» Sat May 28, 2011 8:45 pm
i decided to post a part of my story here incase anyone reads this. I guess i should make an account on chorrol so i can post there too
Thanks mr wolf for recommending chorrol
He was looking down at the floor, his face was covered by long dark hair. The stone floor felt cold, they had taken his boots when they finally caught him. Actually they had taken everything, his armor, his axe, and tomorrow they would take his life.
At the time he thought that was all they could take from him, but he was wrong. Neil had skills, he was a battlemage, and these skills made him an extremely dangerous man. Dangerous enough to warrant an extreme punishment.
There exists a curse that is rarely invoked. This curse strips the very abilities from a person. Such a thing hasn’t been used in many years, lucky Neil.
The cell leaked, drip, drip, drip, it was maddening. Water seeped through the floor, the smell of rat droppings pervaded the air. Neil looked at the stain on the floor, he silently wondered if the ancient stain was blood, or feces, after a moments thought he decided it was some mixture of both.
At least he was to be hung tomorrow, a small relief. Leaning back in the chair, he hoped for a dreamless, uninterrupted sleep. No such luck.
Just as he was finally about to fall asleep he heard the other prisoner’s raspy voice from across the hall, “Oh, look, an Imperial in the Imperial Prison. I guess they don't play favorites, huh? Your own kinsmen think you're a piece of human trash. How sad. I bet the guards give you "special" treatment before the end. Oh, that's right. You're going to die in here, Imperial! You're going to die! Imperial criminal scum like you give the Empire a bad name, you see. You're an embarrassment. Best if you just... Disappeared.”
Neil jerked awake, his eyes flying open. Sitting up in his chair, he looked at the pale dunmer across from him. “Of course I’m gonna die, ash born, I’m the most wanted man in all of southern cyrodiil. If you know what’s good for ya, you’ll shut your mouth, before I shut if for ya.” He stared at the dunmer hoping his outbursts were over.
Neil turned away from the dunmer and slowly drifted to sleep. “You hear that? The guards are coming, for you!” Neil looked up, and sure enough he could hear footsteps echoing off of the stone walls.
“Baurus! Lock that door behind us!” It sounded like a woman’s voice. He heard one of the other guards do as she said.
Looks like they do want to torture me Neil thought to himself. He stood up and walked toward the bars of his cell door.
He heard the old man before he saw him, “My sons, they’re dead aren’t they?” It didn’t sound like a question, more like admitting something he already knew.
The woman replied to him as they came in to view, “We don’t know that, sire. The messenger only said they were attacked.”
“No they’re dead, I know it.”
She didn’t argue, “My job is to get you to safety,” she stood in front of Neil’s cell, “What’s this prisoner doing here?” she said.
One of the guards flanking her stammered “Um, usual mix up at the watch, I..”
She sighed, “Never mind, just get that gate open. Stand back prisoner, we won’t hesitate to kill you if you get in our way.” She put her hand on the hilt of her sword to back up her point.
One of the guards with her told him sternly to stand against the wall, over by the window. Neil walked backwards to the window, he didn’t feel like getting stabbed in the back.
Her group walked into his cell. The old man with them was staring at him. “You…I’ve seen you, you’re the one from my dreams.…Then the stars were right, and this is the day. Gods give me strength.”
Neil was actually curious, it would appear they weren’t here to execute him after all. “What’s going on?” he asked the elderly man.
“Assassins attacked my sons, and I’m next. My Blades are leading me out of the city along a secret escape route. By chance, the entrance to that escape route leads through your cell.”
He already had an idea of who this man was, but he asked anyway, “Who are you?”
“I am your emperor, Uriel Septim. By the grace of the Gods, I serve Tamriel as her ruler. You are a citizen of Tamriel, and you, too, shall serve her in your own way.”
Neil smiled, “You don’t even know who I am, do you know why I’m in this cell?”
“Perhaps the Gods have placed you here so that we may meet. As for what you have done…it does not matter. That is not what you will be remembered for.”
He was a little taken back by the emperor’s reply, “What should I do?” It was a dumb question, it didn’t really matter what he did, he was still going to die tomorrow.
“You should come with us, your fate is bound with mine” The emperor turned away from him as one of his guards pushed in a stone on the wall. A recessed space in the wall that served as a bench slid away, revealing a hidden passage,
As the guards and emperor walked through it one of the guards turned toward him, and told him it was his lucky day.
edit, apperantly the forum doesn't like tabs lol :brokencomputer: