New Player - Questions

Post » Mon Jul 11, 2011 11:27 pm

Greetings all! Not completely new as I have around 50 hours into Oblivion but everything feels new. Of those hours I have done one main quest! Lots to do. Really getting caught up in the world. I'm consulting the Wiki online but still need some help.


1)Can I remove Spells from my "inventory". That is if I've purchased a higher level spell can I get rid of the lower level one? Only reason I can think of is to remove clutter?

2)Hot key has eight slots - is there another way to equip more than those eight?

3)What does bounding do? I've used a Scroll to bound a helmet and boots but unsure of the effects.

4)Is the only way to recharge your magic items (sword,etc) is to visit a mage and pay them to recharge or use one of the (name?) stones? I'm a Journeyman Armorer and can repair the items but can't recharge. Does the recharge come at a higher skill level?

5)Can you zoom the map in and out?

6)I'm playing a Dark Elf, Birthsign The Mage, Class Archer. Should I be wearing a certain set of armour? Say Heavy over Medium?

7)Does anyone change armour clothing for certain combat situations? Say, entering a dunegon for better sneak?

8)How large of objects can you pick up with Remote Manipulation?

9)Does a "On Touch" spell mean you have to use melee for the spell to work?

That's all I have for now.

Thanks for the help!
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Robert Jackson
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 10:49 am

You cannot remove learned spells from your Inventory that I am aware of. You can however remove anything else and store them in drawers or chests in one of your houses. I neatly organize my things at my house in Anvil.

There are only 8 hotkey slots, but you can switch them up at any point. I usually keep Major Heal, Soul Trap, Pack Mule, three destruction spells and a Night-eye spell handy all the time.

Bound spells, as far as I know, prevent that particular item from being damaged or worn out during the duration of the spell.
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 9:18 am

Charging enchanted items can be done through getting a mage's guild member to recharge them, soul gems that are alresdy filled or empty ones filled by soul trapping, and through a particularly semi-rare gems called Varla Stones that can be found in Alyied Ruins.

Unmodded, you cannot zoom your map in and out.

Armor type is really a personal preference. I played usually with robes and light armor. It depends which ones you like better. I would suggest light armor for you, but its your preferences.

I sometimes change armor during combat. Usually in between, though. Also, I mix it up now and then. I change enchanted jewelry often.

I never used Remote Manipulation or any Telekenisis spells, so I couldn't say.

"On touch" simply means the spell is a contact spell. Used for close range. When you use it, you'll see the hand be held up and a flash. You run up to enemies or items and literally touch them with the spell.

Hope that helps!!! Glad you're enjoying it!!!!
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Danger Mouse
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 12:48 pm

"Bound" items are just weapons and armor you can summon for the duration of the spell. The armor just protects you like any other armor and weapons are just used like any other. Only difference is that it is weightless and disappears after a certain amount of time.

You have to use soul gems to recharge items or pay mages. You can capture souls for empty soul gems by using a soul trap spell and then killing the enemy. You cannot capture an NPC's soul unless you have a black soul gem.

No map zoom

For an archer I'd suggest light armor, but that's just personal preference.

EDIT: ninja'd
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Yung Prince
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 7:44 am

Greetings all! Not completely new as I have around 50 hours into Oblivion but everything feels new. Of those hours I have done one main quest! Lots to do. Really getting caught up in the world. I'm consulting the Wiki online but still need some help.


1)Can I remove Spells from my "inventory". That is if I've purchased a higher level spell can I get rid of the lower level one? Only reason I can think of is to remove clutter? No

2)Hot key has eight slots - is there another way to equip more than those eight? if you have a PC there are mods for that but in the vanilla game no. Only eight

3)What does bounding do? I've used a Scroll to bound a helmet and boots but unsure of the effects. When being used you get temporary armour or weapon you can use. It will not last long.

4)Is the only way to recharge your magic items (sword,etc) is to visit a mage and pay them to recharge or use one of the (name?) stones? I'm a Journeyman Armorer and can repair the items but can't recharge. Does the recharge come at a higher skill level? One way to recharge them is with full soul gems. You come across empty ones. To fill them, you need a weapon with a soul trap enchantment. All you have to do is use that soul trap weapon and use it once on the creature. When the creature dies you capture its soul. After you capture that soul, you use that soul gem to recharge that weapon. Warning soul traps enchantment have time limits. Kill the creature before the time limit runs out. To fix your enchantment weapon or armour you need level 50 in armourer. * You can also have Soul Trap Spells by range or touch or both and time limits.*

5)Can you zoom the map in and out? If you talking about the world map? No. But you can move it by pressing the left mouse button with the arrow on the map. Thats if you on the PC

6)I'm playing a Dark Elf, Birthsign The Mage, Class Archer. Should I be wearing a certain set of armour? Say Heavy over Medium? You can use any armour you like. There is only two types of armour. Heavy and light. There are npc's out there use both type of armour for bow and arrow. By the class you picked looks like light armour.

7)Does anyone change armour clothing for certain combat situations? Say, entering a dunegon for better sneak? For I no. I cannot speak for others

8)How large of objects can you pick up with Remote Manipulation? Any size that can be picked up

9)Does a "On Touch" spell mean you have to use melee for the spell to work? So you touch your girlfriend with a sword? You touch your girlfriend with your hand. So 'On Touch' you touch with your hand not weapon.

That's all I have for now.

Thanks for the help!

* Edit
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Mandi Norton
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 10:22 am

1) Not without mods. Try []Spell Delete and Item Remove[/url]

2) There are mods that give you more hotkeys, but I don't use any, so I'm not sure what to recommend. Try searching or

4) As mentioned try filling empty soul gems yourself. You need a soul trap spell for that and to kill the creature within the time duration of the soul trap spell. If that is not an option at the time, buying filled soul gems from mages guilds and magic shops is cheaper than having a mage recharge the enhanted item for you.

5) Not normally. There may be mods that give you that feature. I don't know for sure.

6) Where whatever you want. Although the lighter the better if you want to move around faster.

7) The weight of you boots effect how well you sneak, up to a certain sneak skill level. After that point, you don't have to worry anymore.

8) Don't know. I'm thinking any loose object that displays a name in the lower right of your screen.

9) You don't have use melee to get the spell to work, but rather you need to be within melee range (close enough for your character's hand to reach out and touch). Your skill level in that school of magic (that the spell falls under) and how much magicka you have determine whether if you can cast any given spell.

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Agnieszka Bak
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 9:58 am

'On touch' range = close enough for the target's ID tag to show up on your screen. Sneak up to the rat; as soon as the word 'rat' pops on the screen, blast him with your touch spell.
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Georgine Lee
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 12:33 pm

My only advise: Discover yourself what works and how. Don′t read the wiki too much and don′t ask here unless you′re really stumped. Of course you′re welcome to, I just say that it will probably be much more rewarding to find things out by yourself :)

Happy gaming :foodndrink:
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Christie Mitchell
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Post » Mon Jul 11, 2011 9:28 pm

damn, I've been ninja'd by everyone else, but I'd like to add I do change my armour around depending on situation. If I'm in a town, say going shopping, I'll take off my armour and wear civilain clothes. If I'm in the wilderness I might wear armour if I go by foot. If I go in any dungeons/ caves/ forts, I'll always wear armour to protect myself. There's no reason why you can't wear armour all the time, but I prefer it like this for role-play purposes.

Also, I'd like to add something you didn't ask about but might encounter- be careful which containers you use to keep your stuff in. You might find it's disappeared when you go back to it.
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