new PC player, help me find the right mods

Post » Sat Dec 07, 2013 7:18 pm

I'm a long time Elder Scrolls fan (since Morrowind), but have only ever played on XBox. I'm about to get a gaming laptop, so I'll finally be able to play the PC version of the game. I'd like to get a heads up on some great mods specific for my gaming style.

What I DON'T want is mods that make the game 'hardcoe', that make it harder or take away fast travel or make it so I have to eat every 10 minutes...that all sounds miserable, like when I used to watch my ex play the sims and all she did was pretend to pick up garbage for hours on end. Sheesh, you could be picking up REAL garbage if you want to so bad! I know there's some great mods out there like this, but I'm just not interested in any hardcoe modes...I've always been pathetic at fighting in games, and I die plenty even on the default difficulty setting.

Anyway, now that I got that out of the way, here's what I DO want:

*anything that adds more variety and customizeability to the game. More items, potions, recipes, armor, options, etc

*something to fix the game's economy....what I mean by this is that, on the console version, once you hit lv 20 you basically have access to unlimited money, by picking up everything you can carry and selling it, selling off crafted items, etc. It gets so that anything you could want in the game you can afford no problem, and the game loses it's appeal then. I want it to be where there's ALWAYS new and better stuff to find and buy.

Those are the main things I'm looking for, but I'm also open to anything that makes things easier/more user friendly, prettier, etc. I'm open to other suggestions as well, but I think I covered the basics of my top priorities.

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Marcin Tomkow
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