Fix for a number of After-Match Awards not being correctly allocated - Fix for a number of after-match awards not being correctly allocated
- Fix for inaccurate audio being played during the kill replay camera - Fix for inaccurate audio being played during the kill replay camera
- Smoothed the transition into and out of the kill replay camera - Smoothed the transition into and out of the kill replay camera
- Fix for the battle announcer audio occasionally reporting inaccurate Support Bonus information - Fix for the information battle announcer audio occasionally inaccurate reporting Support Bonus
- Fix for the Deflection bonus staying permanently active if held by a player at the end of a round - Fix for the Deflection bonus staying permanently active if held by a player at the end of a round
- Fix for menus scrolling continually if a direction is held on the left anolog stick during load - Fix for scrolling menus continually if a direction is held on the left anolog stick during load
- Various Skill Assessment fixes so stats are tracked correctly - Various fixes Sun Skill Assessment stats are tracked correctly
- Leaderboard fixes for data occasionally being shown in the incorrect column - Leaderboard fixes for data occasionally being shown in the incorrect column
- Fix for an issue with shadow rendering - Fix for an issue with shadow rendering
- Fix for crouch and zoom being on the same button in one of the alternate control schemes - Fix for crouch and zoom being on the same button in one of the alternate control schemes
- Added additional announcer signposting when approaching the score limit in game modes - Added additional modes announcer signposting when approaching the limit in game score
- Fix for players of rank 50 being shown as rank 51 in-game - Fix for players of rank 50 shown as being rank 51 in-game
- Improved ledge grab transition speed - Improved grave ledge transition speed
- Reduced lag when switching weapons - Reduced when I was switching weapons
- Fix for a Stealth Kill bug where, if performing a kill on a moving target, pressing the button would sometimes drag players along behind that opponent instead of performing the kill - Fix for a Stealth Kill bug where, if performing a kill on a moving target, pressing the button would sometimes drag along behind that opponent players instead of performing the kill
- Fix for explosions occasionally not rendering in the kill replay camera - Fix for rendering explosions occasionally not in the kill replay camera
- Fix for an issue when trying to switch weapon during a slide, where players were sometimes left in a no-weapon - Fix for an issue when trying to switch weapon during a slide, where players were sometimes left in a no-weapon
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 9:38 am

I aint recieved the new update,im on live everyday,whats going on?
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Kirsty Collins
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 2:43 pm people are thick

this update came out almost a week ago

if you've been signed in to live and have played the game since the 31st you have received the patch

this is the second update to be released
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Eileen Collinson
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 4:15 pm people are thick

this update came out almost a week ago

if you've been signed in to live and have played the game since the 31st you have received the patch

this is the second update to be released

And you're condescending. Like I said to the last person with a superiority complex who was spouting off...

* 'I don't live on these forums so I only became aware of the apparent patch today. As such, this is the first time I've loaded the game up in over a week (I stopped playing until such time that some of the major issues were patched/fixed).

Therefore it's perfectly understandable that I (and seemingly many others) would be confused when the only evidence for its existence is a forum post. Crytek didn't specify in that post that the patch was 'behind the scenes' so obviously when I load my game up and no patch is installed I'm going to wonder what's going on.

To confound the situation even further, if the game has had a BTS patch, it doesn't seem to have made any noticeable difference.' *

Are we supposed to load up our Xbox's and somehow sense that a patch is being installed?? There is no visual cue and none of the supposed fixes are present. Therefore it's quite fair to wonder whether there was a patch.

Keep your derogatory comments to yourself and engage in a little logical thinking. Blind faith in an invisible patch isn't going to help anyone.
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Adrian Powers
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 3:48 pm people are thick

this update came out almost a week ago

if you've been signed in to live and have played the game since the 31st you have received the patch

this is the second update to be released

And you're condescending. Like I said to the last person with a superiority complex who was spouting off...

* 'I don't live on these forums so I only became aware of the apparent patch today. As such, this is the first time I've loaded the game up in over a week (I stopped playing until such time that some of the major issues were patched/fixed).

Therefore it's perfectly understandable that I (and seemingly many others) would be confused when the only evidence for its existence is a forum post. Crytek didn't specify in that post that the patch was 'behind the scenes' so obviously when I load my game up and no patch is installed I'm going to wonder what's going on.

To confound the situation even further, if the game has had a BTS patch, it doesn't seem to have made any noticeable difference.' *

Are we supposed to load up our Xbox's and somehow sense that a patch is being installed?? There is no visual cue and none of the supposed fixes are present. Therefore it's quite fair to wonder whether there was a patch.

Keep your derogatory comments to yourself and engage in a little logical thinking. Blind faith in an invisible patch isn't going to help anyone.

Yeah when you start the game it says there's an update being installed, which is the patch. Buuuut, every other time I play it re-installs it and every time it fixes NOTHING. I still have issues with suicidal headless chicken AI, overlapping music tracks and sound issues, dragging behind someone I tried to assassinate, ect. which the patch was supposed to have fixed. I've gotten it like 5 times now thinking a bunch of fixes were being released, but no. Even the ones that are supposed to be fixed aren't at ALL...
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