new play through advice

Post » Sun May 26, 2013 3:42 pm

Im doing a new playthrough and i already did the basic assassin, theif, mage, and warrior. im looking for something new but not like anything crazy, just a basic roleplay character.

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Post » Sun May 26, 2013 9:50 am

Maybe a cleric style character? You know, uses heavy armor, a mace, but at the same time heals himself with restoration and uses wards to fend off magic, and also alteration to help boost up your defenses (and magic resistant perks). Maybe some illusion in there as well if you're feeling it. It's sort of a hybrid of combat and magic based character. If you get the respite perk in restoration (the one that heals stamina) you can literally almost have unlimited power attacks with one hand, while you keep healing health and stamina with your other hand.

Theres also the basic spellsword type character. Use light armor, one handed (or two handed if you feel like it), destruction, alteration, restoration and illusion. Your combat would consist of throwing fireballs and illusion spells, while defending up close and personal with melee weapons.

Try to mix and match some of the skills to come up with new kinds of characters, there's many more if you just figure them out, these are just two character types I pulled outta my ass.

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Britney Lopez
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Post » Sun May 26, 2013 11:29 am

i tried that, i didnt enjoy it as much as i hoped to

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Jessie Rae Brouillette
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Post » Sun May 26, 2013 1:57 am

What race should i be and how should I use that race. I already was a thief, assassin, Mage, and a warrior. I want to try something new
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kirsty joanne hines
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Post » Sun May 26, 2013 12:17 am

Perhaps you need a break.
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saharen beauty
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Post » Sun May 26, 2013 10:38 am

Bosmer Hunter/Explorer, thats a basic type character, you can go simple or very complex with. Bow, light armor or cloth, simple melee weapon for upclose, "calm" spell, alchemy.
If you've always followed questlines, don't do any at all, or only as much as it takes to get something you might want, ie Dragons or shouts.
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Robyn Howlett
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Post » Sun May 26, 2013 2:08 pm

I enjoy making outcast characters- Nords that use magic that have been ostracized, wood elves that are trackers and experts with bows that use alteration and touches of conjuration, high elves that are restoration based that fight against their own people, etc. I find that role playing someone on the outside looking in makes for some fun interactions with NPC's and interesting challenges due to the restrictions of the role play.

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Oscar Vazquez
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Post » Sun May 26, 2013 7:28 am

I needed some fresh ideas for a play through myself. I wound up using the loading screens as inspiration for character concepts. I rolled a female Breton illusionist that looks exactly like the screen. And a male Orsimer berserker dual-wielder, again looks like the screen. I'm having fun again. Though I did take a month break.

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James Rhead
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Post » Sun May 26, 2013 9:25 am

I am currently playing a female Breton lisbian archer, who also uses a war axe and destruction (fire and electricity) for up close melee battles. She just married the chick from Riverwood, but had adopted the girl from Windhelm as soon as she finished Lakewood. Now they all live in Markarth.

She loves riding her horse (using Convenient Horses to make him carry things for her), be-heading mages, conjurers, and vampires with her axe, but doesn't kill anyone/thing who doesn't attack her first (except for the dark brotherhood contracts). She will not take sides in the civil war.

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Andrew Perry
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