Ok folks, not sure if I should be angry or not. Downloaded a patch today for Fallout 4, the first one I've downloaded since buying the game. The patch disabled a few mods I've gotten from Nexus, which isnt really too big of a deal. I can live with that. However, what I cant live with is why it still is telling me I have 0 beds in Settlement!
I've rebuilt almost all the homes there and have beds in all of them, why the hell is it still telling me in the pip boy that I have 0 beds. Especially in workshop mode when it tells me the correct amount there. Why isnt this a priority for fixing?
Please do not tell me Bethesda just put out a patch to disable mods. LOL I'd love to know if they are at least working on this issue as well. I know it's not the only problem in Fallout 4. But it seems to be the biggest one, at least as far as I am aware of. I haven't read too much on people's game crashing.
Playing on a PC here, btw.
And it's not that I am overly angry with you guys, far from it. I love the work done on Fallout 4. It's everything I expected it to be and more. But yeah, settlements.
Unless I'm mistaken, the issues with Settlements and the pip boy cross all platforms, correct?