Incorrect. Fallout is about: "War. War never changes." As the common introduction displays in Ron Perlman's own words.
Sarcasm mode off
Survival is part of that theme.. the games turn you lose on the world that is ravaged by war and where "war" like situations will always be present. On a second level it is about how civilization is basically built on conflict.. or that no civilization will ever adhere to peace.
(btw nitpick: Ron Pearlman voices the authors words... they are certainly not his own)
In all matters a new race would not change your gameplay nor the style of your game, as you already preach for cohesiveness.
It would be an addition for people who want it. Not a change in theme. Just a roleplaying extension under gameplay of choice.
It would be an addition for people who want it. Not a change in theme. Just a roleplaying extension under gameplay of choice.
The main problem (and this is an actual argument) is that there are fans who feel that playing a different race would alter their enjoyment of the game. Because for them it would be a change of style they don't like.
Your argument is that is should be added because a ) People want it and b ) it adds to the rp element of the game.
Well if we added everything groups of people wanted we could also use this argument to: Add cars, kill the hud, make it isometric again, etc.. etc..
Adding choice of race (as in creature) adding to RP aspects of the game ... I don't see it..... it would be very shallow additions ..
The main argument is however that FO is first and foremost a story driven RPG. Where TES developed into a freeroam RPG.. In TES your toon is considered a complete blank slate..., where as in FO part of your background is always known. (TES we never know why you are a prisoner. FO we start the game because of a MQ related element forces your toon in a situation)
Apart from FO:NV every toon saw the ravaged wasteland (as a human) for the first time.. It is part of the charm of the game.. it is part of the franchise.
Fans of franchises..., like it or not will always be conservative.. and in the case of FO3 there are actual arguments to make you understand that view.
They are somewhere up to the northwest, close to my secret safeh... i mean destroid farmhouses, look in the mountains and you will find a crashed spaceship. I never mentioned them being a faction, i said they were in fallout 3 and new vegas and im right.
And I never claimed otherwise.. I just explained why people would not accept them as a playable race (ie faction)
In FO3 they were, as some felt, an easter-egg taken too far... and have a possible controversial impact on the lore
Since there is no story impact... one could consider them to be an extended easter egg.. (Which it likely will remain)
They are however not in New Vegas... They are in your Vegas... as ..... an ...... easter egg..
How... The wild wasteland trait adds them to the game.. (as well as Indiana Jones, Star Wars named characters, holy hand grenades etc..)
Some people do say that they are even though you dont have the wild wasteland trait, but that they dont carry an alien blaster, rather a gauss rifle. Me, i have never playid without Wild Wasteland so i dont know.
Oh tip don't use hearsay as an argument..
So jokes on you pall, cause all i said was true, so you cant really argue.

I just explained why me and others consider them not to be a " true" part of the FO-verse...