Definitely what I'm saying. So what you do is either get licenses from the bands so your in house band can redo the song in 1950s style, or you can ask the band yourself.
I love the music of fallout but it is decidedly lacking in great fire fight music.
I would love to here Light'em Up by fallout boy (yep..... FALLOUT boy) in the game in a 1950s style or in its current style. I'm sure they would love to do that. Or hell, get someone like Michael Buble to cover some modern current songs. Him, Elle King, Megan Trainor, they have that nice sound where they sound like 1950s period singers.
Hippies were confirmed in FNV. Some hippie music to slaughter by would be cool.
(To me, one of the most brilliant things about F3 was that the music was at such odds with the game play. It didn't fit at all, which weirdly made it perfect. I'm very glad we're going to have more variety this time, but I suspect a bit of that magic ((which my favorite Fallout, New Vegas, sadly failed to catch)) will be lost.)
edit: Calling it now, if "" is in the Fallout 4 soundtrack (and it's totally fitting), I may very well cry. Probably my all-time favorite song. (The would be nice too, but it may be too lush/late to be appropriate)
Not only that, but aren't a few of the songs even in the public domain by now? I know that radio extender mods take full advantage of public domain.
I wonder how much period surf rock I can find in the public domain, if any.
Sadly not. Thanks to Disneys lobbying a ton of what would have been Public Domain can be monetized nearly indefinetly. You can thank Disney for that.
I'm the kind of guy,
who likes to sit around,
wondering bout things,
all over town.
cause I'm the wonderer, I'm the wonderer...
I used to love Karen Carpenter's "The End of the World" version. I knew it was a remake, but wasn't aware of who the original artist was.
All this is great news though. Can't wait to listen to tunes and play some PipBoy games.
Its because most of the music that they use is in Public Domain. So any music from 1800s to 1965 is in public domain if the author is dead. It would be nice if they would update the FO bible or lore to narrow down how the timelines differ at the point of divergence. because currently there is no information on the Vietnam War within the FO timeline, so if that war didn't happen in the timeline, then perhaps most of the music of that time period didn't happen either.
It would be cool to meet a wasteland band. I once suggested for a DLC that we could search for new records for 3 Dog; finding sheet music would work as well.
In my F3/FNV wanderings I eventually turn the pip-boy radio off, but sometimes when I encounter a radio out in the wastes I'll listen for a short while. It's sort of cool, that thin sounding music.
As long as they don't go to 80's songs i'm good, i heard that stuff sooooo much when i was younger its just hard to listen to sometimes. heck i wasn't into music that much until Fallout 3 & New vegas. as long as they stick to the 1950's to 1970's or maybe 1960's i'll continue to enjoy fallouts radio stations, heck if i can i'll use the Pipboy app to play the music out of game if i can.
This just made my day. The more music in game the better. My mind is racing with music selections they could have made. I love music and I love listening to others playlist just to see their take on music, so I am really stoked about this.
I don't believe they ever hinted at hippies. I'm pretty sure beatniks existed in the Fallout universe, based on Three Dog and what he had to say about his parents, but I don't recall anything that hinted about the existence of hippies in New Vegas. This Machine had "WELL THIS MACHINE KILLS COMMIES" written on it, not hippies.
Lots of hippie graffiti on the bunkers in Hidden Valley. Peace signs, even.
Various Megaton settlers warn you to "not let them fool you with their hippie crap"
This isn't true. US copyright varies wildly depending on the date of creation. While the classical work may be free of copyright (May being the key word,it depends on who recorded the used version) most of the pop/rock is about 95 years from the time of creation. Modern stuff however (1978+) is from the entire life of the artist + 70 years.
Oh, yeah? Bummer!
Also, references in Lonesome Road.
I suspect they weren't as prevalent in the FO universe as in ours.
Ahh, I forgot about the peace signs. Though those don't really make much sense in the context of the Fallout universe. The peace sign as we know it is a combination of the flag semaphore positions for N and D, standing for Nuclear Disarmament. I can't really see any significant opposition to a technology that society so strongly embraces.
Probably not. It was that generation that moved us away from the nuclear family. Since Fallout embraces that ideal...
I'm sure that made certain fringe elements resist even more strongly. Maybe Fallout hippies were less numerous, but more fanatical? Not that we're likely to get confirmation of that... Also I never knew that about semaphores, that's mildly interesting.