[RELz] New Roads & Bridges Revised

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:34 am

Ha! I dont suggest going up to the top of the new towers...its a long way down through the meshes! :cheat: (or is it just me?)
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saharen beauty
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:15 pm

Those towers should be accessible up top... they are for me anyway. If not then ... I dunno ?

As for the land tear in some of the UL patches, yeah, looks like I only fixed one of the 4 and need to reup the other 3 after I make sure nothing got messed up while fixing them.
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Christina Trayler
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:32 pm

At the top of the two towers, the floors are fall-throughable for me. I can stand on the trap door, but if i move off I fall all the way through the tower. Also, I notice that I cant jump well, or move the camera high up there. Its like there is an invisible sky ceiling right above me. Any ideas?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:50 am

Ok. Patches that needed fixing are back up again.

The towers are an annoyance. Apparently that was one of the pieces Sjors modified for me to fix and optimize collision on and that's why I can go up top without harm. The vanilla tower has defective collision. Since I really want people to be able to go up there I'll include that modified mesh in another update. In the meantime, just don't step off the trap doors if you go up :)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:42 pm

Exactly which ones were updated again? (I just downloaded and upgraded yesterday)

The timestamp on them all still says the 23rd
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:40 am

The ones covering anything to do with UL:Imperial Isle. Both on Nexus and on PES. If it still hasn't updated, then seriously, I give up. I've about had it with whatever went wrong over there at Nexus lately and not being able to reliably upload things.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:23 pm

I downloaded the updated patches but I still get land tears. Also the part of the road leading from Tower to Arcane University disappeared.
I guess its my load order. Any advice? Im posting my load order again

51 LetThePeopleDrink.esp [Version 2.5]
54 Region Revive - Lake Rumare.esp
78 road+bridges.esp [Version 4.5]
9D RR - LTPDPatch.esp
9E xulImperialIsle.esp [Version 1.6.3]
9F NRB4+UL-II+LtPD Patch.esp [Version 3.0]
A0 RegionReviveLakeRumare-ImperialIsle patch.esp [Version 2.1.1]
A1 NRB4+RR Patch.esp [Version 1.0]

Minor thing: the sides of a bridge are much darker then the central part when looking from distance. When Im getting closer to the bridge they got lighter and match the central part in colour. Im using QTP3R and RAEVD.
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Heather beauchamp
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:42 am

I downloaded the updated patches but I still get land tears. Also the part of the road leading from Tower to Arcane University disappeared.
I guess its my load order. Any advice? Im posting my load order again

51 LetThePeopleDrink.esp [Version 2.5]
54 Region Revive - Lake Rumare.esp
78 road+bridges.esp [Version 4.5]
9D RR - LTPDPatch.esp
9E xulImperialIsle.esp [Version 1.6.3]
9F NRB4+UL-II+LtPD Patch.esp [Version 3.0]
A0 RegionReviveLakeRumare-ImperialIsle patch.esp [Version 2.1.1]
A1 NRB4+RR Patch.esp [Version 1.0]

I'm getting the exact same land tear (and I don't have Region Revive).
The odd thing is that I can't seem to recreate the same tear in the construction set - it gives far worse; an entire cell shifted far more.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:11 am

Good catch, you'll both need to go grab NRB4+UL-II+LtPD Patch.esp again since it turned out that the landscape patching in an unrelated cell corrupted itself when being copied by tes4edit. Everything should be all squared up now.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:24 am

Good catch, you'll both need to go grab NRB4+UL-II+LtPD Patch.esp again since it turned out that the landscape patching in an unrelated cell corrupted itself when being copied by tes4edit. Everything should be all squared up now.


Thanks Arthmoor :D
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:11 am

I have tried to install this mod one way thruough obmm no esp seen after activated 2 I put the folders into the data part and still nothing sghowed up in wryre bash please help
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lisa nuttall
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:41 am

EDIT: I've gone mad-- thought I was talking about OC.

Hang on :) .

No, I was right the first time. This mod should also be installed via BAIN (Wrye Bash Installers tab), as it is set up as a BAIN install. Unless you know how to customize your extracted archive prior to omodding, or how to write an omod installation script, you're out of luck using the OBMM.

Deactivate and delete the OMOD you now have (it's useless). Take the archive and put it in Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion Mods\Bain Installers. Open Wrye Bash and go to the installers tab. Select NRB and check the parts of it you want to use on the right side. Then right click on NRB on the left side and choose Install. The parts of the mod you checked will then be installed.
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Mrs shelly Sugarplum
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:47 pm

EDIT: I've gone mad-- thought I was talking about OC.

Hang on :) .

No, I was right the first time. This mod should also be installed via BAIN (Wrye Bash Installers tab), as it is set up as a BAIN install. Unless you know how to customize your extracted archive prior to omodding, or how to write an omod installation script, you're out of luck using the OBMM.

Deactivate and delete the OMOD you now have (it's useless). Take the archive and put it in Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion Mods\Bain Installers. Open Wrye Bash and go to the installers tab. Select NRB and check the parts of it you want to use on the right side. Then right click on NRB on the left side and choose Install. The parts of the mod you checked will then be installed.

I see the installer tab how do you put it into the installer part is throuhg the data file or someother way?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:59 am

I see the installer tab how do you put it into the installer part is throuhg the data file or someother way?

Take the archive (by which I mean New_Roads_and_Bridges_v45-20218.7z) and put it in Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion Mods\Bain Installers. (EDIT: this assumes your game is installed to ?:\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion. My game is, for example, installed to E:\Games\Oblivion, so my WB Installers folder is E:\games\Oblivion Mods\Bain Installers. The folder "Oblivion Mods", which contains the "Bain Installers" folder, is installed by Wrye Bash to the same folder where the Oblivion folder is located. All archives you want to appear in the installer should be placed in the Bain Installers folder, which is inside the Oblivion Mods folder, which is in the same folder as the Oblivion folder. Not inside the Oblivion folder, but inside the folder that contains the Oblivion folder, just as the Oblivion folder contains the Data folder. You follow ;) ?) Open Wrye Bash and go to the installers tab. Select NRB and check the parts of it you want to use on the right side. Then right click on NRB on the left side and choose Install. The parts of the mod you checked will then be installed.

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:31 pm

Hello Arthmoor,

I recently installed your latest patches (II+LTPD+NR&B and Region Revive+NR&B). Great work!

However I did discover a land tear next to the Waysherine Inn just south of the main entrace to Imperial City. (See screenshot below.)


Please Respond.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:29 pm

Wayshrine Inn is on the west side of the island and is not affected by the roads mod at all. You'll need to make sure you have the http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13834 for Region Revive and UL:Imperial Isle instead.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:56 am

Wayshrine Inn is on the west side of the island and is not affected by the roads mod at all. You'll need to make sure you have the http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13834 for Region Revive and UL:Imperial Isle instead.


Thanks for your quick response.

I did as you suggested and downloaded and instralled the RegionReviveLakeRumare-ImperialIsle_patch_v1.31 as found at your link. Unfortunately, I still get the land tear near Wayshrine Inn just west of the road leading to the Imperial Isle Main Gate. My load order as sorted by BOSS using the Dec 04 2009 Masterlist follows:

Active Mod Files:00  Oblivion.esm01  ScreenEffects.esm02  All Natural Base.esm  [Version 0.9.7]03  Francesco's Leveled Creatures-Items Mod.esm04  Francesco's Optional New Items Add-On.esm05  Cobl Main.esm  [Version 1.67]06  Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esm  [Version 1.34]07  Mart's Monster Mod.esm  [Version 3.7b1]08  TamrielTravellers.esm  [Version 1.39c]09  FCOM_Convergence.esm  [Version 0.9.9a7]0A  Armamentarium.esm  [Version 1.2.2]0B  ArmamentariumFran.esm0C  Kvatch Rebuilt.esm0D  Better Cities Resources.esm0E  HrmnsOblivionScriptOptimizationv1.0.esp0F  Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp  [Version 3.2.0]10  FlamesRandomLightUOP.esp11  UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp  [Version 1.0.0]12  Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp13  Better Cities .esp14  Francesco's Optional Chance of Stronger Bosses.esp15  Francesco's Optional Chance of Stronger Enemies.esp16  Francesco's Dark Seducer Weapons Patch.esp++  FCOM_Francescos.esp  [Version 0.9.9]++  FCOM_FrancescosItemsAddOn.esp  [Version 0.9.9]17  FCOM_FrancescosNamedBosses.esp  [Version 0.9.9]18  Fran Armor Add-on.esp19  Fran_Lv30Item_Maltz.esp1A  LoadingScreens.esp1B  Natural_Habitat_by_Max_Tael.esp1C  All Natural - Real Lights.esp  [Version 0.9.7]1D  All Natural.esp  [Version 0.9.7]1E  All Natural - EW + NW + AWS.esp  [Version 0.9.6]1F  All Natural - Debug Ring.esp20  Kvatch Rebuilt Weather Patch.esp21  Enhanced Water v2.0 HD.esp22  Symphony of Violence.esp23  Atmospheric Oblivion.esp24  Storms & Sound.esp25  Rainbows.esp26  WindowLightingSystem.esp27  AliveWaters.esp28  AliveWaters - Koi Addon.esp29  AliveWaters - Slaughterfish Addon.esp2A  Book Jackets Oblivion.esp2B  Cats & Rats.esp2C  ClocksOfCyrodiil_BC_OBC_OC_OCLR_Vanilla.esp2D  Fish!.esp2E  BetterMusicSystem.esp2F  P1DlookHereYou.esp30  Portable Campsite - Quickstart.esp31  REBetterLCB.esp32  TryBeforeYouBuy.esp33  Living Economy - Items.esp34  Cutthroat Merchants.esp35  Crowded Roads.esp  [Version 2.0]36  Map Markers Be Done -Elys-.esp37  Maps!.esp38  Landmarks, w Wells.esp  [Version 1.10]39  IHNW - Slof's Horses Original.esp3A  Slof's Horses Base.esp3B  Slof's Extra Horses.esp3C  Slof's Black Unicorn.esp3D  FF_Horse_Whistle.esp3E  KDCircletsOOOOptimized - NPC Equip.esp  [Version 1.2]3F  FCOM_KDCircletsOOOOptimizedNPCEquip.esp  [Version 0.9.9]40  ExnemRuneskulls.esp++  FCOM_ExnemRuneskulls.esp  [Version 0.9.9]41  Cobl Glue.esp  [Version 1.63]++  FCOM_Cobl.esp  [Version 0.9.9]42  Bob's Armory Oblivion.esp43  FCOM_BobsArmory.esp  [Version 0.9.9]44  Loth's Blunt Weapons for Npcs.esp++  FCOM_LothsBluntWeapons.esp  [Version 0.9.9]45  Oblivion WarCry EV.esp46  FCOM_WarCry.esp  [Version 0.9.9]47  Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esp  [Version 1.34]48  ArmamentariumLLMagic.esp  [Version 1.05]49  ArmamentariumArtifacts.esp  [Version 1.2.2]4A  ArmamentariumLLArmaVendor.esp  [Version 1.2.2]4B  FCOM_Convergence.esp  [Version 0.9.9]4C  FCOM_EntropicOrderRebalance.esp  [Version 0.9.9beta2]4D  FCOM_RealSwords.esp  [Version 0.9.9]4E  Mart's Monster Mod - More Wilderness Life.esp  [Version 3.7b1]++  FCOM_SaferRoads.esp  [Version 0.9.9]++  FCOM_LessRats.esp  [Version 0.9.9]4F  Mart's Monster Mod - Looting NPCs & Creatures.esp  [Version 3.7b1]++  Mart's Monster Mod - No Giants.esp  [Version 3.7b1]50  Mart's Monster Mod - Vindasel.esp  [Version 3.7b1]51  Mart's Monster Mod - Foxes.esp  [Version 3.7b1]52  Mart's Monster Mod - Farm Animals.esp  [Version 3.7b1]53  TamrielTravellers4OOO.esp  [Version 1.39c]54  TamrielTravellersItemsNPC.esp  [Version 1.39c]**  TamrielTravellersHorseTextures.esp++  FCOM_TamrielTravelers.esp  [Version 0.9.9]++  FCOM_DiverseGuardUnity.esp  [Version 0.9.9]++  FCOM_BobsGuardUnity.esp  [Version 0.9.9]++  FCOM_FriendlierFactions.esp  [Version 0.9.9]55  TIE In.esp  [Version 1.2b]56  TIE In - ExnemRuneskulls.esp  [Version 1.2b]57  TIE In - Cobl.esp  [Version 1.2b]58  TIE In - FCOM Convergence.esp  [Version 1.2b]59  TIE In - RealSwords.esp  [Version 1.2b]5A  TIE In - DiverseGuardUnity.esp  [Version 1.2b]5B  TIE In - BobsGuardUnity.esp  [Version 1.2b]5C  ArmamentariumLL4OOO.esp5D  OOO-WaterFish.esp  [Version 1.34]5E  Cathedral Improver.esp5F  Clamshell_Cottage_v1.5_COBL.esp60  Delivery Job - BC.esp61  Imperial House.esp62  Kvatch Rebuilt.esp63  Kvatch Rebuilt - OOO Compatibility.esp64  Kvatch Rebuilt - Leveled Guards - FCOM.esp65  Lakeview2.esp66  OldCrowInn.esp  [Version 1.5]67  LetThePeopleDrink.esp  [Version 2.5]68  OrangeroadCottage.esp69  Region Revive - Lake Rumare.esp6A  Scribe Supplies.esp6B  Shezrie's Villages.esp6C  Valley_View_Estate.esp6D  Villages1.1.esp6E  za_bankmod.esp6F  road+bridges.esp  [Version 4.5]70  Vergayun.esp  [Version 1.0.3]71  Faregyl.esp  [Version 1.0.8]72  xuldarkforest.esp  [Version 1.0.3]73  xulStendarrValley.esp  [Version 1.2.1]74  xulTheHeath.esp75  MMMMWL-TheHeath patch.esp76  XulEntiusGorge.esp77  xulFallenleafEverglade.esp  [Version 1.3]78  xulColovianHighlands_EV.esp  [Version 1.2.1]79  xulChorrolHinterland.esp  [Version 1.2.2]7A  xulBeachesOfCyrodiilLostCoast.esp  [Version 1.6.2]7B  Castle_Almgard-V2.esp7C  xulBravilBarrowfields.esp  [Version 1.3.2]7D  xulLushWoodlands.esp  [Version 1.3]7E  xulAncientYews.esp  [Version 1.4.1]7F  xulAncientRedwoods.esp  [Version 1.6]80  xulCloudtopMountains.esp  [Version 1.0.1]81  Ravenview-Cloudtop-Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.4]82  xulArriusCreek.esp  [Version 1.1.2]83  xulPatch_AY_AC.esp  [Version 1.1]84  xulRollingHills_EV.esp  [Version 1.3.2]85  MMMMWL-RollingHills patch.esp86  xulPantherRiver.esp87  xulRiverEthe.esp  [Version 1.0.1]88  xulBrenaRiverRavine.esp  [Version 1.0.2]89  xulImperialIsle.esp  [Version 1.6.3]8A  xulBlackwoodForest.esp8B  xulCheydinhalFalls.esp  [Version 1.0]8C  KvatchRebuilt-CheydinhalFalls patch.esp8D  NRB4+UL-II+LtPD Patch.esp  [Version 3.0]8E  RegionReviveLakeRumare-ImperialIsle patch.esp  [Version 2.1.1]8F  RR - LTPDPatch.esp90  NRB4+RR Patch.esp  [Version 1.0]++  FCOM_UnofficialFranArmorAddon.esp  [Version 0.9.9]91  Harvest [Flora].esp  [Version 3.0.0]92  ImprovedSoulgems.esp  [Version 1.11]93  Kyoma's Journal Mod.esp  [Version 3.2.0]94  more books teach.esp95  Salmo the Baker, Cobl.esp  [Version 3.08]96  Enhanced Vegetation [125%].esp97  Slof's Dogs.esp98  Storms & Sound - Bank of Cyrodiil.esp99  Storms & Sound - Better Cities.esp9A  RealSleep.esp9B  AgarMoreVariedSpellEffects.esp9C  RH 1.4 with Immersive Grumble Sounds.esp9D  RenGuardOverhaul.esp9E  Mart's Monster Mod - Resized Races.esp  [Version 3.7b1]9F  Beautiful PeopleV22 - MaleReplacerV4.espA0  Beautiful People.espA1  Better Cities - Full City Defences.espA2  Better Cities Full.espA3  Better Cities - Unique Landscape Barrowfields.espA4  Better Cities - Unique Landscape Chorrol Hinterland.espA5  BCCheydinhalFULL-CheydinhalFalls patch.espA6  Better Cities - Unique Landscape Cheydinhal Falls.espA7  Better Cities - Valley View Estate.espA8  Better Imperial City.espA9  Better Imperial City FPS Patch.espAA  Better Cities - Old Crow Inn.espAB  Better Cities - COBL.esp  [Version 2]AC  Better Cities Full FPS Patch.espAD  MRP - Loading area.espAE  BubbleFx.espAF  ScreenControls.espB0  Visually Realistic Lava.espB1  MiniMap.espB2  NRB4 Standard Road Record.esp**  All Natural - Indoor Weather Filter For Mods.espB3  Bashed Patch, 0.espB4  FormID Finder4.espB5  CleanQuit.espB6  Streamline 3.1.espB7  StokerWolff.esp

Could the patch I downloaded by obsolete? The Boss load order listing for this patch is as follows:

8E RegionReviveLakeRumare-ImperialIsle patch.esp [Version 2.1.1]

Please advise.

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:15 pm

Could the patch I downloaded by obsolete? The Boss load order listing for this patch is as follows:

8E RegionReviveLakeRumare-ImperialIsle patch.esp [Version 2.1.1]

Yes, it was obsolete. But that version number you have tagged there is incorrect regardless. The one that you had should have been labeled as 1.3.1, the one I just uploaded to the UL patch page is 1.3.2. I'm not sure how that patch has been sitting on Nexus all this time with nobody saying anything about it after Psymon last mentioned it and me swearing up and down that I'd already fixed this. Because I had already fixed it. File's been sitting here in my own load order since April. Anyway, it's fixed now, so all's good.
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Matthew Aaron Evans
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:40 am

I don't think I swore anything up and down. Where did I say that?

It is still torn in my game.
getting update now.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:46 am

I don't think I swore anything up and down. Where did I say that?

It is still torn in my game.
getting update now.

I think you misunderstood - Arthmoor said HE was swearing... ;)
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Sunnii Bebiieh
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:44 pm

Yes, it was obsolete. But that version number you have tagged there is incorrect regardless. The one that you had should have been labeled as 1.3.1, the one I just uploaded to the UL patch page is 1.3.2. I'm not sure how that patch has been sitting on Nexus all this time with nobody saying anything about it after Psymon last mentioned it and me swearing up and down that I'd already fixed this. Because I had already fixed it. File's been sitting here in my own load order since April. Anyway, it's fixed now, so all's good.

Thanks Arthmoor,

I downloaded Patch 1.3.2 and it fixed the land tear.
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James Shaw
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:04 pm

The new NRB4+UL-II+LtPD patch fixes land tears along a new route but I noticed some tears in a area where an old road was, also textures seems a bit funny there.


Any idea why middle of a bridge connecting Imperial Isle next to Acrane University has a different colour than the rest of the bridge when looking from the distance? I guess it may have something to do with texture replacers I use. There is also a slight gap between middle part and left and right part of that bridge.

I got a small request as well. Is there any chance that Road Record was altered to accommodate a patch for Fort Akatosh. The patch shifts a bridge a bit but guards dont seem to notice, they are crossing a river in a place when an old bridge was.
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Red Sauce
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:34 am

Hey, just popping in to say thanks for this. The new roads fit in well and are quite useful, and I think it's really cool to see guards and travellers and such making use of them instead of just myself.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:54 am

Hey a question about the new roads and their location, is there a nice clean image that shows only the roads and bridges? Or an image that has them highlighted in such a way I can stip away everything but those? I know there are a few maps that include the new roads and bridges but it is hard to isolate just them because of everything else that is also on the map. :)

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Janine Rose
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:17 am

Hey a question about the new roads and their location, is there a nice clean image that shows only the roads and bridges? Or an image that has them highlighted in such a way I can stip away everything but those? I know there are a few maps that include the new roads and bridges but it is hard to isolate just them because of everything else that is also on the map. :)


Here ia a map showing the new roads, dont know which version though

There is a tree growing in the middle of the road, next to Arcane University.

Wouldnt it look better if the tree was removed?
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