» Mon Aug 08, 2011 7:30 pm
Almost - disabled refs still run any scripts on them, which might be a problem in some weird way somehow if someone scripted it oddly. Similarly, however, completely deleting a ref (by using MarkForDelete after Disabling the ref) might be problematic if a script upon the actor needs to run after they've been killed for some reason. It might be safer just to disable the ref and leave it up to the normal cell-resetting procedure to clear them up (thus preventing save-game bloat). Still, the only time this should be any problem is someone did some really weird scripting somewhere, so it shouldn't be a problem in the vast majority of cases.
You might want to look into RemoveAllItems-ing the stuff from the dead body into some other container, just in case you accidentally 'remove' someone who has a quest item on their body.