I have modeled a mesh based on the better body one for the High Elfs. I always picture them slim and tall. Since the meshes lost a lot of weight around the chest, they are still perfectly better clothes compatible. Now I wanted different textures if not different meshes for young High Elfs (like Nalcarya of White Haven) and old ones (like Estirdalin). So instead of simply replacing the mesh, I started off my first custom race: High Elf SO is the Id. And then I ran into troubles. In short:
I created a new race High Elf SO. I left the name as High Elf because thats what the race should still be called by NPCs. Copied the skills and attributes over from the real thing and set the meshes accordingly. It works fine, only: even though I created IDs for the Head and Hair, they don't show up in the NPC edit dialog. So, in my Object Window, Tab "Body Part", I see:
[ID] [Type] [Race] [Part] [Model]
he_f_so_foot Skin High Elf SO Foot bs\he_f_so.nif
he_f_so_ankle Skin High Elf SO Ankle bs\he_f_so.nif
... ... ... ... ...
he_f_hair_01 Skin High Elf SO Hair b\B_N_High Elf_F_Hair_01
he_f_hair_02 Skin High Elf SO Hair b\B_N_High Elf_F_Hair_02
he_f_hair_03 Skin High Elf SO Hair b\B_N_High Elf_F_Hair_03
... ... ... ... ...
he_f_head_01 Skin High Elf SO Head b\B_N_High Elf_F_Head_01
he_f_head_02 Skin High Elf SO Head b\B_N_High Elf_F_Head_02
... ... ... ... ...
Now when I assign a race to a NPC, I can select "High Elf SO" (for "Slim" or "Skinny" and "Old"): but the list-boxes for the heads and hairs simply remain empty! :confused:
I was expecting to be able to select the head and hair IDs for that particular NPC - but no. The body does show up in game alright, but since I cant select a head for my race, its a no brainer. :facepalm: (<= sorry. I just had to apologize for this one. But couldn't delete it either.)
Why cant the editor simply list all the head and hair parts that belong to the selected Race ID? errr - um - help? pretty please?

What do I have to do to make the defined head and hair IDs show up when I assign my custom race to a NPC?